IS IT TRUE we would like to commend Redevelopment Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave for staying principaled by voicing her concern about the financing of two major Downtown development projects? …we are offended that fellow board member Schopmeyer got personal with Mrs. Musgrave?  …we also are amazed that the ERC Board hired help (Kelly Courses) felt it necessary to publicly insult board member Musgrave on TV after the meeting ended?  …that it is totally unacceptable for any public employee and department head to openly insult a member of a board and taxpayer?

IS IT TRUE we hear from extremely reliable sources that the Evansville Police Department may we facing another civil lawsuit concerning an alleged over zealous arrest of a minority person who doesn’t speak english?  …the EPD officers be stunned to find out that this event was caught on video?  …we hope that the officers involved in this arrest had their body cams on during this event?

IS IT TRUE we are still waiting for City Controller Russ Lloyd, Jr to make public the official document that gave him the authority to get a $2.5 million dollar advancement from the Evansville Water and Sewer Department Pilot  fund in December 2014?  …we hope that Controller Lloyd will be mindful that City Councilman John Friend, CPA  has in his possession official minutes of the Evansville Water and Sewer Department for the last 3 years?

IS IT TRUE  the City of Evansville operational budget over-spending practices for the fiscal year ended January 31, 2015 was 6.5 million compared to January 31, 2014 of $8.9 million?  …the Civil City fund balance fell by $7.3 million?  …$1.2 million was borrowed funds from the Evansville Economic Development Construction bond issuance?  …adjustments indicate the Civil City fund decline was around  $8.6 million compared to $9.6 million a year earlier?

IS IT TRUE we just heard that an out of town business just purchased the Jungle Restaurant with their own funds? …we were just informed that officials from DMD gave the new owners of this downtown restaurant a $50,000 facade grant so they can to do some exterior renovations?   … we thought the Director of the DMD stated he didn’t have any more Facade Grants money to give this year? …that this is a great example  “government shouldn’t do for business that they can and should do for themselves”?

IS IT TRUE we would like to urge you to take time and go to our You Tube section to click on the         Tri-State Voices program and pull up the interview of 2nd Ward City Council candidate Steve Davis?



  1. IIT that in today’s “feature article” that it was mention that the CCO editor was going to have a official endorsement of primary candidates?

    IIT that the last time they tried that that there was backlash from the posters?

    IIT that in their words today, “staying principal” can not be achieved by any of these endorsements?

    IIT that endorsement only ties the hands from future IIT articles on the malfeasance of the endorsed?

    • Editor

      Is It True that Ron is a co-hart of Mr Friend, and therefore, when endorsements are made, you will side with your advertisers, which includes IllINOIS resident, Ms Gail ?

      And now it appears that Mr Davis will be another endorsement ?

      And Is It True you gave one of your Mole Awards to Ms Mosby ?

      Just asking…

    • No she is still posting in other areas of the web. I think she should have stayed in the CCO and ignored or defeated the people who were harassing her. But she decided to leave for other forums. What should have happened is the people harassing her should have been banned and jailed if there was evidence to prove the harassment was illegal. Where does one draw the line between being annoyed and harassed? Are they not one in the same? Is there a degree of annoyance that crosses over into what’s called illegal harassment?

      • Move, No one has ever explained what the management changes at the CCO did to make LKB leave the site. I did see something interesting the other day. LKB posting on the C&P comment site. This after trashing the paper and employees for the last year or so. She now subscribes. She said many times she wouldn’t do that.

        • How do you see the posts on the C&P website? Do you have to be a subscriber to view the posts? I’m not a subscriber but have their app on my phone and can read the stories (but not those hidden behind the paywall). You used to be able to read the comments but not now. Does this have something to do with their going to a Facebook posting system?

          • P.C., I’m not sure how it works now with an app. They are still running a spot when you click on that has FAQs. It might tell you there. I subscribe to the print which lets me see all. Under the new system you don’t need to be on Facebook to read the comments, just if you want to comment.

          • Cowboy that’s exactly what the Paper wanted. Less comments. They could care less about certain things and disregard truth in some areas. That’s why I claim that they are biased. I’ve seen them delete hundreds of posts so as to not have the truth exposed about the city. That’s a crying shame too. I would not trust the people on that paper if my life depended on them. I’m sure that there are some good people working there but the leadership is who I direct my comments to.

