IS IT TRUE? May 5, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? May 5, 2011

IS IT TRUE that Democratic Central Committee Chairman Mark Owen may have been talking about reconciliation of the Vanderburgh Party Democratic Party but that the leading vote getter among the Democratic at-large candidates was having none of it?…that now candidate Jonathan Weaver was swinging for the fences as though he was at the top of the ticket and Rick Davis was running for City Council?…that an emboldened Mr. Weaver gave a TV interview where he accused the Davis campaign of stealing his signs, engaging in “dirty” tactics, and doing behind the scene things?…that listening to the Fox 7 interview where Weaver also stated that he wanted nothing to do with being on Team Davis left many people speechless?…that Mr. Weaver even made references to “his” team?…that candidates for at-large seats on the City Council do not have teams they are members of teams?…that this is no way to start a campaign?…that getting the most votes for an at-large seat in a primary is a far cry from forming a team and leading a ticket?…that we have seen such misinterpretation of election results before when current Mayor Weinzapfel puffed himself up into feeling undefeatable by beating an unfunded, overmatched, David Nixon in 2007?…that getting the big head after winning a primary where only 7.83% of the people of Evansville actually voted is immature and smacks of arrogance?…that the CCO has always thought that Mr. Weaver was a talented individual?…that this sometimes talented guy needs a dose of humility if he wishes to get the cooperation of others?…that without the cooperation of others one cannot govern and one cannot lead?

IS IT TRUE that we wonder exactly what other candidates would want to cast their lots with Team Weaver?…that we would appreciate a show of hands?…that if either of the democratic nominees from the 2nd Ward or 3rd Ward would like to put their hands up as members of Team Weaver that we would surely like to make sure that everyone knows?…that it is already clear that incumbent City Council members Connie Robinson and John Friend will be on Team Davis and that there is no question with respect to the loyalties of the champion of the 6th Ward primary Al Lindsey?…that it seems that another bright individual with the initials JW has started following the leader and isolating himself from being a part of an effective governance team?…that this is a precious waste of talent and potential?

IS IT TRUE that the excuse for not voting of blaming the Pigeon Creek Piranha spurred lots of ideas from our readership?…that one reader discussion actually lead to a suggestion to breed piranha for Pigeon Creek that dine on doo-doo instead of flesh?…that a school of doo-doo eating piranha would be able to hang out at the CSO discharge points like catfish below Kentucky Dam just waiting for a hard rain for a meal?…that doo-doo eating Pigeon Creek Piranha (patent pending) could not only eliminate the need to fix the sewers of Evansville but could be sold to the hundreds of other places that have pending EPA orders too?

IS IT TRUE that the small town of Sturgis, Kentucky has a floodwall similar to the one in Evansville?…that Sturgis has seven sets of gates that have seldom been used?…that Sturgis has scheduled a series of times this summer to train and test these seven gates so the next time the creeks and rivers rise they are certain that the expertise to do the installations is on hand and trained?…that the people who live in areas of Vanderburgh County that are flooded by runoff and Pigeon Creek are quite assertive that the water has never been this high before?…that even though the Ohio River crested at about a half foot lower than it did in the 1997 flood that it is Pigeon Creek that has these homeowners in a panic?…that they are blaming it on development?…that the City of Evansville engineer says that is not the case?…that it does deserve to be investigated further?…that it is probably just the rain and the headwaters as the Pigeon Creek is not yet draining into the Ohio River?


  1. I knew Weaver wasn’t very smart when he fired the office help that wouldn’t work the polls for him during his last loss. and btw, what date has Mark Owen scheduled for his reconciliation Democratic Awards dinner? Anybody want to bet it doesn’t happen?

    • You are wrong on the reason he fired her. And you’re wrong on the reconciliation at the awards dinner which is in the works. You are just plain wrong as usual. But then what should we expect from a sore winner. You sound like that Weaver dude.

  2. And really, what did you guys at CCO expect from Weaver. He showed himself in 2010 campaign. He showed himself over and over again in front of the county council and county commissioners. And have you forgotten so soon that earlier this year he wanted to run for mayor? Hell, maybe he should! Yeah, Weaver, withdraw from council-at-large and get a petition up to run as the Tea Party candidate for mayor, man.

  3. Have yet to meet a Jonathon, that could be trusted.

    Shifty eyes, delusional, manipulative and desperate for power.

    Just my opinion

  4. Is it true that there is an I in team when Weaver spells it? Good luck in the fall, Lone Ranger, without a Tonto.

    • I can’t wait to see Weavil’s billboards this fall. Wonder what clownish balloons, stars and other distractions he’ll have swimming around his swollen head.

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