IS IT TRUE? Part 2 June 14, 2011 Keeping the Jehovah Witness Convention


IS IT TRUE? Part 2 June 14, 2011

IS IT TRUE that there is a fly in the ointment for keeping the annual Jehovah’s Witness Convention coming to Evansville?…that the leadership of the Jehovah’s Witnesses has expressed concern over the availability of parking in downtown Evansville with respect to holding their convention at the new Evansville Arena?…that the Jehovah Witnesses have been renting Roberts Stadium for their convention for two consecutive weekends for weekends for many years now?…that the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau estimates that the 10,000 visitors have an economic impact of $3.5 Million to the Evansville economy?…that if the waiting time for tables at restaurants last weekend is an indicator that the number may even be higher?…that the Jehovah’s Witnesses all wore their badges and were seen in all of the best restaurants of Evansville enjoying themselves after a day at Roberts Stadium?

IS IT TRUE that the Jehovah’s Witness conventions always start on Friday?…that being the case that they will be competing with the reported 14,000 downtown workers for the 4,000 or so parking spaces that are in downtown Evansville within walking distance of the Arena?…that the City County Observer has always accepted the City of Evansville’s assertion that downtown Evansville has an adequate number of parking spaces to handle Arena crowds?…that we still accept that but do not think there is adequate parking during normal working hours from 8 – 5 on Monday through Friday?…that parking may indeed be a real problem for any event at the Arena during normal working hours?…that if keeping the Jehovah Witnesses coming to Evansville is a priority then the parking problem for Friday will have to be dealt with?…that one piece of a solution is to make two Fridays in June vacation days for the Civic Center employees liberating the entire back 40 for parking?…that another piece of a solution is to make two Fridays in June FREE PARKING DAYS for downtown Evansville?…that it would really infuriate someone to drive around looking for a parking place that is marked with a “TWO HOUR PARKING” sign, to park there, and to return from your convention to a $15 PARKING TICKET on your windshield?

IS IT TRUE that when all things are considered that the new Evansville Arena on a Friday is not a very inviting place to have an event that draws over 5,000 people?…that parking will be a problem, that an increase in rental rates will be an unwelcome surprise, and that one bad experience will be the last one?…that the management of the Owensboro Sports Arena is quite aware of the dilemma that Evansville has created for itself?…that the best and most convenient way to keep the Jehovah’s Witnesses and their $3.5 Million of economic impact in Evansville is to KEEP ROBERTS STADIUM OPEN?…that to whine about a cost of $400,000 per year as being waste but to lose a $3.5 Million economic impact constitutes the right brain not knowing what the left brain is doing?…that this is a very good opportunity for Mr. Bob Warren to show his colors and negotiate an acceptable solution to this in a way that is a positive experience for the 2012 Jehovah’s Witness Convention?

IS IT TRUE that we hope that there is a new convention hotel under construction on that very site during June of 2012?…that will pose some unique challenges as well?…that if things do not get taken care of soon from a financial perspective that the hoped for construction may impact 2013 too?…that the Jehovah’s Witnesses just proved last weekend that there are enough hotel rooms in Evansville to accommodate a 6,000 person convention?…that the Frog Follies will prove the same thing?

IS IT TRUE that the video content of the story about weapons, liquor and condoms in the Line Street Park can be viewed on the following link?…that sometimes pictures are better than words for getting people’s attention?…that it is comical to hear the Director of the Evansville City Parks first response when confronted?…that he really did say that “parks employees did not put the rubbers, weapon, and liquor into the park”?…that this summer’s revelations from City Hall keep getting more and more astonishing?…that here is the video?


  1. Is it true that the Shrinersfest anticipated attendance this year of 40,000 people for the three day festival?

    Is it true the Shrinersfest reported attendance exceeded their expectations?

    Is it true that 40,000/3 is 13,333 plus attendees per day parking downtown?

    Is it true that the Jehovah Witness Convention and every other event at the Arena downtown will be accomodated by available parking downtown.

    Is it true the ingenuity and creativeness of tourists and evansvillians should not be underestimated in their ability to find a place to park in the downtown and surrounding area?

    • We truly hope that you are correct and that all events are accommodated in a positive manner. There has been concern expressed by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is time for the “powers that be” to prove their assertions. We just wanted to make some suggestions and particularly think that FREE PARKING on those Fridays is appropriate. Parking was free during the ShrinerFest as it should have been. Imagine the words if 1,000 of the 40,000 people had been ticketed.

