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IS IT TRUE? April 1, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? April 1, 2011

IS IT TRUE that City Centre Properties is the owner of record of the McCurdy Hotel?…that the McCurdy property is located at 100 SE Riverside Drive and is delinquent with respect to the November 2010 property tax payment in the amount of $9,792.31 and has been assessed a penalty of $979.24?…that City Centre Properties is currently delinquent on the property taxes for the McCurdy Hotel in the amount of $10,771.55?…that to bring this account current that City Centre Properties will have to bring a payment of $21,040.21 in by the next tax due date of May 10, 2011?…that if taxes are not brought current by May 10, 2012 that the McCurdy may just find its way onto the tax sale the following August?

IS IT TRUE that City Centre Properties and Scott Kosene the developers of the McCurdy project are both listed as contributors to the Weinzapfel for Mayor committee for 2010?…that Mayor Weinzapfel has announced that he will not be seeking his party’s nomination for Mayor in 2011?…that this developer chose to contribute to Mayor Weinzapfel’s fictional campaign at a time that it also made the conscious decision to not pay the property taxes on the McCurdy to the Vanderburgh County Treasurer?…that one’s priorities always tell you something about someone or some business?…that choosing cigarettes over food, liquor over tuition, or political contributions over taxes come from that self serving and misdirected part of some personalities?…that City Centre Properties chose to contribute to a campaign that Mayor Weinzapfel will never run and simultaneously chose to forego paying property taxes on the McCurdy Hotel?…that we really wonder what this means to the future development prospects of the McCurdy?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer had a record internet traffic day yesterday?…that our content was read by 14% more people yesterday than it ever has been?…that more people accessed our content yesterday than votes were needed to win any Evansville City Council position in the 2007 City of Evansville elections and double the number needed to win any of the contested primaries?

IS IT TRUE that a member of a prominent local Westside political family refers to the City County Observer on her Facebook page by using profane language in to describe the publication?…that it is wonderful to live in a free country where we enjoy a free press and people are allowed freedom of expression?…that starting a cussing contest with a publication that has more readers than your relative needs votes to win may not be a prudent action?…that we remove cuss words from our comment section just like other publications that allow anonymous comments as soon as we find out?

IS IT TRUE that tomorrow night is the semifinal round of the Final Four in Houston?…that UE is quite well connected to the Cinderella semifinal matching Butler and Virginia Commonwealth?…that the Aces beat Butler and also defeated Hofstra that finished higher than VCU did in their conference?…that someday with the successful recruiting of just two star players to go with an always solid supporting cast the Evansville Aces will follow Butler, VCU, George Mason, and others to the Final Four?…that is really is possible but like other things takes planning, execution, and maybe a little luck?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer is encouraged to learn that Keep Evansville Beautiful is taking some action to improve the appearance of the northern gateway to Evansville?…that this is something that has been discussed as a need for many years now?…that gateways and parks say more about a cities quality of life than any Arena or ballfield?…that this is a great step in the right direction and that we congratulate Keep Evansville Beautiful for taking this giant task on?


  1. I question your statement about removing profane language. You seemed to be a bit slow removing a vulgar comment last week from railoverauto. It was posted the biggest part of the day. Yes, you did remove it. I read the post between the two people on facebook. The comments from the one pearson were far more vulgar than the “prominent westside political family”. It is not hard to see where her son gets his language from.

    • It was a weekend an it is a manual operation. We are not awake 24/7. It was removed as soon as it was discovered

      • I’ve notice some quick replies to to certin post on the weekends. I wouldn’t think you would be there 24/7. It’s interesting what post get the quickest responce.

    • Yea… sure…. whatever Debi… How nice of you to complain about fairness when you yourself are on here 24/7 attacking somebody.

  2. Is Rick Davis going to use the campaign slogan “a new broom sweeps clean” sometime before election day? It is a great message.

  3. Wasn’t that on Debi Mosby’s facebook?…………Is anyone really surprised?…….. Anything that woman says should be taken with a grain of salt….. I’ll be one happy camper when this Mosby regime is no longer involved in 6th Ward politics…. I’m a lifelong democrat but if Al Lindsey doesn’t win I’ll switch parties.

    • If you think it was Debi on facebook, you must have an idea who the other person was. Did you read what the other person said. If so, you’ll know who was by far the most vulgar. The prominent political family member just put a post on what one of lindseys supporter put on this site and called this publication what I’ve heard many people call it. Thats what started this whole thing. Like I said on a earlier post, I see where her son learned his language.

      • Debi was the only one that mentioned the City County Observer on FB thus that is our only interest. We don’t think it was her, we know it. If she and someone else want to cuss each other till their fingers bleed on FB we do not have any reason to intervene. There are lots of cutesy names that people have for lots of things that involve inserting a rhyming profane word. Many of them end it i-t-y or u-c-k. We prefer to be cutesy without that sort of thing. It is easier.

