IS IT TRUE that last Wednesday (March 19, 2015) members from one of the most highly respected organization in this entire region reapproached Evansville Police Chief Billy Bolin about supporting the Narcan Rescue Kit program in order to assist in community policing efforts? …11 select members of the CONGREGATIONS ACTING FOR JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT met with Chief Bolin to present him with research that would show the need for a Narcan Rescue Kit to be placed in every squad car in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE this meeting only lasted less 7 minutes? …Chief Bolin refused to discuss Narcan Rescue Kit with the members of CAJE? …when pressed he said “We are done here” and told his receptionist to show them out (the back door) of his office? … he also told the members of CAJE that he that he has no intention of using Narcan Recuse Kit in his Department? …its also important to point out that Warrick and Vanderburgh Sheriff Departments use these kits?

IS IT TRUE the Narcan Rescue Kits can be “sprayed” into the nose of an overdosing user of opiate drugs (like OxyContin, Vicodin, or heroin) and keep them breathing and alive? …each year, overdose deaths from heroin and prescription drugs like OxyContin outnumber fatalities from murder, hepatitis or AIDS? … public health workers and private citizens in many states now have a weapon to combat opiate drug overdoses – a rescue kit that can save a life – for less than $50? …the rescue kit contains a prepackaged dose of an antidote drug called Narcan (the brand name for naloxone)? …when administered as a nasal spray within minutes of an overdose, Narcan can restore breathing (the cause of death in a drug overdose is usually loss of respiratory function)?

IS IT TRUE we are surprised by Chief Bolin’s insulting members of CAJE in the way he did …we are disappointed that he has forgotten he is hired help and the taxpayers are his bosses?  …we predict Mr. Bolin actions has cost the Mayor votes in this upcoming election?

IS IT TRUE we urge the Mayor to pull rank on Chief Bolin and sit down with members of CAJE and have a rational and calm discussion concerning this possible life saving project?

IS IT TRUE the CITY COUNTY OBSERVER would like to thank members of CAJE for doing great things for this community and the people who live here?

 We thank you for your support and look forward to bringing you the news in a way that not only brings you into the discussion but makes you feel compelled to participate.  The CCO is alive and well and remains your community watchdog?


  1. Bolin shows his ignorance repeatedly, can’t expect much. There should be some standards for hiring officers, or have a timeline for their moving into the city.

  2. Bolin: just another idiot blowhard hypocrite republican. Oh, and I’m so glad my government tells me opiates=good cannibis=bad. Funny how small govt conservatives love govt control in a lot of ways, just as long as they get to control people’s personal lives.

      I find myself …roughly in agreement with Ghost-o’-Joad. …


    • Some of the most intelligent, creative, and inventive people in history had substance abuse issues. Should it automatically be a death sentence if your doctor prescribed you poison? Especially when a harmless alternative is kept illegal by our corrupt government?

      • Get real. If you take you Rx as prescribed there’s not a problem. The typical addict thinks in mega doses. If 5 makes you feel this good wonder what 10 will do. Legalize it all and let nature take it’s course. This really sounds like a liberal hit piece and has no basis of truth. It appears at times the CCO is prone to colorful and imaginative exaggeration.

    • CAJE brought this matter to Bolin’s attention over a year ago to address our suicide epidemic (double the national average). Warrick & Vanderburgh County sheriffs were also approached and agreed to carry this life-saving antidote because they are not in denial that this community has a serious problem. Should those who attempt suicide be tossed aside because it’s a “consequence: of his/her actions? What is the value of one human life? Apparently, to some folks in this community, not much!
      God forbid that an opiate overdose (whether it is intentional or accidental, “legal” or “street” drug) should hit close to home for those who say, “Meh…It was his fault anyway. Why should we bother?”

      • He’s just another pro life hypocrite. Pro life until you pop out the vagina then hell with ya.

        • Well, there is a little bit of a difference between an unborn child who cannot decide for itself or make choices, and a a person who has no self control, common sense or the will to make rational choices. If a dub ass wants to OD on narcotics, good for them. It’s their choice. An unborn child has no choice, nor can it make decisions concerning its life.

