IS IT TRUE? July 27, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? July 27, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the company managing the arena, VenuWorks, has been quoted that they may reveal the company that bought naming rights for the new downtown Arena soon?…that VenuWorks Evansville Executive Director Scott Schoenike said on July 19th that a company has been chosen, but there were some lingering legal details to complete?…that one of those lingering details must be the fact that VenuWorks does not have a contract and that multiyear contracts like naming rights must be approved by the Evansville Redevelopment Commission in a public meeting?…that the next such meeting according to their schedule will be on August 2nd?…that the Freedom of Information Act request that was filed by the City County Observer has a drop dead date of July 30th so we should have all of the communication that has been exchanged regarding the premium seating and sponsorships before the ERC has an opportunity to approve any AFTER THE FACT actions?

IS IT TRUE that in between all of the hubbub over the downtown Convention Hotel at the ERC meeting on July 19th that a little noticed resolution was passed regarding the premium seating in the arena?…that the minutes have not been approved yet and they have not been posted to the website?…that it looks like we will be finding out soon just what privileged few were approved as buyers of premium seating that has never even been offered to the public?…that we shall know soon who are the golden children of Evansville who have been so favored by the Weinzapfel Administration and the ERC that they were able to buy premium seating at unpublished pricing that was never even offered as an option for the un-favored people?…that these rascals in charge need to remember who it is that they work for and hope that the people of Evansville have short memories?…that the arrogance of selling every premium seat in a public building in private transactions is just beyond comprehension?…that rather than the Latin term Carpe Diem (seize the day) the Latin motto for the premium seats could be Premo Diem (Squeeze the Day)?

IS IT TRUE that if one really wished to understand the depth of the problem with finding financing for the proposed downtown Convention Hotel that examination of what existing hotels in similar locations or even superior locations are going for under the auctioneer’s hammer?…that that advertises itself as the nation’s leading real estate auctioneer and loan sale advisor has a 372 room hotel that is operating and in quite good condition in Richmond, Virginia that will auction off online during the August 15 – 18 auction?…that the unpaid loan balance on this 372 room hotel is $29.5 Million?…that the opening bid meaning the least amount that the lien holder will accept for this 372 room hotel is $1.7 Million?…that this amounts to 5.76 cents on the dollar relative to the loan amount?…that when developers that are attempting to find conventional financing for the downtown Evansville Convention Hotel that this is the kind of deals that they are competing with for financing?…that as long as foreclosed hotels and distressed sale hotels are selling for 5 cents – 10 cents on the dollar that conventional financing will be a very difficult if not impossible thing to sell for a new construction loan in Evansville?…that the details of the auction are on the following link?

IS IT TRUE that for those who are willing to register on this site that the entire due diligence study done by outside professionals is available?


  1. Another Latin phrase comes to mind also. “caveat emptor” when it comes to the relationship of the taxpayers and our current city government.

  2. Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha, I have a S-Pot full of jokes for the company that names “The John” as “their’s”. I look forward to ridiculing them merclessly.

  3. This city needs to look to the past and Mayor Benjamin Bosse’s slogan “When Everybody Boosts Everybody Wins”. This city is so full of negativism no wonder it is mired in decline.

    • Old downtown, a Cancer on community resources, is the focus of my comments, and after this whole downtown arena fiasco was forced upon us by the present administration, there is nothing good to say about them, their ready, shoot, aim “plans”, or “The John”—and thats just the way it is.

      • Lest we forget, Benjie Bosse was known to be corrupt in his own lifetime, as is his successor, Jonnie the Wienie Boy.

  4. Actually the next meeting of the City of Evansville Redevelopment Commission is tomorrow, July 28th, at 11:30am at the EVSC Administration building.

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