IS IT TRUE? April 24, 2011 HAPPY EASTER!!


IS IT TRUE? April 24, 2011 HAPPY EASTER!!

IS IT TRUE that speaking of resurrections there are people within the Democratic Party in Evansville who are muttering about the possibility of drafting current Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel to make an independent run to keep his job?…that these rumors have the additional caveat that this is only to be considered in the event that Rick Davis defeats Troy Tornatta in the “official” Democratic primary?…that the City County Observer does not believe such paranoid talk?…that if Mayor Weinzapfel wanted to keep his job that he would have sought the Democratic nomination on his own and would now be locked in a hard fought battle with Rick Davis for the nomination?…that for the defacto leader of the Democratic Party in Vanderburgh County to run as an independent to keep his own job would be the height of political ignorance?…that to do so would split the Democratic vote and guarantee a victory for the Republican candidate for Mayor even if Doug DeGroot pulls a primary upset over Lloyd Winnecke with his zero budget, zero statement strategy?

IS IT TRUE that a word discussed in closed circles this week was the word “TOAST” not to be confused with a Taoist?…that this quick hard hitting little word has many meanings and can be used to convey a message?…that most people are familiar with slightly cooked bread awaiting a dollop of butter and jam?…that to raise a glass of champagne to celebrate victory or accomplishment is also called a “TOAST”?…that if your team is behind by an insurmountable amount the near the end of a contest that your team may just be referred to as “TOAST”?…that if you make enough of champagne “TOASTS” that you may be accused of being “TOASTED”?…that the City County Observer would like to TOAST the upcoming primaries as hopefully an event that gets a bit of substance into the discussion about the future of Evansville’s leadership?…that there are two weeks to get beyond the parrot stage?

IS IT TRUE that this week did bring forth two position papers from candidates for the City of Evansville elections?…that Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley submitted a very well thought out position paper on the subject of the importance of the Evansville Parks and that Pete Swaim contributed a paper about Roberts Stadium?…that the Courier and Press released the answers to their questionnaire over the course of the week?…that over 90% of the answers that were limited to 60 words were without risk or substance?… that we wish there were more of the people who wish to be decorated with title who would come forth with some substance behind the talking points?…that Dr. Dan Adams has a website that is full of substance and that a couple of position papers are out?…that the majority of the candidates have presented no more substance than a random hobo passing through town?…that the Easter Bunny this year in Evansville will be replaced with the colorful Easter Parrots who can chant all of the bullet points like Jobs, Sewers, Blight, Roberts, and Cheap Houses?…that these Easter Parrots know how to say the words just as well as most of our candidates for office?…that these Easter Parrots really just want a cracker and are willing to say the right words to get one?…that many of the candidates seem to be more interested in TITLE that they are in COMPETENT PUBLIC SERVICE?

IS IT TRUE that the general election will hopefully inspire the survivors of the primary to put their thinking caps on and deliver some substance?…that if they don’t we are in for one dreary 4 years?…that we may just need to have a write in candidate named NONE OF THE ABOVE if some of these people do not answer the call of “WHERE’S THE BEEF”?


  1. Is it True that Rick Davis received a major endorsement, namely that of the Courier/Press today? Why yes it is. Pick Rick

  2. Vote Davis all you want, You might as well be voting for Lloyd Winnicke. Rick Davis can not beat Winnicke in the fall.

  3. Winnicke is not as good as some think. Everyone is entitled to their opinion which is why I AM VOTING FOR RICK DAVIS!

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