IS IT TRUE? PART 2 May 31, 2011


IS IT TRUE? PART 2 May 31, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County School Board is already releasing snippets of information regarding the search for a new superintendent to replace the soon to be departed Dr. Vince Bertrum?…that they officially expect a “shallow” pool of external candidates?…that the response to that low expectation is to seriously consider looking inside?…that undergoing a national search only to settle for a local candidate has been code for limited salary budget for public positions in the past?…that Evansville may be creating the “shallow” pool of external candidates by underpaying relative to national numbers?…that this predisposition to underpaying public positions relative to national scales holds Evansville back?…that this is a counterproductive attitude that pervades local government and non-profits in Evansville and has for years?…that it would be great if a local candidate turns out to be the right candidate to replace Dr. Bertrum?…that if the EVSC finds a local candidate but does not pay them a national wage that in a couple or three years this great local candidate will be our next brain drainer when some other locale recognizes it and pays a national wage?

IS IT TRUE that even after a weed whacker and some mowing was done at the McCurdy Hotel that it still looks dilapidated?…that ivy covers half of the sidewalk on the north side of the property and that the beanstalk to the second floor is still in place?…that we have it on good authority that the Shriners are planning to get the lot into good shape for their upcoming Shrinersfest?…that they want to avoid the embarrassment of having visitors in town seeing the state in which that once elegant building has been allowed to degenerate into?…that we thank the Shriners in advance for their contributions to Evansville and encourage everyone to attend the Shrinersfest to support their noble efforts?

IS IT TRUE that university tuition at a particular institution is nearly always uniform with respect to a student’s major?…that employment prospects and expected earnings bear no resemblance to each other with respect to major?…that a bachelor’s degree in any engineering discipline this year is commanding multiple offers that exceed $60,000 per year in most markets?…that a bachelor’s degree in some majors are not commanding any job offers at all for most students and are drawing less than $30,000 offers for the students fortunate enough to be hired?…that the so called “name” university graduates can expect to receive offers that are double the amount than graduates of the lesser known colleges?…that the big name schools charge up to 4 times as much and justify that by the salary and opportunity advantages that they offer?… that there should be different prices for different degrees?…that we wonder how recruiters look a kid in the eye and say it cost $30,000 for four years of tuition to get a credential that commands $30,000 per year at best while charging the same for a degree that will command more than twice as much?

IS IT TRUE that a drive by of the Executive Inn reveals that it was not on the ground last Friday as the plan was?…that we can look forward to being rid of the remains of that place this week?…that it is better late than never and that we are more interested in how the financing for the construction for the new hotel is going?


  1. You know, some civic minded individual or group of individuals could adopt the McCurdy grounds as an Adopt-a-spot, like many of us do when we are bothered by a particulary ill kept piece of city property. Go for it, CCO!

    • It is not city property. It is still owned by City Centre Properties LLC of Indianapolis. I am not really sure how the Shriners are getting the okay to but applaud them for it. If it returns to city hands that may be something to consider.

      • Well, I guess the other option is to get the weed ordinance amended to address issues other than solely the height of the vegetation.

        In other words, the code language would have to address cosmetic issues to the extent that the contractor has to manicure the site equal to “industry standards” for residential or commercial property as normally seen throughout the city when the property is maintained appropriately by the owners.

        So, get a couple of the council members to introduce an amendment. I know just the two to do it! So do you.

  2. On the collage education front I have to applaud the kids who have the abilities and resources to get a degree, find a job in their chosen field, and strike out in their career head held high while they repay their student loans. Having said that, there has been a problem for many years of kids going to college only as a dodge to taking on the responsibilities of a adult, it’s a extra four years of play time, parties, and debt for the parents to come away with a degree in communications or public relations. The schools need to face up to the fact that some kids don’t need a collage education, that the world and our country is on the brink of loosing an entire class of workers who repair everything from our cars to our appliances. Yes I know we live in a throw-away society but as the economy is showing more people are opting to repair things then replace them…..the question is, if every child needs a degree then who will build our houses?, who will repair our streets?, who will fix what is broken in the next generation? immigrants? Have we grown so smart as a nation that we are stupid!


    • Good post. Evansville has something like 18% of the population that has a BS degree. That means that 82% are not encumbered by such a credential. Why are our streets still full of potholes and why is it so difficult to get things repaired by someone that does not look like Charles Manson and show up to work whenever they darn well please?

    • So, blanger, are you saying degrees in communications or public relations are worthless? I disagree. Perhaps if you had studied in those areas you would be able to spell collEge properly and use proper grammar. I agree that not everyone needs a college education but don’t dis those who do go that route. Employers are the ones who should be taken to task for not properly compensating those graduates who were not engineering majors. Just my 2 cents!

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