IS IT TRUE? May 11, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? May 11, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it has been 144 hours this morning since the City County Observer offered a $500 bounty on anyone that Jonathan Weaver would come forward to back up his on camera assertions of being ELECTION SIGN THIEVES?…that Mr. Weaver has not yet accepted our challenge nor has he come forward to claim the bounty?…that he has exactly 24 hours to accept our challenge or it will no longer be available?…that we do not understand why Mr. Weaver has not come forward?…that a candidate for office is expected to be both honest and charitable?…that IF Mr. Weaver was honest in his allegations of theft that the City County Observer has given him the perfect opportunity to be charitable as a result of his honesty?…that we are waiting?

IS IT TRUE that gasoline price schizophrenia is back and this time it is legion?…that last week was one of those weeks that really made people think things were at least headed in the right direction?…that last week Bin Ladin was shot, oil prices stabilized and as recent as Friday when gas in Evansville was still under $4.00 per gallon that all of the news agencies were reporting that BY SUMMER gas would drop another 50 cents per gallon?…that yesterday it jumped up by roughly 25 cents?…that the reason given is because the floods that have plagued the Ohio River basin and the upper Mississippi finally made it to Memphis and traders woke up and realized that the refineries and storage tanks of Louisiana were only a couple of days down river?…that high water in Louisiana that may disrupt transportation of oil based products must be as good of an excuse as any for futures traders to drive the price up?

IS IT TRUE that when Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans that price gouging on basic items was made highly illegal and punishable by incarceration?…that the floods of 2011 on a national basis will do more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina?…that manipulating gas markets by 25 cents per gallon on the expectation that floods will hit Louisiana is absolutely nothing but price gouging?…that it has been known for weeks that the flood waters would be making their way down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico?…that this little 25 cent per gallon gouge is testament to market manipulation, mass ignorance, lack of planning or ALL THREE?…that if you have a full tank you should drive less and avoid filling up until this passes?…that this like most other acts of manipulation shall pass?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if state law gives the City of Evansville Water and Sewer Department authority that allows them to force you to give them your Social Security number when you sign up to get your water turned on? …when the City of Evansville forces you give them your personal Social Security number should this be considered a violation of your right to privacy issue?

IS IT TRUE “CCO MOLE # 3” is hearing that 5th Ward City Councilman John Friend is openly encouraging some anti-Rick Davis Democratic party workers and candidates to rally around the Democratic standard bearer for Mayor of Evansville? …that Mr. Friend seems to understand the motto of the State of Kentucky–“UNITED WE STAND OR DIVIDED WE FALL”?…that if the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party does not get over its SORE LOSER SYNDROME due to the repudiation of the so called “machine” by Evansville voters in last week’s primary that the Democratic Party here may be in for a real slap in the face come November?

Biting The Hand That Feeds YOU
IS IT TRUE that it is pretty darn stupid to bite the hand that feeds you?…that it is simply brain dead to bite your own hand when it is the one that feeds you?…that when emotion takes over the decision making process that human beings in general have a pretty poor track record of making good judgment?…that emotion has run the Vanderburgh County Democratic Central Committee’s decision making process since at least last year’s Fall Festival?…that the hand that feeds it is down to the nub by now and it shows?…that every day that this adrenaline crazed family feud continues that there are happy Republicans on the sidelines thinking about a Fall 2011 victory party?



  1. Democats should press a one-song CD featuring The Brotherhood of Man, ‘United We Stand’. Groovy 70’s tune.

  2. I believe the disgruntled Democrats are few in number, and are more than made up for by the Democrats who voted and see the change as good. The independants that have rallied to Mr. Davis will still vote for him in November as well. Mr. Davis won the “Hero’s Mantle” this past primary. Winnecke is “Homestead Tax Toast”.

  3. “…that if the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party does not get over its SORE LOSER SYNDROME due to the repudiation of the so called “machine” by Evansville voters in last week’s primary that the Democratic Party here may be in for a real slap in the face come November?”

    What is it that Ron White sez…..”You Can’t Fix Stupid!”

    Rick Davis made it through the primary without “The Machine” if he stays his course he will be elected also without the support of the machine, what they always seem to forget is that it’s the voters who put candidates into office not political machines….it should be a interesting summer/fall. 🙂

  4. I dream of the day when we can toss the term “price gouging” from our lexicon. So-called “price gouging” is merely the market working. When supply does not meet demand, prices go up. Among other things, higher prices lead to voluntary rationing of consumption and signals suppliers to supply more.

    Price controls only lead to shortages. Did we not learn anything from the price controls on gas during the 1970s? The shortages disappeared instantly when price controls were lifted.

    Furthermore, price controls are an affront to property rights. Property owners have the right to obtain the best possible price for their property, consumers have the right not to buy at that price, and competitors have the right to undercut that price.

    If you want lower gas prices, the first thing to do is stop voting for politicians that promote the deficit spending and imperialist foreign policy that is devaluing the dollar. Other options are lowering taxes on gasoline, removing restrictions on refinery construction, and eliminating the requirements for a different blend of gasoline for every state.

    • For the most part I agree with you. Where regulation is involved free markets do not follow the supply and demand curve. Take Vectren for example that has excess supply yet is able to charge triple what the electrical rate is in Henderson. I did the math on this months bill and it works out to 16 cents per KWh for a use of the mid 700’s. Henderson is 4.34 cents per KWh. Gasoline is actually a fairly free market and is the subject of option and even derivative style speculation. That is what caused the 25 cent bump here this week.

  5. CCO Editors: You made my day with the song link ! Ah, the good old days. Hopefully, campaign theme song for Rick Davis (sure beats ‘One Is The Loneliest Number’ by Three Dog Night).

  6. I’d liike to point out that all the Dems are not sore losers, there are some sore winners, like Missy Mosby and Jon Weaver who still have not come under the party umbrella. With Lon Walters breathing down her neck, Missy better rethink her position and come on board or she will soon be a one term has been. And I’m still waiating for Mark Owen to send me the invitation to his rescheduled Awards Dinner.

    • Funny how you twisted “under the party umbrella” in your message. Wasn’t it Rick and his slate who ran “outside the party umbrella” up until a week ago? Please define “party umbrella.”

  7. Has any one asked Rick Davis if he has ASKED the Democratic Central Committee for their help? Seems to me any help he takes from them now makes him the biggest sellout in Indiana.

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