      • And when the discussions took place, it was determined that ZERO suicides in Vanderburgh County would have been impacted by officers equipped with Narcan. ZERO….
        CAJE is not used to being told No. They are obviously angry that Bolin did not give in when they “pressed him”.
        There are several reasons why the EPD decided not to use Narcan. Cost was NEVER given as a reason. CAJE knows that, but failed to include that when they spoke to the CCO. Maybe the CCO should discuss medical stuff with medical people instead of church people. There are medical directors at the local hospitals. What did they say about police using Narcan?
        Why did the CCO fail to mention that AMR carries Narcan and responds to the same runs?
        So much left out of the IIT today…..Wonder why…

        • Thanks for giving us some of ‘the rest of the story’, IM.

          Folks with an agenda rarely give both sides. There is no doubt a reason why this information was left out of the IIT, I would be interested to hear what that reason was.

          • Because that infer would have destroyed the narrative and agenda the new CCO wanted to project.

        • Maybe cost is a factor since our city government is so out of control with spending. Would I rather have those kits in a cop car than a new hotel? Yep.

  4. If this is true then I wonder why Chief Bolin was so against this project? Does he want the addicts to just die sooner and go away? I’ve worked with ems and have had to deal with some drug overdose cases in the field. And I’m pretty sure that the hospital staff are not looking forward to treating the druggies that end up in the ER. Some of the hospital staff that I’ve worked with in the past did not think kindly of the overdosed druggies in their ER. They can be a pain when they are high. But they are nicer when they come down off the high.

    Funny I was watching night shift on TV last night and they had an case of a drug overdose on that show. This guy was out and almost dead and they injected him with the Narcan stuff and in this TV show the patient immediately woke up. I thought it was funny that the patient came out of his coma so fast but I figured that it was shown like that because it was just a TV show and they took some creative license to speed up the show due to time constraints. Still if we could save a few people from overdosing and dying it might be worth it. The thing is that what happens to these patients after wards? Do they go get more herorine and code again the next day or do they get put into rehab and recover fully from their heroine addiction.

    The police see the bad/sad side of these overdoses every day or a lot more than we do. It’s easy to be sympatric when we don’t have to actually have hands on with these type of patients. Still they are human beings and we should do what we can to help them. What they really need is rehab in order to get off this drug and back to being a productive member of society. Then it will be up to the Mayor to get more jobs into this town so that these people have a place to work. But then again who’s going to hire a x addict? See the vicious circle here.

    Anyway it’s good to see the IIT back in operation. I’ll take an IIT article every other day or once a week if necessary to keep the CCO going.

      • Indeed it does.

        Narcan = Narcotic antagonist. It reverses the effect of opiods, it isn’t a magic bullet fix for all things OD. Here’s a link with more information:

        If there was any doubt that LKB is the new Editor in my mind, this IIT eliminates it. She never passes up an opportunity to badmouth local LE, and has never (to my knowledge) spent any time attempting to get the EPD side of the story. I’m sure there is some reason Chief Bolin has decided not to do this (aside from “RAWWWWWWRRR!!! Me and my officers are evil and want people to die!!!!”) – – a real ‘observer’ would have attempted to get that side of the story.

        I won’t hold my breath waiting for it.

    • CAJE approached law enforcement over a year ago & asked them to carry Narcan to help address (in a small way) or suicide epidemic. Yes, addicts are on the list of those who intentionally & accidentally overdose on opiates. If a life is saved, that person is given a chance to get the mental healthcare and addiction treatment that he or she needs – and the chance to become an active citizen.
      CAJE only asked for Chief Bolin to review new, evidence-based research on law enforcement use of Narcan.

      • I find it interesting that many people know about the meetings from last year, yet the CCO failed to include that in the IIT. This IIT is designed to attack Bolin in an effort to make the mayor look bad during an election year. Nothing more.
        And the fact that CAJE was willing to participate in this half truth story completely DESTROYS their credibility. I am glad my church has stayed away from this group.

