IS IT TRUE? June 12, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? June 12, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Central Committee of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party fundraising machine has just announced a “Keeping the Majority” fundraiser to help its chosen ones to add to their war chests in an attempt to keep the so called “good democrats” in the majority on the Evansville City Council?…that this selective fundraiser is being hosted by outgoing Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel and retiring City Councilman Curt John?…that this event will be held at the Maingate in downtown Evansville that Councilman John is a part owner of?…that the “Keeping the Majority” fundraiser specifically states that it is for the benefit of candidates Missy Mosby, Stephanie Riley, Connie Robinson, John Friend, Jonathan Weaver, and Conor O’Daniel?…that Democratic candidates Dr. H. Dan Adams and Al Lindsey are not benefitting from the “Keep the Majority” party and that the elected Democratic candidate for Mayor Rick Davis is not invited?…that of course this shindig is authorized by The Vanderburgh County Democratic Party, Mark R. Owen, Chairman?

IS IT TRUE that if one ever needed proof that the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party is fractured and that Mayor Weinzapfel is substantially responsible for fracturing it one needs to look no further than this fund raiser?…that the real root of the party fracture is the entitlement mentality exhibited by Mark Owen on behalf of and maybe with the approval of Mayor Weinzapfel over Rick Davis’s decision to announce his candidacy prior to the Mayor’s announcement of his own intentions?…that the Party Central has tried to squash Rick Davis before by backing Troy Tornatta in the primary?…that Mr. Tornatta’s campaign was a love fest for Mayor Weinzapfel?…that running as the second coming of Mayor Weinzapfel did not work out too well for Tornatta as he lost the primary by nearly 20 percent?…that the Democrats of Evansville have spoken at the ballot box and that it really seems manipulative of the Party Central to exclude some of their own members that dared to challenge Mayor Weinzapfel in any way?…that it is very likely that if these six loyalists run as second comings of Mayor Weinzapfel that they may just get some money and lose some votes?…that this will not impress the voters that are undecided?

IS IT TRUE that one of the sponsors of this event, Councilman Curt John is now visibly supporting Republican Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor of Evansville?…that financially supporting candidate Winnecke and hosting a fundraiser to keep Winnecke from having a Republican majority on City Council makes one wonder about motives for support?…that this is shaping up to be one of the most interesting and quirky city council elections ever?…that it seems as though we officially have three parties running candidates for the city offices?…that these parties are Republicans, old boy machine Democrats, and Kennedy Club Democrats?…that given this situation it is possible that there will be no majority party in the Evansville City Council next year?…that having a makeup like 3 Republicans, 4 old boy machine Democrats, and 2 Kennedy Club Democrats is a very distinct possibility?…that would at least break up the puppet show that Evansville has been treated to and kept down by for many years?

IS IT TRUE that we are quite curious about just how strongly candidate Winnecke will embrace the old boy Democrats that seem to be sniffing around his campaign and offering olive branches of support?…that more support has been extended to Winnecke by the old boy Democrats than just a couple of people at a golf match?…that hedging their bets may be what is going on?

IS IT TRUE that this is a link to the invitation sent out and authorized by the Democratic Central Committee?


  1. Someone needs to help break the hold Weinzapfel and his gang of cronies have on the city of Evansville. Backroom deals and Chicago gang style rule needs to end. Decisions and money are made by these people behind the back of the people and then said to be for the good of Evansville. When will we learn what it is really costing us now and in the future. How much is being spent and skimmed by the Weinzapfel Mafia. No need for referedums we know whats best seems to be their ideal of how things should work.
    Save Roberts Stadium it has many uses and would give Evansville a larger venue with ample parking to go with the John,The Centre,Victory Theater and Mesker Ampitheater. More places more attractions to draw money to Evansville!!!!
    Missy Mosbey is a big part of Weinzapfel cronies and needs to be voted out of office let her go back to helping her charities and selling real estate. Missy just means the same old song and dance for four more years!!!

    • Missy isn’t selling real estate anymore, she has had 3 different jobs in the couple of years since she quit doing that. Now she is selling daycare for old people

    • the Democratic Party is not involved in theis majority event. all they did was send out an email, just like they did for David last week. The event is not authorized or paid for by the Party, the email was authorized and paid for by the Party. Another one of ole Joe’s continual errors.

      • There is a statement right across the bottom of the invitation that says and we quoted:

        “Authorized by The Vanderburgh County Democratic Party, Mark R. Owen, Chairman”

        We never said it was paid for by the central committee but sending out a mass email is not free so if the database of the party was used and the mass email was sent then someone paid the bills to establish the database and to send out the email. Guess Who paid it?

  2. That group should call themselves the Sour Grapes Club. Boo Hoo someone is trying to break up our good old boy club. Here’s a news flash for Mark Owen and the gang, Rick Davis is going to be the next Mayor of Evansville and we shall see how many of their group gets elected when the common voter goes to the polls on election day. Make no doubt about it the average voter (and they will be the ones to decide) are sick and tired of the status quo. The worst thing that Rick Davis, Dan Adams and Al Lindsey could do would be to involve any of this bunch in their campaign for election.

    • Actually a better name for this bunch of puppets would be “THE ENABLERS CLUB”.

      Weinzapfel is the organ grinder and these people are the monkeys. Time after time this group and others loyal to Weinzapfel have cast the votes to do his bidding.

      If you like what has been done for the last four years then support the people that Weinzapfel and John are raising money for. If you want to see real change vote for whoever is running against them. Is the puppet you know really the best choice?

  3. did you notice that some of these same candidates walked in the parade with Rick Davis yuesterday? John Friend looked dashing in his pick Rick tshirt. Because Rick understands the meaning of reconciliation and because the Democratic party didn’t have enough sense to reserve a booth or a spot in the parade, he offered ALL the other candidates use of his booth and a chance to walk in the parade. BTW I have sent regrets for this fundraiser.

  4. One has to wonder what the good old boys of the Repulbican Party are thinking? If I were them I would be wondering where my seat will be at the table in the backroom? We all know that a Winnecke Administration is going to be no difference then the Weinzapfel Administration. Usually just the names of the players changed, but in the case of a Winnecke Administration, it looks like it will be the same players. If elected I hope Winneckes first order of business isn’t like one of the last close door meeting he attended. Remember people? “The vote that took our Homestead tax credit away”.

  5. Thanks to Watts, Kurt John, Jack Watrup and Steve Bagby for playing in the Winnecke golf scramble. That eliminates any doubts the voters may have had as to who the only candidate that truly represents change is. Rick Davis for Mayor. Keep up the good work Larry, Curly, Moe and Shemp.

    • Some of the supporters of Davis who are crying because some democrats are backing Winnecke are the same one’s who backed Russ Lloyd against Borries. Al Lindsey backed both republicans who ran against Watts after he lost to BJ. I guess it’s different when someone else does it. And it is spelled Curt and Waldroup. One more thing, Bagby didn’t play.
      Jack Waldroup

        • sadie mae
          Please read my post again. I don’t know how you could read it and come up with that meaning.
          Thank you
          Jack Waldroup

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