IS IT TRUE? April 26, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 26, 2011

IS IT TRUE that on Monday afternoon after the City County Observer called for assurances that our FLOOD GATES were in a known location and operational that the City of Evansville sprung into action to get those gates in place?…that the CCO was prompted to call for these assurances by a source very close to the situation who was concerned that the maintenance of said FLOOD GATES was lacking like just about every other thing in Evansville that needs maintenance?…that the FLOOD GATES that we were asking about are not the recently installed ones down by AZTAR?…that the FLOOD GATES of interest to the CCO are the ones that work with the old levee system that was build after the 1937 flood?…that we have not heard any report about these FLOOD GATES being installed?

IS IT TRUE that the IS IT TRUE Part 2 yesterday had the highest single day traffic of any story other than the breaking of the Evansville Convention and Visitors Bureau Bachanallian Wine Festival?…that the story of Christmas parties past that was published yesterday is a story that the CCO declined to publish 2 months ago so the new Board of Directors could get on about the business of repairing the CVB and hiring a new Executive Director?…that we congratulate them on finding someone and wish him the best in his new position?…that Evansville is a bit larger than Galena, IL that is only about 3,500 people?…that most of the astronauts came from small towns so we expect no Mayberry style problems with Bob Warren?

IS IT TRUE that during the infamous 1937 flood that the Ohio River crested in Evansville at 19 feet above flood stage at 53.74 feet?…that on January 24, 1937 that martial law was declared in Evansville and 4,000 WPA workers came to town to help with the flooding?…that over 100,000 Hoosiers were left homeless by the 1937 flood?…that after the 1937 flood that the Evansville Vanderburgh Levee Authority District was established, which built a system of earth levees, concrete walls, and pumping stations meant to protect the city?…that the 1937 flood followed what at the time was the wettest month in Evansville history when nearly 15 inches of rain fell?

IS IT TRUE that April 2011 is flirting with the 1937 records?…that through Sunday April 24th there were just over 10 inches of rain recorded here?…that with the expectation of 6 to 9 inches over the course of this week that the rain total will exceed the total for the month that helped to cause the 1937 flood?…that even with the rain and water that Evansville is still just 2.4 feet above flood stage but that Newburgh and Mt. Vernon are nearly 10 feet above flood stage?…that in Evansville today that flood stage is 42 feet a full 9 feet above the flood levels of 1937?…that the system of dams on the Ohio River and operated by the US Army Corps of Engineers do us a great service?…that we are hoping that our FLOOD GATES are in working order and that they serve us well if the need arises?

IS IT TRUE that the CCO will not endorse candidates period for the primary season?…that if we were in the endorsement business that we would consider the entire team and not split the support positions at for the person at the top of the ticket?…that the Courier and Press has endorsed Rick Davis for the Democratic nomination for Mayor but has endorsed candidates for City Council that are opposing Mr. Davis with every breath they take?…that to endorse candidates of the machine is to support the machine in what will surely be an effort to blunt every initiative that a Mayor Davis may put forward?…that keeping the block of Team Weinzapfel voters in charge of the Evansville City Council is the antithesis of everything that Rick Davis has campaigned for?…that supporting both Rick Davis and the City Council slate of the machine that has opposed him in every way is somewhat conflicted?…that elections make strange bedfellows?


  1. Once again, the journalistic “WORD REMOVED” of the CCO shows thru. Dan Adams is a part of the so-called “Team Davis” and not a candidate considered a part of “the machine.”

  2. Keep in mind, the heavy rainfall generating the ’37 Flood was accompanied and obstructed by massive ice jams in the lower Ohio River that caused the flood to reach higher elevations than would’ve been achieved by the rainfall run-off alone (without the ice jams acting as dams).

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