City County Observer offers $500 Reward for Sign Thief Conviction(s)


Jonathan Weaver’s On Camera Accusation Inspires Offer

Last night the top vote getter in the Democratic primary for the at-large nomination for Evansville City Council Jonathan Weaver accused the campaign of Rick Davis of criminal activities on camera. In the spirit of lawfulness the City County Observer would like to help Mr. Weaver recover his allegedly stolen property and bring the yet to be named accused thieves to justice.

If Jonathan Weaver produces evidence that leads to the prosecution and conviction of any member of the Rick Davis campaign for stealing signs we will make a $500 donation to the charity of Mr. Weaver’s choice.

It is our belief that these on camera accusations are without merit but we are willing to give Mr. Weaver the benefit of the doubt and even offer a reward if he can back this accusation up with evidence that leads to a conviction.

Mr. Weaver has one week to accept this challenge. This offer becomes null and void on Thursday May, 12, 2011 at 8:45 am. We will update our readers daily on the status of his acceptance in IS IT TRUE.


  1. Was just curious if you obtained Mr. Weaver’s permission before you used his Facebook photo for your website?

    • We do not need Mr. Weaver’s permission to use any picture that he posts on Facebook. We are however required to remove the picture if he formally asks us to. If we receive such a written request from Mr. Weaver we will remove the image immediately. If we receive a picture that he would prefer to use in his Facebook picture’s place we will consider using the picture of his choice.

    • Freedom of speech and the willingness to seek any opportunity to speak to voters is bad now? Good thing you lost Steve, dealing with those pesky voters sure can be troublesome.

      • Please don’t try to make my statement something it’s not. Meeting with citizens groups to hear there concerns would be welcomed and should be encouraged regardless of their positions, obviously. Seeking out the ideological opposition’s rallies? Not so much. It just leaves people confused. If Jonathan wishes to make himself the local Joe Lieberman it’s certainly his right. I don’t think it’s going to sell very well with Dems however.

  2. We couldn’t get all of the liars and whiners out this May but with the Mouth of the South (Weaver) still going strong November will finish off the rest of them. Keep up the good work Catfish Weaver, all mouth and no brains, the voters will remember why they voted you out last November. Who cares what he has to say and why is that new?

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