IS IT TRUE? June 27, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? June 27, 2011

IT IS TRUE that “CCO Mole #3” just reported that mayoral candidate Rick Davis and 2nd Ward Councilwoman, Missy Mosby are having positive dialog? … thanks to 4th Ward Councilwoman, Connie Robinson and 5th Ward Councilman, John Friend encouraging this dialog?… that all eyes are on City Council at Large candidate Jonathan Weaver to follow suit?…that this expectation may be dampened as it has been reported by high ranking Democrats that Mr. Weaver is a frequent guest at the Winnecke for Mayor headquarters at 4th and Main?

IT IS TRUE that Republican Party Chairman Wayne Parke pulled a political rabbit out of the hat when he discovered an extreme quality candidate for the 3rd Ward City Council?…that the 3rd Ward will now be an ideological battle for votes between a true liberal Democrat Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley and a centrist Republican Alan Leibundguth?…that Chairman Parke demonstrated political savvy by deciding not to sponsor a candidate for the 4th Ward against Councilwoman, Connie Robinson?…that the Democrats returned the favor by not running a candidate in the 1st Ward against incumbent City Councilman Dan McGinn?

IS IT TRUE that many political experts are extremely puzzled why Democratic Chairman, Mark Owen hasn’t publicly endorsed Rick Davis as the Democratic Central Committee’s choice for the next Mayor of Evansville? …that we are hearing the local organized Labor is starting to reach out to Mayoral Candidate Davis and is beginning to realize that there is a possibility that he shouldn’t be counted out?

IS IT TRUE that it has been over 67 days since Budget Chairman and 5th Ward City Councilman, John Friend, CPA publicly requested from John Kish (Arena Czar) to provide him and the Council a copy of the Property and Casualty Insurance report prepare by Old National Bank which the City allegedly paid $100,000 for the report?…that the Mr. Kish can run but can’t hide, according to Councilman Friend, because budget hearings are fast approaching?…that key elected officials are quietly scrutinizing the activities of the Vanderburgh/Evansville Information Technologies Department?…that City’s of Evansville website says it all?

IS IT TRUE that if ideas are what is needed to keep Roberts Stadium alive and open that it will truly have a long and productive future?…that there have literally been 30+ decent ideas floated in this publication and others since the word came down that the City of Evansville was recommending that the mothballs be placed on August 3rd?…that the City of Evansville in its rush to mothball Roberts Stadium may have just started the thought processes of many of the citizens of Evansville?…that ideas are only ideas and that unless some funding comes forward with a solid business plan to get the $300,000 per year expense off of the back of the City of Evansville that the relentless drive to swing the wrecking ball will not be abated?…that as much as Roberts Stadium evokes great memories and is now sparking the ideas that this really will come down to money?

IS IT TRUE that there is precedent in the City of Evansville for aging buildings to be sold for token amounts like $1 to private businesses that wish to pursue profitable enterprises in them and return the buildings to the tax rolls?…that the scrutiny that these deals have been vetted with have run the gamut from checking a pulse to an attempt at vetting the business?…that we would bet that anyone with a funded proposal for Roberts Stadium will be met with the most rigorous vetting process that the City of Evansville has ever mustered?…that vetting processes should be applied equally but they are not?…that the degree of vetting depends on how much the powers that be want a headline or a hope for a project?…that the powers that be want a downtown hotel badly and we see how that vetting process has gone?…that they want Roberts demolished so the group with money and a plan had better be prepared with funding, working capital, and a repair plan for the long list of defects that we are sure that the City of Evansville has accumulated regarding Roberts Stadium?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer wishes good fortune upon any group that comes forward with funding and planning for Roberts Stadium?…that like our best and brightest young professionals, our home grown entrepreneurs, and professional of all kinds that without the INVESTMENT DOLLARS in place, that the City of Evansville will swing the wrecking ball at Roberts?…that this investment will be Evansville driven or it will have very little chance of being realized?


    • No matter how they try to spin it, the Demo webpage lsiting all candidates for office is a far cry from a public endorsement of Rick Davis by Chairman Owen. More, importantly has Chairman Owen been helping to elect Mr. Davis?

  1. I really don’t think that Mosby, Owens, and Weaver have much choice in the matter, Davis IS the democratic candidate for mayor, at least Mosby see’s the writing on the wall, in a head to head debate I believe Lon Walters would make her look like a fool and she’s gonna’ need all the political support the party can provide to win this election. Weaver….well like Owen his arrogance may be his downfall. In this election cycle more than any other will see voters crossing party lines to vote for the candidates of their choice regardless of party affiliation, if Rick Davis has proven one thing it’s that he doesn’t need the backing of the party to win, just the support/trust of the voters.

  2. Why don’t these knuckleheads use the $3 Million that they are planning to spend on sweetheart deal for some tennis courts to fix Roberts up or to help fund a group that wants to save it.

    Your darn powers that be could even include a first right of refusal clause so the Arena can compete with Roberts. Arena afraid of Roberts is like a Ferrari fearing a 1969 Falcon.


    • Is there something inherently wrong with old, retired guys? Are old, retired guys not worth your time? How about if all old, retired guys just skipped out on politics altogether … like just not vote for all your young, knuckleheaded guys?

      • Wow, the knucklehead word made the comments two times today. I like that word. It is probably because my dad used it on my friends and I when we were doing things that boys tend to do. I can hear it now. Knock it off you knuckleheads,

  4. the proof of this may become evident at Al Lindsey’s fundraiser Wednesday Night at club Royal. Just seeing who turns out may well be worth the price of admission. If Missy does kiss and make up with Al and Rick it’ll be interesting to see how the firefighters, who have supported Rick from day one, feel about it.

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