Take That: June 24, 2011


City County Observer Reader Comments that Pack a Punch

Take That: June 24, 2011

IN RESPONSE TO: E. Lon Walters Job Creation Plan

“Lon I can promise you that Vectren isn’t lowering their rates… another problem I see will be the Evansville water and sewer rates. With all the EPA mandated work, especially in the 2nd ward, I’d expect them to triple in the next 10 years. It would be a better idea to bulldoze everything south of Covert Ave and west of Greenriver so we could just abandon the sewers in that area.” Henry

“NOW THAT’S WHAT I WANT TO READ! Thank you for taking the time to express your “THOUGHTS, IDEAS OR WISHES We need people in office that or self employed and have employee’s.” andymic

“The American dream is still alive, just badly wounded at this time.” E. Lon Walters

“Small businesses are going out of business or moving to other countries because they are over-taxed, too many government restrictions, and burdened down with too many WASTEFUL government regulations. Small businesses make up the majority of the private sector labor force. WE need good Conservatives like you to be in office who have great ideas for Evansville, For example the plan you would like to initiate the “Evansville Growth Capital Corporation”. A great idea which i whole heartedly support, and you as well.” David Dickerson

“You say you want “cheerleaders” that can think out of the box? When’s the last time you saw a cheerleader that actually did any thinking, Lon? Don’t cheerleaders by definition, learn by watching – and repeat?” Eville Taxpayer


“Evansville needs its’ own local version of the show “Shark Tank. We can call it “Carp Tank” Bowhunter72

“Hilarious!! Carp tank, where the people of Evansville go to eat. We could have Gar Tank, Cottonmouth Tank, Turd Tank, and a whole bunch of other delicate things that swim or float.” TheDonald

“Hell, at FDP, with the money it sounds like they are blowing… They might as well be shingling the roofs with laminated $100 bills!” Eville Taxpayer

IN RESPONSE TO: Shutting Down Roberts Stadium on August 3rd

“Weinzapfel and his gang of cronies are at it again backroom deals and misuse of city funds and properties. All of the local polititions that are in on this need to be voted out of office. The good old boys are sounding more and more like the Evansville democratic Mafia.” Rk812

“Until the City’s contract with SMG expires the City must keep Roberts Stadium open or the City could be sued for breach of contract and be liable to pay significant damages (taxes to you and me) for lost revenue to SMG. Breaching the City’s contract with SMG would be even dumber than the City’s handling of the Executive Inn fiasco.” Joe Biden

“There are so many wonderful uses that this venerable, already paid-for, unique building could continue to serve all of Evansville. It would be silly to tear it down until we know that the new Arena actually works…if at all. Those who were upset by the effects of the $17 million dollar soft ball fields should quake at the plan to add 12 new tennis courts (6 outdoor & 6 indoor ones) in the woods themselves. Here we go again w/o any consensus, public input, or an enviromental impact study.“ H. Dan Adams MD

“People on their way out should not determine our future in this regard. I am equally concerned about this idea of new tennis courts in Wesselman’s Park. Once again, the Parks Department is forgeting about the environmental impact on the Nature Preserve.“ Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley

“You have to be intelligent to be a crook. These people are not crooks, they are idiots.” TheDonald