Winnecke Challenges Davis to a Series of Three Debates


Lloyd Winnecke

Letter to Davis Recommends Starting Early so the People of Evansville Can Think it Through

Lloyd Winnecke after seeing the debacle of Troy Tornatta’s last minute call for a debate with Rick Davis in the Democratic Primary for Mayor of Evansville has taken the long term approach and issued a call for a series of three debates. Mr. Winnecke has suggested that the first debate come prior to Labor Day with the following two to come in September and October.

Winnecke’s Letter to Davis

May 10, 2011

Mr. Rick Davis
Vanderburgh County Treasurer
1 NW Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
Room 210 Civic Center
Evansville, IN 47708

Dear Rick,

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your win in the Democratic primary. Your efforts, and the efforts of your campaign, are commendable. I am looking forward to an exciting and engaging campaign.
As mayoral candidates, we will no doubt be asked to make many joint appearances over the coming six months. Although these appearances will be informative to voters, they may not truly showcase our individual ideas for the future of this great city. Therefore, in addition to the many joint appearances, I propose we schedule a minimum of three debates over the course of the campaign. Political debates are a time-honored method of enabling voters to choose their leaders wisely, allowing them to hear firsthand what each candidate proposes and why.

I suggest at least two of these debates be televised and hope to hold one debate at a local high school. I feel it is best if we do not backload the debates to the end of the campaign. Instead, I recommend the first debate be held prior to Labor Day. We could then schedule at least two more in September and October. I believe this schedule would grant voters ample time to compare our answers and decide whose vision for Evansville they feel will benefit our community the greatest.

Please contact me with available dates and any suggestions that you might have. I look forward to your favorable reply.


Lloyd Winnecke
Republican Candidate for Mayor


  1. Bravo…

    So far, Davis has shown me he knows just enough to put a serving platter down his shirt when he knows his union buddies are going to sucker punch him. Why do I think it was a serving platter? Well, if it was real political muscle under there, he wouldn’t have had much of a problem fitting in a few minutes to spar with Troy.

    If he pulls the, uh… my schedule is really busy routine (again), his chances will be yanked away quicker than that fall festival booth.

    • There was nothing for Davis to gain in a debate with Tornatta. Tornattas challenge was also issued in a “bully-ish” fashion at the last minute – “ANY TIME ANY PLACE!”

      Winnecke’s challenge was much more professional, and was issued in a timely manner. I expect Davis will accept this challenge.

      • He wasn’t running for dog catcher…

        Is the anti-weinzapfel, anti-“bully-ish fashion” sentiment worse than I thought?

  2. Maybe someone at this site can explain this to me. Rick is quoted in the Courier and Press as saying he’s hesitant to accept the pre-Labor Day debate challenge because he doubts there is much voter interest at that time. Yet Rick threw down the gauntlet in the mayor’s office on Sept. 30, 2010, challenging the mayor, saying he had to get the jump on Troy Tornatta if the mayor did not run, stirring up a ruckus during the Fall Festival, and generally showboating and grandstanding while local candidates were struggling through a county and state legislature election. Then he and his volunteers canvassed voters in the dead of winter before dust from the 2010 election had settled, and when there was “little voter interest” in the 2011 primary. But now he balks at a pre-Labor Day debate on the basis that it may be premature? Maybe someone can explain this to me.

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