  4. Dear Editor:

    I do not deny calling your “paper” a bad word. You need to keep my name out of your “paper”. I simply posted a fb message on “my page” that was a direct quote from Jordan Baer. His mother chose to get very vulgar and personal with me. Which is none of your concern! Most people refer to your “paper” as lots of bad things(you post bad things about people all the time). As far as “6th Ward Voter” is concerned I am sure this is a personal friend of Alfred Lindsey’s.

    • You name was not in the paper. Another poster that goes by mfcdkw posted your name on a comment and we responded. We have known about your FB comment for a while now. We did not learn about your comment from Mr. Baer.

        • Actually after digging through the stack of responses someone named 6th Ward Democrat named her in two posts and your reference to Debi was a response to those posts. It seemed like 6th Ward Democrat think that you are Debi. Sorry for the confusion. Debi outed herself for cussing the CCO after reading the posts and whatever went on between her and some others on Facebook.

    • I am a supporter of Al Lindsey that is correct….. and that is because I’m sick of what you Mosby’s are doing…. like calling the CityCountyObserver a “bad word”….. and whining about me when you don’t have a clue who I am… Come on Debi grow up… It’s funny how you Mosby’s are always offended when someone says something about you…. but yet you are allowed to say whatever you want?….Mfcdkw which is pretty obviously you is always on here whining about people… If you don’t like the CityCountyObserver don’t let the door hit you on the way out…. I’m a 65 year registered democrat and I vote in the 6th Ward… You Mosby’s need to think about that before you start running your mouth about people.

      • 6thwardDemocrat
        Last week someone thought I was Annie Groves, the county coroner. This week it’s Debi Mosby. Wrong again.
        I hope you didn’t take that as whining.

    • Looks like Debi Mosby needs a crash course on how to use the internet.

      1) The more “unnecessary” quotation “marks” you use, the dumber you “sound”
      2) Getting personal and arguing on the internet is for 13 year olds. (And people who dont understand how to use the internet)
      3) Everything you write on the internet can be read by others, and you will often be held accountable for your words.
      4) Hypocrisy is laughably easy to point out on the internet (Your words will never be erased now, even if you try to erase them)

      If I were politically aligned with you, I would be strongly encouraging you to keep your opinions to yourself until after the election. This exchange reflects horribly on you personally, and looks bad for the people you’re siding with.

      If you cant avoid these little hissy fits, you may want to just quit the internet.

  5. I’m not going to get in a war of words with Debi Mosby because quite frankly I have more important things to do with my life such as working on community service projects, but mfcdkw made MULTIPLE PERSONAL attacks on me that are still on here.

    I’m going to pretend like it wasn’t Debi Mosby but it kinda seems intriguing that this person posted personal info about me that only the Mosby’s and their close friends could have known such as where I live, who I live with, etc,etc and kept calling me Jason, something that David and only David keeps calling me everytime I saw him. Debi should demand those comments be deleted as well especially since my comment (which didn’t name any personal info about BJ) was in response to that persons comments.

    Debi did not directly quote from me, I DID NOT call the CCO that name, Debi did.

    Debi needs to keep my name off her fb before she worries about her name on here.

    • Hang in there young man…… I love what you’re doing for this city…. You have my support.

    • RailOverAuto
      I am not Debi Mosby. You say I made multiple personal attacks on you. Have I said anything that wasn’t true?

      • Looks like ole Debi is too embarrassed to own up to the filth that she posted on here..Typical Mosby… Now she’s making the hole even deeper by defending her personal attacks…. You need a lesson from bowhunter72 Debi….Just shut your big mouth… I bet BJ and David are spitting nails right now after what you’ve done on here….

  6. I like how mfcdkw first started out trying to say “if you think it was Debi on facebook”….. and then goes on telling exactly what she said on facebook…..which clearly shows that if mfcdkw isn’t Debi herself (yea right) it’s just one of her Mosby friends posting for her…… I have warned the democratic party time and time again about the Mosbys ever since David arrived in the 80s…. I told them point blank that they would run our party into the ground…. they didn’t listen and now look at what the party has become….

    • When did I say EXACTLY what Debi said on facebook.
      Like I’ve said, I’m not Debi Mosby. Some people just don’t want to believe they could be wrong. And if you think David Mosby is the only person to blame for the democrat party problems, you have been wrong twice on one post today.

      • You’re right….we got BJ running the party into the ground as well…Thanks David!….Doesn’t matter though….they’ll all be out of office this time next year any ways….this town has finally caught on to what the true colors of the mosbys are… just look at debis post on here…nuff said…

  7. I don’t post too frequently on the CCO but I would just like to say how truly disgusted I am with Debbie Mosby. She really needs to take responsibility for her actions. It was completely unprofessional for her to come on this site and make matters worse.

    I have a BJ Watts sign in my yard. Everytime they call me I let them put it out there, but if BJ doesn’t distance himself from people like miss Mosby, than maybe I am supporting the wrong candidate. Would really like to hear what he has to say about all this. I am now reconsidering my vote.

    I am very disgusted in her conduct!

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