Take That: May 27, 2011


Take That: May 27, 2011

In Response to: McCurdy Hotel Weed Problems

“Thanks to the CCO for staying on this story and not letting the City of Evansville off the hook. Make no mistake, without the CCO the city would not be mowing this grass, nor would they be holding the Mayor’s big donor accountable. You guys have done more to make Evansville a better place than all of the politicians have for years. Please keep it up.” The Donald

“After these excellent articles highlighting the McCurdy money pit decay snafu, don’t expect the CCO to be invited to the regime’s farewell party.” Joe Biden

“Kudos to CCO for spearheading this, it would seem someone downtown is reading the CCO daily, taking notes, and reporting to their handlers what is being said, for this problem to go on for so long and just now get some attention speaks volumes….but then again maybe someone from the shrine made a phone call and got-it-done….either way I’m sure the past yard tenants just moved over to the River House.” Blanger

“As a “WATCHDOG” CCO does not “STAY ON THE PORCH!” “Get’em!” Bubbageek

“with all that grass and an abandoned building, I’d imagine there is a rat problem in the works if one does not already exist. And I’m not referring to the owners shady dealings with Mr Weinzapel and his administration, although if the shoe fits……. Henry

“hopefully the dmd code enforcement will step up to the plate and do their job ,i drove by the old mccurdy a little while ago and yes it does look seedy ,did my duty as a taxpaying citizen and called it in to the dmd ,together we can all make evansville a beautiful city again as long as ALL do their job” evilletaxpayer

In Response to: Rusty Guardrails Make an Ugly Gateway

“Let me see if I have this right? You want to be on the City Council and do not know where the city limits are and you are silly enough to think that consolidation will magically get guardrails painted. The only feasible response to that is “you must be kidding”. Come on man, if the city and county need consolidation to paint a guardrail there is nothing worth consolidating.” Free Bird to Conor O’Daniel

“Hint: The centerline of the levee is the city limits. Everything inside the levee is city, plus the Harbor’s Edge subdivision, and everything outside the levee is county.” Soon2B to Conor O’Daniel

“Is it in the city or the county? The limits are right there. If it is county property then don’t they have the responsibility. Yet another reason consolidation makes sense.” Conor O’Daniel

Picture this:
You are invited into someone’s home. It has “curb appeal.”
As you tour the house new furnishings and fixtures are apparent, but as you near the bathroom, the unmistakable stench of human waste burns your eyes and nose.
You try to ignore it and not show your disgust but as you peer into the bathroom bowl, you spot excrement floating in stagnant urine.
The toilet appears to have been used for weeks without flushing. You (at this point) can’t help yourself, and blurt out, “what the hell is going on here?”
The host calmly explains, “well, we spend our time and money on more important things. Won’t you stay for supper, perhaps stay the night?
We have a brand new ‘big screen TV’”
What would be your reply?
This disturbing parable parallels the mayor’s strategy for attracting visitors to Evansville. Currently, stories of city streets caving into the sewers abound.
One thing is certain:
The citizenry has paid their taxes and Evansville’s toilet is full.