Letter to the Editor: From Smokefree Communities


Martha Caine, Indiana Smokefree Communities

Martha Caine Speaks out on the New Smoking Ordinance

Dear Editor,

The Smokefree Communities Coalition of Vanderburgh County commends the Vanderburgh County Commissioners for voting to enact comprehensive smokefree indoor air legislation that went into effect on July 1. This action is a great one on so many levels. The coalition has always seen this as a public health issue.

In this economy, people cannot always choose to walk away from a job that is putting food on the table. No one should have to choose between their health and a paycheck. Beyond the health aspect of this legislation, it is good for Vanderburgh County’s economic development. Businesses today that want to grow are looking at communities that are interested in protecting the environment and the health of their citizens. This legislation only makes us more attractive to businesses that are looking for a place to locate

The Smokefree Communities Coalition supports business in Vanderburgh County. We want to see this county grow and thrive. We are committed to providing assistance to smooth the transition to being truly smoke free. We encourage business owners who see their establishments as being at risk to work with and not against this legislation.

For more information on secondhand smoke, implementation of the new law, and quitting smoking, go to www.smokefreecommunities.com. Employees and patrons will also be able to confidentially report violations of the smokefree law to the Vanderburgh County Health Department.
We look forward to living and working in a healthier, more viable community.

Martha Caine
Executive Director of Smokefree Communities


  1. From my experience, most people who work at establishments which allow smoking are smokers themselves. I would see that as a job perk.

    I’m glad you busy-bodies are out there… lobbying for more statist control at every turn. What would we do without you?

  2. As a middle-aged ex-smoker who’s suffered greatly from the Evils of Tobacco, I still have a problem with bans such as this.

    I don’t buy that these bans are for the sake of unfortunate workers who have no choice but to inhale these second-hand fumes.

  3. I would expect all the smokers who love to tout individual rights and “its a free country”, to jump in and talk about government control and how they shouldn’t have such laws. But since they have no respect for their own health or their live in families they think we should all die or heart disease, clogged arteries, lung cancer and the like just like they will. Sorry, put them on the roof or the edge of the parking lot.

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