IS IT TRUE? August 8, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? August 8, 2011

IS IT TRUE a highly regarded elected official in the City of Evansville told “CCO Mole 2” yesterday that he knows more about the plans concerning the proposed new arena in Owensboro , KY than the Arena in Evansville? …that we think his statement was sad but true?…that many of the things that have been written and talked about in the master plans of the past in Evansville are now under construction in Owensboro?…that at the present growth rates (or shrinkage rates as the case may be) that Owensboro will someday pass Evansville in population?

IS IT TRUE that the Editor of the CCO missed his weekly segment on the renown Les Shively radio show this week? …that “CCO MOLE #3” found out why he missed the radio show? …that “CCO MOLE #3” tell us that Mr. Wallace over slept?…that on the previous evening that Mr. and Mrs. Wallace went to dinner at Fandango Restaurant in Pacific Grove, CA?…that Fandango was original funded by Alan Shugart who was a friend and sometimes business associate during his early days in Silicon Valley?…that Mr. Wallace learned of his friend’s passing at dinner the night before and elected to stay up reminiscing with Shugart’s partner in Fandango about Al’s life?

IS IT TRUE that Alan Shugart was one of those people who just could not be mastered by outside forces?…that he earned a degree in engineering physics and had a good start on a career as a scientist at IBM before the entrepreneurial spirit came calling?…that Shugart started many enterprises including Fandango, a salmon fishing enterprise, a bar, a consulting firm in the disk memory business, and ultimately Seagate Technology that become the world’s largest manufacturer of disk drives in the world?…that Al became disgusted with California politics and ran his dog Ernest for congress in 1996?…that he also led a ballot initiative to include “none of the above” as an option in all elections in California?…that people like Alan Shugart are the kind of people that always create jobs and wealth in spite of the barriers that society places in their way?…that Alan passed through this world on his own terms and left many wealthy people in his wake?…that Seagate Technology transformed the economy of Scotts Valley, CA, the disk drive industry, and even a couple of countries?…that Evansville could use an Alan Shugart or two?

IS IT TRUE the Mayor and Dave Rector seemly think that Roberts Stadium has no value and should be torn down?…that by setting the budget for maintenance at unsustainably low levels during the last 4 years that the long list of routine maintenance tasks that need to be done at Roberts Stadium has grown to a fairly substantial level?…that one could easily conclude that the demise of Roberts Stadium has been manufactured?…that some have even used the word sabotage to describe the way that the City of Evansville has slowly but surely abandoned its stewardship of Roberts Stadium?…that using excuses like “the toilets and drinking fountains are old” to demolish a multimillion dollar building are laughable?…that what would be of value to any prospective investor in Roberts Stadium would be a thorough and complete inspection of the reality of its condition as opposed to Mr. Rector’s opinions that seem to be playing to the Mayor’s desires?


  1. Weinzapfel and his gang of cronies have been spending money and making promises that are not a true reprenstation of what Evansville really needs. Roberts stadium is one exzmple of a free standing brick veneered building that has many uses and advantages that need to be used not destroyed. The John is going to be nice but will not fit all of venues that a combination of both buildings could accomplish if proper planning is used.

    • Just a thought….If Roberts Stadium was in the same location the “john” is, in the same “dire” condition, would the mayor be clamoring through the newspaper and media that it must be demolished? Maybe, the experts would be saying we can’t make the same mistake we did with the L&N RR Station. Maybe, the Mayor would be holding hands with the Kunkel Group or other developers singing Kumbaya and hoping for funding to save this functional and storied site. Where are the Historical Preservation people? Oh, Maybe they are in someone’s pocket too? It is interesting how the local media (present company excluded) continues to turn a blind eye to everything, Maybe the CCO needs to expand there marketing? Maybe, each of us need to make sure we post on the lockstep media websites with the information they have, and see if they want to hear and see beyond their covered ears and eyes. Challenge these media outlets! Post more comments and write to the so called newspaper and media outlets. Contact the small news reporters at these sites, maybe we will find a Stefanie (Silvey) Jamison who would be willing to dig a little deeper than the Mayor’s voice. The CCO and MoleNation (dibs!) needs to reach out further than the circle of dedicated readers.

  2. If highly regarded elected officials in Evansville know more about the planned Arena in Owensboro than the actual Arena in Evansville, there are really only two courses of action: 1) Evansville should annex Owensboro; or 2) See if Owensboro will buy out the Evansville Arena, and we’d give them naming rights. If they decided to call it the Owensboro West of Evansville, we would have the OWE Arena.

  3. Roberts …
    I think it would be time to get copies of operating – maintenance revenues for the past 3 years and then compare with an average of expenses for 1995 – 2005. Maybe we can test the validity of this assessment.

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