No More Puppets for the Puppetmaster



  1. I can only hope that on Wednesday morning the vast majority of puppets will be packing their stuff.


  2. Any good Republicans worried about the “support” for Mr. Winnecke from the Connie Robinsons, Mosbys, Louise Williams, Mr. Jarvis and Mr. Weaver, fear not. If Mr. Winnecke wins as it looks like he will, he will owe the disloyal slippery Democrat leaders nothing. The disloyal Democratic “leaders” are only united to beat Mr. Davis, period. It matters none to them who the Republican candidate is. Mr. Winnecke is their enemy’s enemy, so now their odd ally. If Davis somehow wins despite the insider sabotage from his own party leaders, their absolute and ruthless lock on power in the Democratic Central Committee machine is gone forever. If Mr. Davis loses, in unity with the Gang of 23 and with the ex-mayors $750,000 campaign war chest as leverage, they gamble the State Democrats will merely reprimand them and not remove them from office so they can finish off Mr. Davis and his supports. Once accomplished, they will try to re-establish their lock on power over the Central Committee and then win with “their” candidate (Mr. Williams at this point) on what they hope will be a 1 term Republican Mayor given their 2-1 voting majority in the City.. In other words, the disloyal slippery Democrat leaders are throwing this mayoral election to crush the Davis rebellion and cement their local Democratic power for years and years to come. If Mr. Winnecke wins and proves to be his own man and not a great “collaborator”, the rouge Democrats have left a party split the Republicans can leverage as the next election will be a referendum against the Campaigner in Chief, Barak Hussein Obama.

    • This is far away the best and most accurate comment left on this website in the entire election cycle. Kudos for nailing it.

    • Joe-

      I’m sorry, but that is simply nonsense.

      Winnecke has been collaborating with these people for years.

      He has repeatedly worked with them and against members of his own party behind the scenes (i.e., in the last election cycle).

      He has participated in their “indiscretions” (i.e., homestead tax, brownfields scam).

      He will not investigate any of them (ie Connie’s dealings with Aztar and the city, Curt’s real estate deals based on insider information).

      He will not pull contracts away from them.

      Basically, he is of the same cloth as all of them, which is why they all feel so comfortable endorsing him.

      He is a nice enough guy, but there is no “there” there.

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