IS IT TRUE? Part 2 July 27, 2011 Snegal is Running Wild


IS IT TRUE? Part 2 July 27, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the biggest aggravation that we are hearing from our readership is with the premium seating that has reportedly all been sold in private transactions to preferred people?…that for skyboxes and loge seats to be sold out without offering the people of Evansville who are paying for this stadium even the opportunity to consider making these purchases is an insult to the taxpaying base of the City of Evansville?…that the arrogance and audacity of any group or individual to do such a thing may technically be legal but it is wrong?…that if the powers that be behind this scheme cared even a little bit about trying to make the new Arena a tool for unification that they would have known better than to exclude everyone but a handful of specially selected cronies to offer the premium seating to?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer thinks that the sneaky but legal (Snegal) way to carry out this scheme without having a contract with VenuWorks or any pricing approved by the Evansville Redevelopment Commission is to do the following?…that the un-contracted VenuWorks would be given a list of preferred people and a provisional price sheet?…that then the un-contracted VenuWorks would approach these preferred people and offer them conditional contracts on the preferred seating?…that the condition associated with the contracts would be that the ERC would authorize them at a later date?…that when these preferred peoples conditional contracts are presented to the ERC by the un-contracted VenuWorks, the ERC will rubber stamp these contracts making the whole dirty little scheme legal?…that schemes like this should not be legal and should not be done in a free society with projects that involve public money?…that if the Arena was a privately owned and privately funded business that then and only then can backroom deals for buddies and cronies take place?

IS IT TRUE that the University of Louisville made preferred seating information for both the YUM Center and the Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium expansion readily available online with pricing spelled out in detail?…that all sold out and there were no identified crony deals exposed?…that sometimes MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO is the best policy and that this was one of these times?…that some people and some systems just do not seem to function unless they employ SNEGAL (sneaky but legal) policies?…that these people are well described by the adjective Machiavellian?

IS IT TRUE that there are people among us who are believers in astrology and religiously read horoscopes to see how a person’s day will be?…that astrology assigns much importance to the day, week, and month in which a person is born?…that Mole #3’s favorite member of the Evansville City Council Connie Robinson is a LEO and is celebrating her birthday today?…that it is reported that Councilwoman Robinson will have 39 candles on her birthday cake?…that as similar birthdays go that the owner of the City County Observer Mr. Ron Cosby will be celebrating his birthday tomorrow on July 28th?…that City County Observer editor Mr. Joe Wallace will be having a birthday on Friday July 29th and boarding a flight to San Jose for an extended trip to Silicon Valley and surrounding areas on that day?…that this combination of three sequential birthdays could invite comparisons of their personality types to either give credence or to dismiss any truths behind astrology?

IS IT TRUE that the Three Stooges had his birthday on July 19th, October 5th, and October 22nd?…that Curly, Moe, and Shemp were brothers from Bensonhurst, New York?…that Councilwoman Robinson shares her birthday with hound dog baseball player Alex Rodriguez and Olympic skater Peggy Fleming?…that Ron Cosby shares his birthday with Hugo Chavez, Jackie Kennedy Onassis and Betty Wallace (Joe’s mother)?…that Joe shares his birthday with Geddy Lee of Rush, Peter Jennings, and Alexis de Tocqueville?…that all of this astrology stuff seems to be rather silly but entertaining?


  1. Happy birthday to you Ron and Joe. And Joe, do this for me.
    After you find the way to San Jose, gaze out over the sea at Carmel, breathe the musty air and bark to the sea lions at Fisherman’s Wharf and sit cross-legged in the sand at Pebble Beach. …
    Happy Birthday!

  2. If you want to know who forced this Arena Downtown and have the taxpayers bent over, just look to the sky boxes and loge seating, for clues, to a story as old as the Roman Colossium.
    Evansville’s ruthless psuedo-upper class gets it’s perks and the local bankers get their interest (backed by the taxpayers of course), and they all intend to party happily ever after at “The John”.

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