      • What if a life is lost because an officer misreads the signs and symptoms associated with an OD? Now the city is faced with a law suit and the liberal media will work to destroy a law enforcement officer. How much stuff do we want to continually require of law enforcement? Lefties will never be satisfied with the right of each individual to determine their own fate and live with the consequences.

  5. IMO, Chief Bolin should be demoted for this action, and especially the Milan case which is coming to trial in 2 weeks. We need fresh leadership.

  6. Good job Chief Bolin…CCO is only reporting what this group says happen. Did CCO ask Bolin for his comments? $50 per car? Who was going to pay for it the city or CAJE?

    • Guess what Cletus. When those same people get transported by ambulance to the ER it YOU and me and the rest of us that help pay for their transport and treatment though higher insurance premiums and higher hospital costs. They hospital is forced to treat them over and over again and guess what? They pass those costs onto the rest of us. Would it not be better to treat them quickly and get them into a rehab program or would you just rather let them die on the street? I really pity you and the way that you think. It must be awful being you.

      • Pretty sure administering Narcan wouldn’t eliminate the need for an ambulance ride.

          • No you just almost died, you will get the ambulance ride. Law enforcement officers do not take anybody to treatment centers. You go to the hospital then you go to jail then the judge sends you to the treatment center.
            I would be interested in the countrys experience with this. When I was in the government I was involved in a few of these feel good ideas. We would spend thousands or hundred thousands and the equipment would never get used. Five years down the road we had a hazardous waste issue getting ride of the stuff.

      • OK carry the narcan. Carry an AED for heart attack victims. Carry fire extinguishers. Carry salt for icy road. Light bulbs for street lights. Broom for street cleaning. Etc..etc..

        • This thing costs $50 and could save a human life…. I guess we know how much you value life outside the womb.

    • Perhaps the EPD can get a sponsor for Narcan, as they did for the pretty little liaison trucks? Perhaps it can be taken out the PR budget (as many department across the nation do)? Everyone knows EPD could use some positive PR! Some cities don’t pay a dime because someone as been proactive & forward thinking enough to look for grants & sponsorships of this life-saving antidote.

    • Did Chief Bolin call the CCO Publisher and tell his side of the story? Cletus did you sign into the CCO for Chief Bolin? Billy is that you?

      • Did Bolin call the publisher? Are you serious? That’s how you think it works? You write a smear piece and then the target is supposed to call you after the fact?
        This blog is more messed up than I thought. Sad, sad state of affairs….Ron

  7. Ms Editor

    The IIT sites one incident with your interpretation of the event. Did you attempt to contact the COP for any comment or simply added your own tilt to something you read about a week ago ?

    Is it true you have nothing new to create an active discussion ?

    Is it true the new leaders of IIT are realizing they took on a massive undertaking from Joe and lack the ability to continue his insight and sleuthing ?

    • Givemeabreak:
      IIT that you are nothing more than a Troll in here?
      IIT that you would not want to save a heroin addict if he were near death?
      IIT that you ask stupid retorichal questions of the editor in here on a daily basis?
      IIT that the CCO IIT is still going today?
      IIT that the CCO IIT is more creative than ever?
      IIT that there were plenty of witnesses to the story in todays IIT section?
      IIT that the Mayor is nothing more than a pretty boy figure head with no brain?
      IIT that the proof of the above Is the Mayor’s choice for Chief of the EPD?

  8. While Obama is busy negotiating to lift economic sanctions on the radical Islamic Iranian regime AND allow them to have a nuclear enrichment program with only 6,500 centrifuges, other radical Islamic terrorists are consolidating power:

    “The world’s three most infamous terrorist organizations are working together at Al-Qaeda-run training camps in the Sahara Desert in Mauritania, where dozens of recruits from the U.S., Canada and Europe are being indoctrinated into violent jihad and training for attacks that could expand the so-called caliphate across North and West Africa, according to analysts.