      • Single night events with a start time around 8:pm are entirely different than either the Jehovah Witness Convention or the Shrinersfest when it comes to participant arrival and departure times.

        Ticket holders expect to leave home at a reasonable time before the event, find parking, get seated, enjoy the event, and get safely to their cars and homes at a reasonable time after the event.

        This has generally been the practice at Roberts Stadium, where provision was made in the original plan for such an outcome.

        Since no like provision was made for the downtown arena, it is anyone’s guess what the outcome will be.

        • The reported 14,000 workers will presumeabley not be at work at 7:00 or 8 pm.

          I do believe with 3 parking garages, the back forty and numerous empty private lots, most folks will be able to figure it out. Some may need to plan ahead or coaching, most will handle it on the fly.

          Time will tell.

  2. It just makes sense to keep Roberts Stadium open and an option for other entertainment acts, it’s far from useless, and is a better suited venue for the Home Show, Boat & Sport Show, Shrine Circus, Jehovah Witness and many other bookings, if we are to be looked upon as a “World Class Destination” (not my words) then the city needs options and arena should just be one of those options. It’s inevitable that there will be cross-bookings between The Center and the Arena and the parking short-comings will raise it’s ugly head, you have to ask yourself if your a out-of-town’r who doesn’t know the hidden parking spots just how long will you drive around looking before you become frustrated and vow to never come back again?

    Logic tells you that what is needed is a large parking garage within walking distance of the new arena-Center, and hotel complex, while its true that the locals will find a parking spot because we know where to look, the guests of our fair city will have a lot less luck finding those hidden spots….hint hint there’s a nice underground parking lot within a block or so from the arena that is barely used.

    One last comment….if something does happen to Roberts before the administration changes their should be criminal charges brought up for all the parties involved, there are a whole host of charges that could be brought against the officials from destruction of public property on down to miss-appropriations of public funds….I think the public has spoken about Roberts Stadium rather loudly that it should stay…..I know that sounds radical but nothing gets the attention of a politician like flashing lights and handcuffs….or not, we could let it be another Victory Theater jammed up our?

    • Forget logic, this is Evansville politics. WEINZAPFEL told us, we couldn’t afford Roberts! He needs to speak up.

      “All parties involved”?

      Would that include criminal charges filed against the voters that AFFIRMED this ready, fire, aim – insanity?

      How about criminal charges against the media that stood by and continue to stand by with such significant, uncertainty? For ignoring conflicting facts held out as defense for past political stances? For not getting anything on the record but platitudes?

      How about the impotent opposition? How about David Nixon’s wife? What about those in opposition that didn’t run themselves?

      Good luck with that.

    • Thank you blanger and cco.

      I love the city of Evansville!

      We the people can not sit back and let “the powers that be” run this city into the ground for their financial gain.

      I tell friends and acquaintances every day to start reading the cco.

  3. Isn’t 6% of $3.5 Million, $210K?

    Isn’t it true that our government has so many divisions and segregated “responsibilities” that shared benefits as a whole often don’t win over skirmishes for power, positioning and influence peddling?

    Has the CCO mentioned the new, free, Pedicabs in Owensboro?

    Doesn’t Evansville have a Pagoda?

    Are we losing our corner on the market for Oriental flare?

    Will the Weinzapfel arena location decision leave some concert goers no choice but to fight for third world style, “sassy”, transportation to make the concert on time?

    If the Jehovah Witness Leadership did ask specifically for Roberts over the new arena, wouldn’t that be classified as a MASSIVE FAILURE?

    Just in case, could the arena bond TIF district be modified to inlcude the Roberts facility?

    Does News 25 actually consider that report hard hitting “journalism”?

    Doesn’t the disconnect between the questions asked, the answers provided, and the obvious unasked follow-ups annoy other viewers? (On both the parks and the parking issues)

    Does this annoyance lead viewers to turn off the TV/news and just enjoy a big fudge bar?

  4. So what is the status of the previously reported undercover move for the city planning to flatten Roberts in the very near future? I have no love or memories of Roberts Stadium but see value in it for the city. This whole mess is more a power play than anything to do with logic, planning, or finance. I believe that I will be waiting in vain for the politicians in Evansville to grow up.

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