IS IT TRUE? July 27, 2011 Special Evening Edition


IS IT TRUE? July 27, 2011 Special Evening Edition

IS IT TRUE that there was an accident at the new Arena today that resulted in a major water line being burst?…that the water inside the Civic Center needed to be shut off to search for the leak and to commence with the repairs?…that we do not know when this repair will be completed but that we do have confidence that the crews will work 24/7 to correct this unfortunate occurrence?…that this is one of those accidents that just seems to be a part of a big construction project and that the closer we get to completion the more of these kinds of accidents may happen?…that this will cost money to fix and that the operation of the Civic Center may be disrupted costing more money and public services?…that we wonder if the costs associated with this and any future accidents will be paid for from the Arena budget as they should be?…that the Arena budget does not seem to be absorbing any of the collateral damages associated with the Arena?…that claiming to meet ones budget within the four walls of the Arena but refusing to acknowledge the collateral damage is not really honest accounting?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission is having a “special” meeting tomorrow that is open to the public?…that this meeting will be at 11:30 am in the conference room of the EVSC in the back out-lot of the Civic Center?…that there is no agenda published on the ERC website but that the City County Observer was supplied with the agenda at 5:00pm today after making a formal request?…that there does not seem to have been a 48 hour notice given to the media to publicize the meeting but that it was certainly at least 46 hours based on publication time stamps?… that even if no business can be conducted that this meeting will be quite interesting because there is certainly the potential for a discussion regarding whether or not an outside firm will be brought in to do the vetting of the two hotel proposals?…that the firms that made these proposals may also be present for clarifications or questions with respect to these proposals?

IS IT TRUE that right in the middle of the beginning of the vetting of the hotel proposals that one self proclaimed TV news team has not been running any stories about any of the details of the proposals which have been readily available to the public for a week?…that this crack team seems to be content to run story after story about dogs?…that as much as people like dogs that using canine filler for an entire segment of news when the City of Evansville is under fire over hotel deals gone bad is somewhat irresponsible?…that this particular station may just be asked to change its call letters to WDOG?…that they can also change their by line to “always fetching, always barking”?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau has taken its new Executive Director’s advice to turn down the funding request made by the Evansville Community Tennis Association?…that the ECTA had requested $1.1 Million in tax dollars to build 6 indoor and 6 outdoor tennis courts at Wesselman Park?…that they allege to have half of the money needed to build the facility and a contract that gives them the right to proceed?…that we shall see about that?…that some who have looked over their contract have offered the interpretation that the contract was not executed on the time frame set forth and is no longer binding?…that once again we shall see?…that the City County Observer is proud of Mr. Bob Warren doing the ROI analysis on the project and recommending to his board not to fund this based on the numbers and not on some politicians passion for tennis?…that recommendations like this are the kind of work that comes from competence and diligence and that it is good to see a thinking man in a stewardship position over taxpayer dollars?...that the initial grade for Mr. Warren is an A for completeness?


  1. Do I have to go to work at the Civic Center in the morning or not? Can I flush or wash my hands?

  2. The Mayor defered the Roberts Stadium decision to the next administration. That was the proper thing to do and the Mayor should be commended for that decision. The appointed ERC has proven overmatched during the whole hotel saga. So why is the ERC possibly rushing to judgment with “special meetings”?? Shouldn’t the same deference our Mayor gave to the next Mayor for Roberts Stadium also be honored and given by the appointed ERC to the next Mayor for such a major decision as the downtown hotel project? The appointed ERC should defer any more “decisions” to our soon to be elected officials and let them start fresh and get this project right.

    • As I said at the other article where you posted the same opinions, I disagree completely. Elected officials swear an oath to fulfill their constitutional and statutory job tasks for the full term of their office. Same goes for appointed board members. If someone cannot bring themself to attend every meeting, except for legitimate absences, and fulfill all their legally assigned tasks, they should resign, and someone else can assume the responsibility to serve the public in that position.

      • So you want the unaccountable ending their terms making major decisions? Not a good idea. The idea of slowing down and starting anew is what the City needs for this huge decision. Hopefully the ERC will realize they were misguided by the City and others and will finally exercise independence and do what is best for the City. This could be a day they can finally be proud of if they do the right thing and not follow political pressure from the usual suspects.

        • Do the terms of the ERC members end with the term of the mayor? I don’t think that’s the way it works for all the board members. I think they are on 3 year terms. But whatever the term is, they each should serve it out performing their statutory tasks, or resign today. That’s what I’d like to see, because that’s what they signed on to do.

      • I knew of a lady that ordered a 3-#1&r-olday82e7;s birthday cake with a BIG Alligator on it, what the 3-year-old wanted. Can you imagine that? I heard the same lady ordered a cake for a 2-year-old with an EXTENSION CORD and ELECTRICAL OUTLET on it, what the the 2-year-old wanted. Amazing what memories a bit of frosting and a talented cake decorator can create.

  3. Speaking of collateral cost, in today’s legal notices we see bids being sought for various road projects in the vicinity of the new North High/Middle schools.

    I can remember a time when the school corporation was selling its strategic agenda to the public. It was brought to the attention of the corporation that due to the inadequate condition of the roads in the area, there would be downstream costs to the taxpayers for remediation of the roads that should accrue to the cost of the strategic agenda.

    The school corporation ignored it. The newspaper ignored it. Now, that same newspaper is running the legal notices seeking bids for the road work.

    There is no free or reduced lunch for the taxpayers.

    • Peck Road and the intersection of Baseline Road at U.S. 41 have needed improvements for years, whether or not there is a new high school up there. The roads are substandard, and it’s a good thing they’re finally getting an upgrade.

  4. At the July 25, EVSC School Board meeting, Mike Duckworth and Pat Tuley claimed the EVSC will be paying over $200,000 for road work to be done from Baseline Rd. to the entrance/exit to the school. From that point, south to Old State Rd., the county will be footing the bill. They said County Engineer, John Stoll was working on that part of the project.

    It seems kind of late to be widening roads, when the Junior High is due to open in about two weeks. Will the buses be entering and leaving the school on the Hwy 41 side? Horrors!!!

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