    ISIS, Boko Haram and Al-Qaeda all have links to two camps in the remote sands of the expansive North African country, according to Veryan Khan, editorial director for the Florida-based Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium, which tracks international terrorism and had a source on the ground in Mauritania. The sparsely populated Islamic Republic weathered Arab Spring demonstrations to remain stable, but shares a border with troubled Mali and is not far from Nigeria, where Boko Haram is based.

    “The situation in Mauritania is a powder keg very few people are talking about,” Khan said.

    Why Obama wont order our military to find and bomb these terrorist camps and the ISIS troops that routinely show off their vehicles and weapons in parade columns, is really mind boggling.

    • You goobers are so jealous of Obama winning the Presidency two times in a row and being one of he best Presidents ever despite all the GOP attacks and stalling tactics that you can’t talk about anything these days without saying the word “Obama” all the time. Try talking about some thing else as your beating a dead horse. Obama won the elections so get over it. He is our President and the position of President deserve some respect.

      I see where Obama is going to start working on Environmental Matters the last few years he is in Office. So I expect a fight from the Polluters and their supporters. IE Big Fossil Fuel Companies who need to reign in their pollution of the planet but refuse to do so. Obama will put the USEPA to good use. Maybe he can start with Evansville, IN and stop the city from dumping raw poop right into the Ohio River. I see pictures in the paper showing guys fishing along the Riverfront just down stream from the Poop dumping site. I wonder what type of sewer trout swim in the waters at Dress Plaza? Polluted Sewer Trout that glow in the dark?

      • When Obama and Eric Holder are not stirring up protesters at Ferguson, they are busy undermining our freedom:

        “The Justice Department is ordering bank employees to consider calling the cops on customers who withdraw $5,000 dollars or more, a chilling example of how the war on cash is intensifying.

        Banks are already required to file ‘suspicious activity reports’ on their customers, with threats of fines and even jail time for directors if financial institutions don’t meet quotas.”

        • The people of Ferguson stirred up the hornets next not President Obama. President Obama and Eric Holder are just doing their jobs the proper way. Evidently the city of Ferguson thinks it’s ok to shake down the citizens to get a little extra money in the city coffers. Please don’t give the Mayor of Evansville, IN any similar ideas. We pay too many taxes the way it is now.

          • Actually, the people of Ferguson repeatedly said the pot stirrers were NOT from Ferguson. They were out of towners looking for a political platform and free stuff.

          • The decision by the grand jury wasn’t good enough for Eric Holder’s DOC so the DOC investigated and ultimately came to the same conclusion. A four-star general was buried in Arlington the same day as Michael Brown. Three representatives from the administration went to the funeral in Ferguson but there was no representation from the administration for the general. Priorities.

            Moveon, your complaint of paying too many local taxes is rich. What do you think TEA Party stands for? Taxed Enough Already – but for a government like ours there will never be enough.

      • Jealousy is not the issue. For me it’s fear. I fear for my country in the hands of a radical narcissist that clearly doesn’t consider national security his primary duty.

        Does it not alarm anyone on the left that this administration released five captive radical Islamic generals in order to secure the return of Bowe Robert Bergdahl, deserter? At that time we had former Marine Andrew Tahmooressi, who was suffering from PTS, locked away in a Mexican prison and our president couldn’t even pick up the phone to ask for him immediate release. I wish he would have traded five Mexican criminals in this country illegally. How can you spin his actions and inaction to create it any semblance of logic or justice?

        • Those guys were scheduled to be released in a couple months anyway. As usual you only tell the fox news side of the story. They were more people in Bush’s illegal lock away indefinitely with no charges program. As for the guy in mexico, he was a dirt bag and drunk driver.

          • Your post is just a spin and not a very good one. You will justify anything Obama does.

            Why was Bergdahl so important? Was he not a dirt-bag? With the left what’s good is bad and what’s bad is good. You probably justify Pelosi marching with NAMBLA in a parade.

            You couldn’t be more wrong about Tahmooressi. He got in the wrong lane at the border as he was heading to San Diego. He told authorities of his mistake and let them know he had guns in the car. He was taken in to custody and was mistreated horribly for 270 days.

