Home Community News YWCA Evansville Commemorates Equal Pay Day

YWCA Evansville Commemorates Equal Pay Day


Equal Pay Day Rally

FREE – Open to the public


 April 14th 1:00 p.m.
YWCA Parlor, 118 Vine Street

The YWCA of Evansville and other professional and community organizations in Evansville will mobilize on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 to call attention to the persistent and sizable gap between men’s and women’s wages. According to the most recent statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, the median earnings for U.S. women working full time, year‐round were just 78 percent of U.S. men’s median earnings—a gap of 22 percent. Progress to close the gap has stalled during the last decade and the gap is even larger for women of color and for moms. In Indiana, median earnings for men were $46,300 compared to women’s median earnings of $34,180 — an earnings ratio of just 74 percent.

This pay gap begins early in women’s careers. According to AAUW’s research report Graduating to a Pay Gap, women only one year out of college, working full time, were paid on average just 82 percent of what their male counterparts were paid. After controlling for hours worked, occupation, college major, employment sector, and other factors associated with pay, the gap shrinks but does not disappear. About 7 percent of the gap cannot be explained by these factors commonly understood to affect earnings. At every level of academic achievement, women’s median earnings are less than men’s earnings, and in some cases, the gender pay gap is larger at higher levels of education. While education helps everyone, African‐American and Latina women earn less than their white and Asian peers do, even when they have the same educational credentials.

April 14 symbolizes the day when women’s wages catch up to men’s wages from the previous year. Every year in April, thousands of women’s, civil rights, labor, and community organizations come together for a national day of action promoting fair pay known as Equal Pay Day.

“The bottom line for women and businesses is that pay discrimination happens and steps need to be taken to remedy it. This persistent wage gap not only impacts the economic security of women and their families today; it also directly affects women’s retirement security down the road.” said Erika Taylor, YWCA CEO.

Several speakers have been lined up for the YWCA rally on April 14th at 1:00 p.m. including Christy Gillenwater, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of Southwest Indiana, Dr. Robert Dion, Chairman of the City of Evansville‐Vanderburgh County Human Relations Commission, and the reading of a special proclamation from Mayor Lloyd Winnecke.

“Women and their families can no longer afford to be shortchanged. The YWCA is committed to working to eliminate the wage gap,” said Erika Taylor, YWCA CEO. “We encourage businesses to pay women fairly, push for laws that will enforce current equal pay legislation and educate women on how to negotiate for higher salaries.”

The YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. The YWCA has been serving the Evansville area since 1911 and from its inception has provided housing and services for women and girls. The Evansville YWCA is a member of the YWCA of the U.S.A., the oldest and largest women’s membership movement in the country.

Over the years, YWCA programs have changed to meet the evolving needs of women and girls. In 1979, the YWCA opened the first domestic violence shelter in Evansville. Other current programs include a Transition Housing Program for women in recovery, Emergency Shelter for homeless women and children, an after‐school and mentoring program, called Live Y’ers, for at‐risk girls in grades three through 12, and a Summer Fun day camp for school‐ aged children. Special programs and events for the general public are also offered. Visit www.ywcaevansville.org for more information.