      • Any uninvited outside contact by posters on this site should be considered harassment. Bottomline, moveon, I agree with you 100%. I’m surprised this happened. Harassment is usually relegated to liberals and I can see no reason LKB should have upset them.

        • That’s funny. “Harassment is usually relegated to liberals”….I means forget labels. The audacity of that comment. It’s funny. Good job POV.

  2. When it comes to Cheryl Musgrave: She deserves anything and everything she gets!

    • Cheryl is one of the most dedicated, sensible, and intelligent people we have locally. The Boards she currently serve on (2 to my knowledge) are Boards that are FREE, meaning she gets ZERO pay for her service. Considering how much time she dedicates to these appointments, and the work she does for the local ERC is a perfect example, shows that we need more Board appointments to be as hard-working.

      Unless you have something of substance to back-up your stupidity, do us a favor and stay off the Internet. Your comment makes me want to gag.

  3. Complaint against Kelley Coures:

    At ERC meeting on 4-7 it was revealed that for the next 3 years the cash flow coverage on the bonds for the Ford Center, proposed Hotel and proposed Medical Campus only show a margin of $ 23,893 ?!!! That is an incredibly small margin for error, and Musgrave is right: we should have put Hotel on back burner long ago.

    Kelley Coures: pg. 14A of 4-8 Courier & Press: ” . . . there is over $ 2 Million in a capital reserve for repairs on the Ford Center that can be tapped for anything that needs to be done. You’re in good shape”. And that statement perfectly shows the LACK OF FINANCIAL DISCIPLINE of this Administration. ” We can always just raid the Maintenance & Repairs money if we get in a bind . . . why worry”. Little wonder why the City crumbles around us . . . . please vote these bums out in November.

    • If that is all of the margin that the city has there is no way they should move forward now. This is the equivalent of making $100,000 per year and having payments that eat up $99,920 of your assumed income. Just like clockwork, the minions for the beautiful people throw insults at the messenger. What they should be doing is making a cognizant argument for borrowing 99.9% of their scheduled income. Is this the same city that had a $2 Million revenue shortfall recently? Musgrave is exactly right. Wait until the Centre is paid for.

          • No I was not. Do you always blame Obama for everything that goes wrong? And why do you do that? Are you doing that because he’s a black man and favors the poor? What’s your angle Kid? Pointing to Mega Dittos.

          • Obama isn’t a black man. No one subscribes to that “one drop” theory anymore. Obama is multiracial; his father was black (of African origins), his mother was white (of Irish origins).

          • MoveOn – I honestly think his policies and priorities are bad for our country. Never have we been more divided or less sovereign. You have more ill will for me – a conservative/libertarian than you do for the real enemy that’s wants to see us both dead.

      • Notice a few post of late. Good to see you hanging around here in your spare time!

    • I’ll vote for Winnecke unless Gail joins Cheryl in trying to put a stop to this nonsense. If Gail continues her silence about the financial issues of the city that indicates she condones it. If we have a democrat CC which I predict and a republican mayor which is more likely than not, they will battle each other and we will end up with a wash, which is better than the alternative. There must be a little money hidden somewhere that we don’t know about or we wouldn’t have so many people seeking re election.

  4. They call it ” payment in lieu of taxes”, which is a total misnomer. In actuality and application it is forgiving one tax on a government agency that normally would not be subject to taxation in the first place, it being a government agency, and replacing it with another tax, i.e. a required payment to the city.

    In other words, all those audit exceptions over the years that took the city of Evansville to task for depositing water dept. funds into the city general fund can be gotten around in a “legal”? manner now. It is called pilot taxes, although they prefer to use the term pilot payments.

    Fox News, Latino, April 6, 2015

    GOP Congressman Mike Coffman get’s it. Rance Priebus, GOP National Chairman get’s it too. “In states like Colorado and Florida, our changed approach towards immigration, and our embracing speaking Spanish to a growing American Latino community, well this work made an important difference in securing Republican victories.”

    The Republican National Committee is holding Coffman up as a model for the kind of engagement Republicans must employ if they are to turn around their image among Latinos. Coffman has softened his stance on immigration. In the past he expressed opposition to giving undocumented immigrants a break, and did not support the DREAM Act. Now he supports allowing immigrants who were brought to the United States as children a chance to legalize if, among other things, they are willing to join the military or go to college. “They were brought here through no fault of their own, and this is the only country many of them really know,” Coffman said.

