Take That: May 13, 2011


Take That: May 13, 2011

In Response to: CCO Increases Bounty on Election Sign Thieves to $2,000

“Keep ‘em honest, CCO!

The only signs I advocate folks “removing” are ones that have been posted on public right-of-ways. Like intersections. Also, I sometimes wonder about signs that appear in vacant lots or abandoned properties.

To me, signs that appear in those places do not portray a “grassroots” support for any candidate. I see it as an easy, lazy way for candidates to promote themselves. I much prefer to see a yard sign in an actual person’s yard as opposed to just stuck at a random, “public domain” location.” 对上帝

“At what point does a political sign that is associated with a failed campaign (that is over) cease to be promotional and become litter? I would think that the clock is ticking on Troy before he could be cited for littering the public street, carries a hefty fine I’m told.” Blanger

“why don’t you guys just increase it to $100,000? You know Weaver just ran his mouth with no proof” VVC1

“… or he pulled that story out of the same orifice that he pulled a lot of those assessment figures out of!” Soon2B

“How about a fund/reward for an acknowledgement from candidate Weaver that the CCO even exists? It could come in the form of an apology for his statements, a retraction, an explanation that he made those comments in the heat of battle/emotion or he stands by his statements. If the latter then we can move to Step B. I’d chip in, anybody else?” Steve Smith


“I believe the disgruntled Democrats are few in number, and are more than made up for by the Democrats who voted and see the change as good. The independants that have rallied to Mr. Davis will still vote for him in November as well. Mr. Davis won the “Hero’s Mantle” this past primary. Winnecke is “Homestead Tax Toast”.” Crash Larue

“What is it that Ron White sez…..”You Can’t Fix Stupid!”

Rick Davis made it through the primary without “The Machine” if he stays his course he will be elected also without the support of the machine, what they always seem to forget is that it’s the voters who put candidates into office not political machines….it should be a interesting summer/fall.“ Blanger

“I’d liike to point out that all the Dems are not sore losers, there are some sore winners, like Missy Mosby and Jon Weaver who still have not come under the party umbrella. With Lon Walters breathing down her neck, Missy better rethink her position and come on board or she will soon be a one term has been. And I’m still waiating for Mark Owen to send me the invitation to his rescheduled Awards Dinner.” Henry

IN RESPONSE TO: IS IT TRUE May 10, 2011 (the Friend-Quisition)

“At the end of the day, no one is in charge of this project, and no one is accountable for the largest public works project in over 50 years.” Beerguy

“The real problem with the hotel deal will arise when the city has to pony up more than the 8 million plus tax abatement. The point is we all know the arena costs much more than advertised by the city. It will all come out in the open eventually.” BAM

“My question is, where has Mr. Friend been for the last year? Why is he just now asking all of these “important” questions? If the City Council felt Mr. Kish was not being “transparent” enough all along, why wait until the project is nearly complete to start complaining? Why haven’t they been asking for all of the documents at each of the meetings Mr. Kish attended? If this is a City project, why hasn’t the City been keeping track of all the money? Mr. Kish doesn’t write the checks, the City does. Easy to deflect responsibility and make someone else a scapegoat to cover up your own inefficiency Mr. Friend.” Whatabunchof