          • If he did desert his unit, we can prosecute him in OUR terms, not those of Muslim terrorists.

        • Whoever holds the office of President makes decisions involving the life and death of Americans and — especially if Iran gets a nuclear arsenal — the life and death of this nation. It took just two nuclear bombs — neither of them as powerful as those available today — to get a very tough nation like Japan to surrender.

          Anyone familiar with World War II battles in the Pacific knows that it was not unusual for 90 percent of the Japanese troops defending Iwo Jima or other islands to fight to the death, even after it was clear that American troops had them beaten.

          When people like that surrender after two nuclear bombs, do not imagine that today’s soft Americans — led by the likes of Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton — will fight on after New York and Chicago have been reduced to radioactive ashes.

          Meanwhile, ISIS and other terrorists are giving us a free demonstration of what surrender would mean. But perhaps we can kick the can down the road, and leave that as a legacy to our children and grandchildren, along with the national debt.

          Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. His website is

          • If any of the CCO readers are concerned about the Obama rush to surrender to the demands of the radical Islamic regime ran by the Mullahs, read up that the United Nations, yep United Nations, has far more security concerns than Obama does:

            “The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency said that Iran has failed to provide the information or access needed to allay the agency’s concerns about the weapons potential of the country’s nuclear program.

            With the deadline nearing for international talks on constraining Iran’s nuclear program, Yukiya Amano, director general of the IAEA, said in an interview that Iran has replied to just one of a dozen queries about “possible military dimensions” of past nuclear activities.

            Amano said that Iran has provided only “very limited” information about two other issues, while the rest have not been addressed at all.

            “Recently, the progress is very limited,” he said.

            The IAEA is the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog, and its inspections are considered a key safeguard against countries using civilian nuclear energy technology to produce weapons. Failure by Iran to comply with IAEA demands would undermine the country’s efforts to win the lifting of U.N. sanctions.”


            Obama, a national security disaster for America.

        • Mega D, spot on assessment of the petulant Obama who still thinks he can bribe radical Islamic jihadists to not make him look bad. While the Community Organizer-in-Chief and toadie John Kerry are surrendering to the demands of the radical Islamic Mullahs to lift their economic sanctions while they promise to to exceed 6,500 centrifuges for their “peaceful” nuclear enrichment program, here’s what the Mullahs are telling their own people:

          “On Monday, the White House dismissed Ayatollah Khamenei’s “Death to America” rhetoric, telling CNN that it was “intended for a domestic political audience.” That comment came on the heels of White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest explaining that such rhetoric provided even more reason for negotiating a deal with the Iranian regime.

          At the same time that the White House essentially blew off Ayatollah Khamenei’s “Death to America” routine, the White House deliberately misinterpreted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s comments the day before and the day of his re-election in Israel. Apparently the things said during an election do not constitute electioneering; the things said in a country that has not had free elections for three decades constitute electioneering. Welcome to the delusional anti-Semitic world of the Obama administration, where Palestinian diplomats can refuse to disassociate from Hamas, and Iran can openly embrace the destruction of America and Israel, but it’s the Jews who need to be clubbed into line.”

          Obama is acting as if he is the President of Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.

        • The Community Organizer-in-Chief keeps “losing” our weapons to radical Islamic terrorists and other criminals:

          “In at least three separate cases, the US government under Obama’s watch has lost track of weapons and other military equipment. While the President is quick to point the finger at former President George Bush for the Iraq War, he conveniently stays mum when it comes to his own administration’s negligence in allowing the enemy to gain control of American weaponry.”

          All this makes you wonder whose side Obama is on.

  9. I’m going to talk about something else today. UE. With the NCAA Division II tournament in town this weekend it got me to thinking about the days when UE was a division II team. They were called Evansville College back in those days. But then someone decided that they needed to start wearing the big boy pants and they changed the name to Evansville University. Then they decided to become a Division I team. UE is still the same small sized college that it was in the past. It’s not really grown much and is still a very expensive private college IMHO.

