IS IT TRUE? July 25, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? July 25, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer has always encouraged and printed position papers from candidates for public office on any topic that they choose at any time that they choose to submit them to us?…that there has never been any candidate position paper of substance that we have not published?…that a statement from “the Party” or from some other 3rd Party organization that is purely negative in its tone is does not constitute a candidate’s position?

IS IT TRUE that the 2011 race for Mayor of Evansville has produced three candidate position papers thus far?…that Republican candidate Lloyd Winnecke has submitted position papers on “jobs” and “transportation”?…that Democratic candidate Rick Davis submitted a position paper last week on the “parks”?…that all three of these papers were represented as the original work of the candidates and that we published all three without edit, opinion, or bias?…that we will continue with this policy with all candidates for all offices right up through election day?

IS IT TRUE that we will also publish rebuttal papers that are represented to us as the original work of the candidates?…that blanket critiques offered by “the Party” or by a “3rd Party” will not be published?…that informed letters to the editor by citizens of Evansville on any topic will nearly always be published?

IS IT TRUE that next week our daily IS IT TRUE columns and weekly guest appearance on the Les Shively radio show on WGBF 1280 am will be coming to you from Silicon Valley, California?…that some of the differentials of lifestyle like litter per mile, internet speed, number of venture dollars available, etc. may just find their way into the column each day?…that we may just be checking out what it takes to expand and syndicate the City County Observer to other cities across America?…that we are certain that Civic Centers, Redevelopment Commissions, elected bodies, appointed boards, and dilapidated infrastructure across the nation could make CCO clones with focus on good local governance something that concerned citizens will embrace?

IS IT TRUE that this morning just across the Warrick Co. line that the download speed achieved from a highest cost WOW connection was 8.52 Mbps and the upload speed was 1.11 Mbps?…that this test location is a new group of houses with underground utilities and optical fiber connections?…that these speeds grade out at a C- with 59% of the services in the USA being better?…that the upload speed in particular is only about 33% of what the global average is?

IS IT TRUE that July 30th is the day that we should be granted access to the information on communications between VenuWorks and the powers that be regarding things like preferred seating in the Arena, upcoming shows, contracts with UE sports, and even the not yet signed contract for VenuWorks to manage the Arena?…that we are quite curious to learn these answers?

IS IT TRUE that the 4th day of reckoning for the McCurdy Hotel project will be on July 31st that for all practical purposes means Monday August 1, 2011?…that it has now been more than 4 years since that whole ordeal was proudly announced?…that if we were placing a wager that we would bet on another extension of at least 6 months so that the election is over and the reign on Mayor Weinzapfel is too?…that lots of cans are being kicked down the road lately?…that with proper (or for that matter any) planning would have been put into place that the people of Evansville would not be enduring these embarrassing fiascos?…that if the developer is not standing in the next ERC meeting with a solid financing plan and a construction schedule that commences before September 1, 2011 that it is time to rescind this deal just like the Woodruff deal was and see who else may be interested in this project?…that as some pieces of stone are hanging on by a thread and some caulk that there is some urgency in taking some immediate action?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission is meeting tomorrow and that we are sure that some vetting of the downtown Convention Hotel proposals will be on the agenda?…that as we stated over the weekend that project manager Mr. John Kish has already polluted the vetting process with prejudicial statements and should not be consulted on who to hire to do the vetting?


    • I have read the response, titled “GOP Responds to Davis Parks Plan”

      If the title were “Lloyd Winnecke Responds to Davis Parks Plan” and the article was written/signed by him, I would hope (and expect) the CCO to publish it.

      I agree that there needs to be some level of filter for these kinds of political statements. Otherwise, either party could very easily produce a multitude of promotional or negative campaign articles and expect equal exposure on the CCO. Each candidate can’t necessarily be held accountable for the statements in these articles, because their name is not attached.

      If a candidate attaches their own name to an article, though, it becomes a much more important piece of news. This, IMHO.

      • Of course if Lloyd Winnecke put his name on the response we would publish it. The same if Rick Davis responded to either of Winnecke’s position papers under his own signature.

  1. As was said in today’s article when the candidate is willing to sign their name to a position paper or a response to an opponents paper we will publish it without edit or bias. We do not endorse candidates but will dissect the positions if the candidates will both opine on them.

    What we would welcome right now would be a statement from the candidates on the best way to deal with situations like the ERC not vetting proposals at all, the McCurdy sitting vacant with pieces about to fall off of it etc. The system of partnering public money with private money is not working. We are very interested in proposed solutions from Mr. Winnecke and Mr. Davis.

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