IS IT TRUE the Vanderburgh County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner is scheduled for tomorrow night?….the Lincoln Day dinner has traditionally been the party’s largest fundraiser of the year?….tomorrow’s dinner is scheduled for 7pm with a VIP reception beginning at 6:00pm?….the event will be held at Old National Events Plaza (formerly known as the Centre)?….we hear that there are plenty seats available and if anyone is interested in the Lincoln Day Dinner, they may call Republican Party headquarters at 812-425-8207.

IS IT TRUE Governor Mike Pence has taken a beating in the polls since the passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act?….answering specific questions about his political future, the embattled governor has not yet indicated whether he will run for re-election in 2016?

IS IT TRUE in order for the Governor to sign the RFRA into law, it first had to be passed out of the Indiana General Assembly?….the most powerful member of the General Assembly and the one who dictates the body’s action is Speaker Brian Bosma?….Speaker Bosma has long been considered to be an possible candidate either for the Governor’s Office or one of Indiana’s U.S. Senate seats?

IS IT TRUE despite the controversy surrounding the RFRA and its passage through the legislature, Republican Party Chairman Wayne Parke elected to invite Speaker Bosma to give the keynote address at the Lincoln Day Dinner?….this selection has put some politicians into some interesting political positions?

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Lloyd Winnecke is the Master of Ceremonies for the Lincoln Day Dinner?….the Mayor is no stranger to tough political positions?….Just last week, we saw the Mayor have to explain his undying loyalty support of local unions as the very candidates the he helped get into the state legislature repealed the State’s Common Construction Wage?….many of these same legislators voted in favor of the RFRA?

IS IT TRUE there have been rumors of planned protest for the event tomorrow?….some union members have discussed protesting over the repeal of the Common Construction Wage law?….there are also rumors of individuals protesting the RFRA?


  1. I’m all for peaceful protests. I personally don’t have the time or the energy anymore, but those young people at California Polytechnic had three days to demonstrate, peacefully, for “Gender Neutral Bathrooms”. They staged a three-day S*#t-In to bring attention to their magnanimous cause which was spearheaded by the Queer Student Union. Gender Diversity was the theme of the event and it was held, partly, in support of transgender students. I wish this was a bad joke…these are the leaders of tomorrow folks.

  2. Winnecke is accustomed to being in tough political situations? I’d say…
    Wonder why? I would venture a guess that people aren’t happy when they figure out they bought you the shovel you used to bury them with?
    $7 million dollars gone, and Winnecke says it’s none of our business where it went. Progress we can see? If that means we’re watching a few of his carpetbagger pals on their way to somewhere better with our money-yes, we all can see that..$250,000 for the Wizard’s phony contraption…Blatantly using other candidates’ ideas to make a Hail Mary play to keep his puppets in power?
    And I hate to be indelicate, but if Russell Lloyd went to a City Official (and he did) to acquire funds from one department to cover a fund deficit in another department, so the State Board of Audits would be deceived (and they were) HOW is that NOT illegal? I would think the official whom released the funds, AND the receiver of the funds would be implicated in knowingly perpetrating fraud.

    FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! DO NOT get amnesia when it comes time to vote, and that includes his bought and paid for Democrat pals.

    • Who could we possibly vote for that would make a difference? We need to get a republican CC, we’ve never had one. All or most of the problems we face in Evansville are the works of the local democrats. I’ll vote for Winnecke and Weaver for sure. Hope the 2nd ward gets their act together and doesn’t allow the democrat machine to push a ringer in on them.

      • In Evansville we will never have a republican CC. First Ward and maybe an at large seat is the best we can hope for

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