Evansville is Available, Observations of an Afternoon Drive


Evansville is Available, Observations of an Afternoon Drive
By: Bill Hazelip

The wife wanted to go for a drive. Where do you go in Evansville and not see the ruins of our poor economy and political mismanagement?

We started out on First Avenue, drove by the vacant Iglehardt Flour property, home of ” Swans Down Cake Mix”. I can still hear Kate Smith, singing “God Bless America.” We, continued down Morgan by the vacant International Steel “maker of the revolving door,” Hoosier Manufacturing, Weil Packing, Swift Packing, and my home of Seeger, “maker of world’s quietest refrigerator and home of the “rotary compressor.” We, continued down Maxwell by the vacant Chrysler plant, Faultless Caster, Briggs Body Works, and Servel, the company which at one time had over 15,000 employees. If there was a building standing there was an “Available” sign on the property.—- Enough of this, so, we headed downtown, when we arrived downtown one of the first thing to greet us was “Available” signs it seems like every corner and vacant spot has —“Available” signs. Yes, we are a city that is available! Then it hit me —What a great name for the Mayor’s new arena —“Available Arena”. Not only is this a catchy name, but after the newest wears off, and the parking problem isn’t solved, it could be quite appropriate!

My wife felt, we had seen enough decay, so we decided to skip the total West side, which was once the world’s furniture capitol location and many more quality manufacturers. We decided to just head for home, which took us by the World’s Largest Refrigerator Plant, Whirlpool and by three half million sq. feet of vacant warehouses and two carton and packaging companies. All of these—you, guest it “Available”.—–and next door to all of this is the airport– and we, even lost our weather bureau!—-how do you lose a weather bureau?

So, what does all of this mean? What does it mean for a city that was suppose to have three hundred thousand people by year 2000. Well, we have an election coming up, and hopefully it is for a Mayor who can be involved with business, a Mayor who travels the rough streets of Evansville and is offended by the trash and junk and pot holes and all of the “available” signs. A Mayor, who understands that the first thing you must do is to get business to come to town, before you kiss butt with the unions! The City of Evansville has only had three Republican Mayors in 56 years. All three of them were outstanding just like Democrats Frank McDonald Jr. and William Dress. Personally, I am tired of seeing buildings leveled with no plans or purpose, so I will vote for the Mayor who will keep Roberts Stadium. It is time for the Mayor and the City Council of Evansville, to start listening to the people.

We, certainly don’t need phony population number games. Annexation, is not the answer for past failures, it is like blowing hot air into a paper bag and hoping it flies!


  1. Hilarious, “available arena”, that made my day!

    I disagree with the Mayoral prognosis though… I believe we have politicians (Mayor) so behind the scenes involved in business and markets, they are crowding out anything that isn’t thought up in the Civic center.

  2. Thank you for the “Reality Tour”, Bill.

    Right on target, as usual. You forgot Zenith, one of the first to move to Mexico.

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