    Would it not be nice to see UE playing in the Division II tourney instead of the tournament in IL that they are playing in now? UE or Evansville College would maybe be a winner in the NCAA Division II tournament. They won’t have much of a chance to get into the NCAA Division I tournament let alone beat someone like KY, Duke, or the other Division I teams in the Sweet Sixteen this year.

    Does UE play teams like IU or Purdue anymore? The last time I saw UE Play Purdue they had to cheat to win that game. That was when Rick Mount got sick and could not play that game at Roberts Stadium and with Purdue leading by one point at the end of the game UE took the ball out and heaved a desperation shot from one end of the court to the other. The shot was an Air Ball and was caught by the big Purdue Center some where between the free throw line and the basket. The local referee called “GOAL TENDING” on the Purdue center which helped US win the game at the last second. And remember that back then Rick Mount was the Purdue team. He shot and shored 40 points routinely in those games. So the real Purdue team never showed up. That would be like IU Playing UE without Cody Zeller and victor Oladipo. Don’t get me wrong I like UE but I think that they should remain a small college and not try to act like a big university when they are not. They are too small to be called a University and they are not able to recruit with the big boys and thus should be playing schools like USI and other Division II teams. There they could be National Winners again. I do really think that would help the city more than they do now. Not that they don’t help the cities image but they could do a better job like they did in the past. Now if Marty or any other coach can get them into the Division I Sweet Sixteen or the final four I might change my mind.

    • Purdue is not the team it once was either. If that was the last time you saw Evansville play a contender you should get out more….at least if you’re truly a basketball fan.

  10. IIT that the State of Indiana is proposing a State Fire Training Academy someone similar to the Police Academy only for firemen. This new training program would standardize the way firefighters are trained though out the entire state of IN. Other states have similar programs.

    I say this would be a good thing.

    IIT that our City EFD Chief fire investigator is out in Austin, TX learning how to investigate fires. IIT that the city is paying his expenses for this trip? IIT that there are 300 fire investigators from TX at this convention and only one from IN?

    One way the city spends our tax money is sending city employees ( mostly the higher ups like Department Heads) to conventions in other towns. The plane fare, hotel, meals and care rental feeds are all paid by the city tax payers. Fun in fhe sun and without any city tax payer supervision. These people can then leave the city and take their expertise elsewhere if they please. These cost really add up. Check out the different travel budges in the city. There are many different city departments that have travel budgets or training budgets.

    IIT that it costs less to train a firemen locally than it does to send them half way across the Country to TX?
    IIT that there are fire academy training sites located in IN?

  11. It is true that the city police chief is a appointed position that reflects the mayors positions. Is it time that the city police chief position is selected outside of the mayors grasp? If it is true that the Vanderburgh county sheriff department has the needed Rescue Kit, then the need is to spread the word around that when calling 911 on a possible drug overdose, is to request the men in brown?

    • Amulance crews carry Narcan. They are coming to the OD run regardless of what color uniform you request. CCO failed to mention that little tidbit.

      • What if the cop gets there first? (Unlikely) Seconds count when you’re dying.

        • Great Point Ghost. All the GOP guys think about is saving a few pennies here and there. Obviously that takes precedence in their minds over saving lives. That right there is one of the main difference between a liberal vs. a conservative. One cares more about their fellow man than the other. IE one is selfish and one is not.

          • More conservatives have skin in the game than do those who vote democrat. As we know, many democrats vote rather than work for a living. It’s easy to be generous with other people’s money. Look at charitable contributions and I think you’ll find that conservatives are much more generous when the are giving their money to a cause and not to the bottomless pit that is government.

            Remember when Joe Bidden chided us to pay more in taxes as a way of showing patriotism. His charitable donations that year were under $400.00…a tiny percentage of his income. Is he selfish?

          • Ah yes, mega dittos the idiot who thinks tithing counts as legitimate charity. The “conservative generosity” lie is one that particularly gets on my nerves.

