Rep. Bacon welcomes respiratory therapists to the Statehouse


STATEHOUSE – State Representative Ron Bacon (R-Chandler) welcomed respiratory therapists from across Indiana to the Statehouse. The purpose of their second annual legislator meeting was to bring awareness to their profession and share the important role that they play in the care of patients.


“I have spent over forty years of my life in the respiratory care industry, so I understand their role very well. However, not every legislator has had that same experience,” said Rep. Bacon. “I was pleased to be able to welcome this group to the Statehouse and help spread the word about their crucial role in the health care team.”


Respiratory care practitioners work in hospitals, patient’s homes, skilled nursing facilities and a variety of settings throughout the state. At those locations, they can perform many different tasks such as assisting in diagnosing lung and breathing disorders, recommending treatment methods, educating patients and families and providing hands-on care that helps people recover from a wide range of medical conditions.


Like many other medical professions, the role of a respiratory therapist has evolved greatly with increasingly advanced technology. This ability to work with sophisticated medical equipment, as well as understand respiratory conditions and how they are treated, makes for an invaluable skill set.


“Part of our job as legislators is to determine how each bill could impact Hoosiers or different industries in Indiana,” said Rep. Bacon. “That is why it is so important to establish lines of communication so that in the future, if a piece of legislation arises which may impact the respiratory care community, we know who to reach out to for input.”

For more information on the Indiana Society of Respiratory Care, please visit