      • Well now, that’s “quarky.” America is relinquishing it’s sovereignty and becoming a combination of Mexico and Guatemala and you think that’s “getting better”.

        • Absolutely. I don’t know what your panic is about. And the change is coming from the Republican Party, that’s what makes it stick. It’s overdue Commonsense. Like Pence and the GOP’s change on RFRA, just good for business.

          • MY POINT is the change that has taken place within the GOP/Republican Party to embrace immigration, the hispanic community in America, and the embrace and acceptance of the gay community and the same-sex marriage issue….is good for business and good for the growth of the GOP…and of course, good for America.

          • Quark: Panic? Surely you jest. Supporters of amnesty lost in the last election. They will lose in the next. The only remaining question is is it too late to save America.
            But it is refreshing to see dems recognizing the value of business for a change.

          • Hey C-S,

            It is the GOP that is changing it’s position on immigration reform because it’s good for business. And it’s the GOP that added prohibitions on discrimination based on “sexual orientation” to the RFRA because it was good for business. I think you have us confused with “the Dems” commonsense. Not sure what Party you belong to…

        • Actually, the United States of America is following the path of the civilizations of Greece and Rome. The Huns are at the gate! We have learned nothing from history and have elected Federal, State, County, and City leaders who are building coliseums to placate the masses, bowing to the carnal desires of the loud and obnoxious, and enacting entitlement laws to facilitate holding their power.

  6. Can’t fault Local P too much for his treatment of Mrs. Musgrave. He’s just schlepping water for his boss. He has a flair for it. Remember his partially televised election night snit directed at Marsha Abel a few years ago. P’s inclination to do these things in public would earn him a reprimand in a fairer world. Local should be out dowsing for money before the Winnecke Air Lodge goes to 3 floors.

    Schopmeyer is a Winnecke appointee to the ERC, a circumstance that obligated him to pile on. Cheryl’s points hit home and they felt an urgent need to stop all discussion on the matter. Which they did.

    This is a nasty little hotel obsessed administration that hasn’t done one positive thing of note for the city. Evansville will be lucky to survive it.

    • Looks like double foot print Tree high Hiltons even a stretch now, also, @ Bandana thanks for swinging the topic of concern back to ole broken downtown Evansville. The motel thing would fail too meet expectations for its original purpose anyway. Siting the IU extension campus there is not the best choice for the people expected to study, work , or do their dailies on the logistically failed infrastructure, either. Further analysis of the other RFP’s submitted should restart immediately.
      With that done UI gets more bang for its buck on more advanced infrastructure already in place. That way you’ll get way more actual floor space per structure, likely, for less cost anyhow. The mainstream is reporting another shooting on sunburst down there as well. They’ve simply failed to add the correct utilities and logistically superior throughput to Evansville’s downtown in the 50 years. To attempt that with the lack of revenue they have now lays a tremendous burden on the few who continue to remain active in providing the revenue base now. Place sure can give away the bucks to the downtown though, that façade grant whipping out money left and right draws a look see, especially when you are said to have only $ 23,893 bump room on the main theme stream. $50,000 for a façade, heck take down the Jungle sign and remove the “J” and add a “B”. Maybe $500.00. 😉

      r/. 1. at once; instantly.
      “I motioned immediately for a vote to resend”

      synonyms: straightaway, at once, right away, instantly, now, directly, promptly, forthwith, this/that (very) minute, this/that instant, there and then, then and there, on the spot, here and now, without delay, “without further ado” , posthaste;

      r/. 2. without any intervening time or space.

      • No, No Dr.v: Leave the ‘Jungle’ and add before it ‘Bungle in the’

        BUNGLE, in the JUNGLE. Well, that’s alright with me . . . .

        • That naming right has already been taken for downtown. Been used for the past
          three years by the “R” mayor on the 3rd floor of the Civic Center!

        • If he’d trade his chicken suit for a Modest Tarzan outfit he could swing from Bungle to Bungle, generating untold riches from the unhoteled out of towners who would gladly plink the tin cup in Local’s outstretched hand.

