IS IT TRUE? July 28, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? July 28, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the candidates for the 5th Ward seat on the Evansville City Council are the most competitive candidates out there right now that are both speaking out on the shenanigans that have led us to the paltry state of affairs with the new Downtown Convention Hotel?…that with the 1st and 4th Wards being unopposed, the 2nd Ward, 3rd Ward, and 6th Ward being historically Democratic and contested by people with very different ideologies, the 5th Ward turnout may just be the Ward that will determine the Mayor of Evansville?…that the candidates for Mayor of Evansville should have their minions in the back room calculating just how long the coattails of Mr. Grafton and Councilman Friend may be?

IS IT TRUE that it is usually the top of the ticket that takes the lead in elections like this?…that neither Rick Davis nor Lloyd Winnecke have uttered so much as a peep about the haphazard way that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has provided stewardship and accountability over the public’s dollars?…that coming forth with a plan that will define a VETTING PROCESS to determine how to spend public money for the highest positive impact at the minimum risk would clearly give one candidate an opportunity to take the high ground and the lead?…that the City County Observer has solicited both Mayoral candidates for their position on how this should be done?…that we have not gotten or received any responses?…that the next 4 years will take much cognizant thought and bold action to start digging Evansville out of the hole that it is in with respect to runaway spending and crumbling infrastructure?…that the 5th Ward is the only testing ground for offering up real solutions so far?…that maybe Mayor Grafton or Mayor Friend is the choice that we should be considering?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has called a special meeting today with only two items on the agenda?…that one of those items appears to be a discussion and maybe even a vote to move forward to find and hire a person or firm to properly VET the proposals of the Kunkel Group and Prime Lodging?…that this indeed is the decision that is made that the City County Observer encourages and supports this decision?…that it is abundantly clear at this point that the ERC, Mr. John Kish, and no appointed committee that is made up of local candidates with any chance of political approval can give these proposals a “FAIR TRIAL”?…that a CHANGE OF VENUE is most appropriate?…that the diligence from home needs to be focused so that the HOME COOKING GOOD OLD BOY OPTION is not part of any outside VETTING PROCESS?…that we need to make sure that the VETTING FIRM is really hired to VET and not to do someone’s political bidding?

IS IT TRUE that the other item on the ERC agenda today is apparently about the cellular communications inside the Arena?…that the CCO alerted Evansville to the potential for last minute issues with regard to this last year when we learned that the YUM Center in Louisville had overlooked cellular service to the tune of a $2 Million change order just after opening?…that item #2 is “11-ERC-54 – Approval of Neutral Host Lease Agreement With AT&T Mobility, LLC For Distributed Antenna System”?…that in the City Council meeting on May 9th and memorialized on page 7 of the minutes of that meeting is a statement by Mr. Kish saying that he did not think that the City of Louisville truly incurred any cost at all for the cellular hardware solution to providing cellular service and that he did not anticipate that the City of Evansville will either?…that we hope that some members of the Evansville City Council remember this statement and hold Mr. Kish to his word regarding this issue?…in case they have forgotten that a link to the minutes of the May 9, 2011 City Council meeting is below?…that the words of interest start at the top of page 7?

May 9, 2011 City Council Minutes


  1. “that we need to make sure that the VETTING FIRM is really hired to VET and not to do someone’s political bidding?” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * *

    Good luck.

  2. I’d vote for either candidate that showed up at todays ERC meeting and requested that the ERC slow down and defer the hotel contract award to the next Admisitration so it can done properly.

  3. Why not just skip this ‘Neutral Host Lease Agreement’ mumbo jumbo and tell people that their cells phones will be disabled upon entry to the Arena ? Gee, they might actually watch the event they paid money to attend ? What, no ringing cell phones in the middle of an artist’s top selling song ? OMG, Buffie will be PFM (pretty freaky mad) if she can’t text her 637 teenage friends in the middle of the Aces game. The solution, Buffie, bring your friends along, increase attendance, and use “hand signals” (such as a wave, a thumbs up, a middle finger extended, if necessary), and WATCH THE GAME. Is anyone old enough to remember the 1970’s ? Back then, if it was a true emergency (not the compelling need to update your Facebook status) they would actually PAGE YOU (as in over the loudspeaker) to come and take your call. Gee, we all survived that humiliation. How many can recall a page for ” Ralph Van Natta” (Indiana’s Bureau of Motor Vehicles chief at the time) to come to the office, that “his” wallet had been found (since old Ralph signed every Driver’s License in the State). Those precious pre-cell phone days, now please get off of my lawn !

    • If they can go off during weddings, funerals, and sermons, why not an Aces game?

      • somebody needs to invent an electronic cell phone canceling device for weddings, funerals, sermons, doctors offices and moving automobiles. No one needs to be in that much contact with the world

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