How to Build a Hotel in One Week: Fantastic Video


Of Course this took some Serious Planning and Staging to Do, not to Mention Waiver of Inspections. Can we Compete with This?


  1. “Waiver of Inspections” is the key item in this construction. Also absent must be developers quarreling over how to best make the most money constructing it.

    • Way I heard it told, there was very little inspection of the original Bob Green Big E.

      • I think you are right! Bob Green got his way in Evansville, Owensboro and Paducah! Then his coal trucks raped Henderson County. Now you want to go back and see which party thugs were in charge?

  2. LOL!

    Kish, the ERC, Woodruff and Verizon took a full month to get a cell tower removed while the wrecking ball waited!


    “EVANSVILLE — Crews will begin tearing down the now-closed and already partially demolished Downtown Executive Inn and its nearby parking garage next month, according to John Kish, the manager of the arena project.

    ‘We don’t have any exact dates, but sometime in March, we think early March, demolition will get started,’ he said.

    Before demolition can start, two cell phone towers still need to be replaced, and a contract with Woodruff Hospitality to build a hotel still needs to be finalized, though the agreement was approved at the Redevelopment Commission meeting earlier this week.

    ‘They haven’t signed the agreement yet, and don’t expect to sign until next week because they still have to fill in the blanks,’ Kish said.”


    Has anybody asked Weinzapfel if Kish, described specifically as “the manager of the arena project”… does his responsibilities include the hotel project, or not?

    Is there somebody else that should be commenting officially on the status of the “hotel project”, in its shining glory?

  3. Green Construction Company was known to take short cuts; I could tell you some stories about bad construction. I worked the Executive Inn taking care of the HVAC/R equipment before starting my own company. I only worked there about a year; this was during the period when Bob Green did not own the Hotel. When he repurchased it, I had to make a choice take a pay cut and move to second shift or quit. The rest as they say is history. However, Mr. Green did not build the part of the hotel that was still standing until a few weeks ago. That part was originally a Ramada Inn that Bob Green bought. Mr. Green built the addition and parking garage. Mr. Green also built the Green Convention Center on the block now occupied by the new Central Library.

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