        • Walking through forests of palm tree apartments
          Scoff at the monkeys who live in their dark tents
          Down by the waterhole
          Drunk every Friday
          Eating their nuts
          Saving their raisins for Sunday.
          Lions and tigers
          Who wait in the shadows
          They’re fast but they’re lazy, and sleep in green meadows

          Let’s bungle in the jungle
          Well, that’s all right by me
          I’m a tiger when I want love
          But I’m a snake if we disagree

          Just say a word and the boys will be right there
          With claws at your back to send a chill through the night air
          Is it so frightening to have me at your shoulder?
          Thunder and lightning couldn’t be bolder
          I’ll write on your tombstone,I thank you for dinner
          This game that we animals play is a winner

          Let’s bungle in the jungle
          Well, that’s all right by me
          I’m a tiger when I want love
          But I’m a snake if we disagree

          The rivers are full of crocodile nastiest
          And He who made kittens put snakes in the grass
          He’s a lover of life but a player of pawns
          Yes, the King on His sunset lies waiting for dawn
          To light up His Jungle as play is resumed
          The monkeys seem willing to strike up the tune

          Let’s bungle in the jungle
          Well, that’s all right by me
          I’m a tiger when I want love
          But I’m a snake if we disagree
          Songwriters: IAN ANDERSON

          • Right now the place should be preparing for the climate migration that’s about to clean their clocks again on the failed misguided and neglected old downtown infrastructure. Its really pitiful to watch.,as the load of political cronies desperately try to recover their assets they were duped into the buy in on, due the __ord center. Really pitiful. The science involved in the recovery of information is over those neck bent heads as well. What needs to move forward is, and can be done through the sciences. And a whole lot of qualified technical laborers. Evansville has in its realm a tremendous asset in that concern. Put the people on a project that solves issues ,and then everybody grows incomes. Those whom focus on that old beat up dangerous few blocks downtown are in fact the very stones weighing the population down as they proactively make an entry into the waters of recovery. That Shopmeyer dude is being played, Our advice to his concerns … don’t ever bend over in the presence of that governance and if you must, wear some iron pants fire hose jeans.
            Engineered solutions are the actual provisional to fix that darned mess, that pops increased professional hall numbers coast too coast. let those politicos wade the mud pie they’ve created, the rest of you can rebuild the prosperity deserved for the inputs.

    • Didn’t need or want a hotel until the democrats built a stadium we didn’t need. Tore down a perfectly good stadium and a perfectly good hotel to reward unions, cronies, families and other reprobates for their support of the democrat party. We have people in this town who are semi wealthy because of their relationship with the democrat party. This is not about good governance, this is gamesmanship.

      • If the Big E was in perfect shape. why was it not updated as originally planned??????

        It was found to be a dive, to costly to renovate!!!!

        That “Greens” parking garage was a accident ready to happen as well.

        Both buildings were constructed cheaply. They did serve their purpose for awhile,
        but the cheapness came back and bit them!

      • Do agree with you that Roberts was still good enough for your city.
        The big acts never came as promise. There is hockey for that those that follow that sport
        is all that was gained!

  7. Given the ERC’s flawless development of the highly successful McCurdy luxury condo project with dedicated parking lot, why do we have all this negativity about the hotel project?

  8. Moveon and Ghost, great news for you and other progressive leftists. Obama’s popularity is at an all time high…………… Cuba.

    “According to the poll, an independent survey of 1,200 Cubans living across the island, 34 percent of Cubans have a “very positive” opinion of Obama, while 46 percent say they have a “somewhat positive” opinion of the U.S. president. That puts Obama’s overall favorability rating well above that of Fidel Castro, whose “very positives” and “somewhat positives” add up to 44 percent.”

    • Joe. If a poll were taken in Guatemala his favorability would probably 90%, given the free plane tickets and admission to the U.S. with all the benefits of a U.S. citizen.

          • …and he was elected twice.

            The fools who throw away their efforts supporting GOP candidates like Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum…only to damage the honest candidate…..have NO right to complain about Obama, in my opinion.

          • That he was elected twice says a lot about the man and how good he is. You failed to figure that out after the first election. But he beat your men TWICE in a row. Ha ha. You may not appreciate him but the vast majority of American’s continue to vote for him and support his policies. The more popular and loved he becomes the more the GOP weenies Whine.

    • Twist it anyway you can. Obama has a 13-15% higher rating then the previous “R” president in
      the first part of April, 2007. Both compared in April of their 7th year!

    • Hey Joe. Maybe when he goes to Cuba to visit with Castro’s brother he can bring you back a couple of those Cuban cigars. I don’t smoke so you can have mine.

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