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Excuses From Last Night: Readers Suggestions Added


Priceless Quips from our Readers

1. Eating a Pigeon Creek Piranha

2. Lost at the Peephole

3. I am not Curt John

4. My cereal expiration date has passed

5. Gas Cost $4, People can’t afford to drive to vote

6. The polls are non-smoking

7. No one offered me Opus One for my vote

8. I lost my New Kids on the Block drawers

9. I woke up in a daze and had an Urbana, IL flashback

10. ex wife’s detective is watching me

11. I am from Knight annex and do not know how to do a paper ballot

12. The stoplights deprived people of their right to vote

13. The locks and dams on the Lloyd Expressway were only allowing Republicans to pass

14. Weaver might fire me everyone who votes against him

15. Boxing channel was showing reruns of Saturday morning at the Labor Temple

And of course these things still had nothing to do with it.

1. Proposed Firehouse Closings

2. McCurdy Pigeon Mansion

3. Puppetmaster Politics

4. Jobs Plan that isn’t

5. Sewers

6. Litter

7. Parks in Shambles

8. No Substance in Campaign.

9. Promising to be the 2nd coming of Mayor Weinzapfel

10. Booth gate

11. Homestead Tax Credit

And the list goes on! Feel free to contribute as you all see fit.