CCO Increases Bounty on Election Sign Thieves to $2,000


“Jonathan Weaver granted 24 hours to respond to claim $2,000 for Charity”

Jonathan Weaver has failed to respond to the City County Observer’s Charity Challenge regarding his on camera allegation that people associated with the Rick Davis Campaign stole his signs. Today the $500 Bounty offer expired!

The CCO is so adamant about stamping out criminal activity in campaigns that we have decided to increase the Bounty to $2.000. Mr. Weaver has 24 hours to accept this challenge. This offer will become invalid at 10:00 AM on Friday May 13, 2011.

As a reminder, if Mr. Weaver files a criminal complaint that leads to the prosecution and conviction of any person that was officially working under orders from the Rick Davis campaign for SIGN STEALING, the CCO will make a $2,000 donation to the Charity of Mr. Weaver’s choice.

Here is a link to the story about Weaver’s on camera interview where the allegations were made.

Previously Issued

IS IT TRUE that it has been 144 hours this morning since the City County Observer offered a $500 bounty on anyone that Jonathan Weaver would come forward to back up his on camera assertions of being ELECTION SIGN THIEVES?…that Mr. Weaver has not yet accepted our challenge nor has he come forward to claim the bounty?…that he has exactly 24 hours to accept our challenge or it will no longer be available?…that we do not understand why Mr. Weaver has not come forward?…that a candidate for office is expected to be both honest and charitable?…that IF Mr. Weaver was honest in his allegations of theft that the City County Observer has given him the perfect opportunity to be charitable as a result of his honesty?…that we are waiting?


  1. Keep ’em honest, CCO.

    The only signs I advocate folks “removing” are ones that have been posted on public right-of-ways. Like intersections. Also, I sometimes wonder about signs that appear in vacant lots or abandoned properties.

    To me, signs that appear in those places do not portray a “grassroots” support for any candidate. I see it as an easy, lazy way for candidates to promote themselves. I much prefer to see a yard sign in an actual person’s yard as opposed to just stuck at a random, “public domain” location.

  2. I wish somebody from the Tornatta campaign would do something about his signs on Covert, GreenRiver, Pollack and Weinbach Aves. I’m sure there are a lot more out there but I drive by these everyday and they are starting to fall off their signposts and become an eyesore. Can I pick them up under the heading of city beautification? Where are the democrats in the 2nd ward who put these signs up in the first place. Congratulations to Pat McBride for the timely manner in which his signs came down after the election.

    • At what point does a political sign that is associated with a failed campaign (that is over) cease to be promotional and become litter? I would think that the clock is ticking on Troy before he could be cited for littering the public street, carries a hefty fine I’m told.

    • Henry,

      Didn’t you say that E Lon Walters is recruiting McBride supporters? Who all has he recruited yet? I’d like to see Walters take the 2nd Ward.

      • don’t know of any he’s actually recruited, know some he’s talked to. This election is Missy’s to lose, the 2nd ward is strongly Democratic, but Walters might pull this one off especially if the Republicans raise the big bucks I hear them talking about and Missy continues to be a lone ranger or a mamber of Weaver’s team

      • Contact Lon through facebook or his website. Lifetime Democrats that want to put the last dagger in the machine is what will be needed for Lon to win that Ward. If Missy is hanging on to Team Weinzapfel cards or banking her future on being in Team Weaver then she will get what is coming to her. Lon has more in common with good candidates like Al Lindsey than Missy ever will. Give him a hand if you really feel that way.

  3. Took 6 signs down today. Will work on getting the rest of them down by the weekend
    Jack Waldroup

  4. It seems like a no-brainer that candidates would try to keep some type of record as to where signs are located. I know they can’t do that for every Joe Blow who might visit campaign HQ and is given a sign, but volunteers who distribute signs should at least know the locations where they place them for quick pick up after the election.

    And while I am non partisan in most areas of local politics, I did notice several Jonathan Weaver signs that stayed up for at least a week after the previous election, all on Virginia Street between North Main and US 41. They appeared to be in yards of vacant homes.

  5. why don’t you guys just increase it to $100,000? You know Weaver just ran his mouth with no proof

    • … or he pulled that story out of the same orifice that he pulled a lot of those assessment figures out of!

  6. How about a fund/reward for an acknowledgement from candidate Weaver that the CCO even exists? It could come in the form of an apology for his statements, a retraction, an explanation that he made those comments in the heat of battle/emotion or he stands by his statements. If the latter then we can move to Step B. I’d chip in, anybody else?

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