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IS IT TRUE? June 23, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? June 23, 2011

IS IT TRUE that while at the DMD on Tuesday collecting all of the materials that the CCO obtained through the Freedom of Information Act that the long arm of traffic enforcement reached into the pocket of Mole #2 by putting a parking ticket on his vehicle?…that the cost of our 1 hour and 3 minute adventure was $7.70 for copying and $15.00 for the ticket that had could only have happened during the last 3 minutes or about the time we were walking from the 3rd floor back to the vehicle?…that we knew the ticket was there because Mole #3 saw it happen from a window inside the Civic Center and called Mole #2 to let him know he was given a ticket?…that Mole #3 thought this was funny?

IS IT TRUE that the Republicans have selected a candidate to oppose Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley in the election for the 3rd Ward seat on the Evansville City Council?…that this candidate has filed all of the forms to be placed on the ballot?…that this person is Alan Leibundguth who is a veteran of the United States Air Force where he was trained and served as a fighter pilot?…that he is very well spoken and connected in the Evansville community?…that the people of the 3rd Ward will have a very interesting decision to make when choosing whom to vote for?…that there will be some very distinct differences in the governmental philosophies of candidates Leibundguth and Riley?…that Alan Leibundguth is the son of the highly respected Dr. Henry Leibundguth who was medical entrepreneurs who established the practice now known as Tri-State Orthopedics?

IS IT TRUE that partners in a venture have a fiducial responsibility to first do no harm to the venture in which they are partners and secondly if granted management responsibility to further the prospects of that venture?…that in business there is a law that is commonly referred to as “PREVENTION DOCTRINE” to deal with people or entities that intentionally take actions that prevent another person or entity from fulfilling the terms of an agreement or contract?…that the PREVENTION DOCTRINE is a common-law principle of contract law which says that a contracting party has an implied duty not to do anything that prevents the other party from performing its obligation?…that a party who prevents performance of a contract may not complain of such nonperformance?…that PREVENTION DOCTRINE entails that, where one party to a contract takes an action that prevents the other party from being able to fulfill a condition precedent to that contract, the first party may not use its own action as a mechanism for avoiding performance of its contractual obligations?…that PREVENTION DOCTRINE is also known as PREVENTION OF PERFORMANCE DOCTRINE.

IS IT TRUE that PREVENTION DOCTRINE has been used successfully on many occasions in cases where a contract such as a stock option held by an individual is prevented from being exercised by the other party by obstructing the individual’s ability to exercise that option before a contractual deadline?…that in some cases additional damages are assessed?…that it is universally frowned upon for one to benefit from a situation that was created only because another party was prevented from performing by the one that receives a benefit if the prevented party fails to perform?


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