          • There are many other was to be charitable than tithes but was it not the churches that built the orphanages, hospitals, universities and schools before our government wormed it’s way into every aspect of our lives? Do churches not feed the poor and send doctors, medicine and food all over the globe when disaster strikes?

          • Answer: not nearly enough. Most of it goes toward the lavish lifestyles of clergymen. Also forcing you to believe in a fairy tale to get a sandwich is hardly charity, it’s more like extortion.

          • No one can force you to believe anything; it’s a question of your own free will to choose to believe. Our inner man, our spirit guides us…one way or the other. Alas, for those that believe no explanation is necessary. For those that don’t no explanation will suffice.

        • LEO’s are rarely dispatched to medic runs, and if they are there it is generally because their presence was requested by medic units already on-scene (AMR or EFD/VFD’s). A simple OD would not generally get a police officer enroute, unless it came in as an expected suicide attempt. EFD and AMR response times in Evansville are very short, generally within a few minutes. I can’t speak for county responses. The chance of a LEO beating us to a dispatched medic run is astonishingly small – – not because they are slow, but because they are generally all tied up taking LE related calls.

          I’ve worked scenes where EPD officers have done some really good first aid, lifesaving first aid in some cases. But those not involved in public safety should realize that the role of LE in an emergency is generally NOT to provide first aid. Cops at an emergency scene have ‘cop stuff’ to do – – control the scene for us, block traffic, investigate a potential crime, etc. This is all stuff that EMS responders aren’t particularly well-trained or equipped to handle, or if we are our time is better spent doing EMS stuff. On the scenes I’ve worked with LE providing first aid, it was usually because there was still on-scene LE manpower available after all the ‘cop stuff’ had been taken care of.

          There is much specificity when it comes to public safety. Forcing responders to become a jack of all trades means that other areas will suffer. This is simple fact.

      • The first responders often beat the ambulance to the scene by 10 to 15 minutes and can help save a life that the ambulance crew might not due to time restraints. And there are many more police cars on the road as compared to ambulances. So the police cars can respond faster.

        IIT that the city might save money by cross training the police and firefighters so that they could do both jobs in some cases? The city’s chief fire investigator also trained to be a police officer and can make arrests as he attended the Police academy. So there is precedence for this.

        • Your response time estimates are a joke!! Where did you get those? From your friends at CAJE?

        • “The first responders often beat the ambulance to the scene by 10 to 15 minutes and can help save a life that the ambulance crew might not due to time restraints.”

          The above might be true in the County, it is not the case in the city. Keep in mind, we’re talking about City of Evansville PD. I have responded to literally thousands of medic runs in my career, and can remember a bare handful where it took more than 5 or 6 minutes for an ambulance unit to arrive on-scene for a city run. Not saying it has never happened or might not happen, but based on my experience your assertion is wildly overstated.

          Modern LE and firefighting/EMS requires enough specificity of manpower, training and equipment that creating a ‘jack of all trades’ public safety responder is difficult at best.

    • Arm, The Narcan could be more of a benefit to the Sheriff’s dept. Their terr. has a lot of rural area that takes longer for EMS to get to.

      • Arm, Been wondering about you. You haven’t been on much. Were you the one who bought the $16,000.00 + per acre farm ground by Poseyville last week ?

        • No, not at these high inputs cost which did not drop like they climbed
          when price of grain elevated several years back. Keep in mind that price
          of groceries, the farmer only see’s 12 cents on a dollar!

          With weather now favorable, to much to do to. Also letting this site find
          itself again! At least someone noticed! Thanks!

          • Heard it was non-local investors dumping money because banks/ market is a poor prospect lately.

          • One, Paper said it was a local farmer using a proxy to bid for him. They must have found someone to pay them $30 per bushel on their corn.

  12. Instead of ONLY posting the CAJE version of this story, how about someone from the CCO at least pretend to be intrtested in both sides?
    The EPD spoke at a public CAJE event at Holy Redeemer Church last year. They spoke about Narcan and listed several reasons why they have decided not to use it. They spoke to the large gathering AFTER having met with the CAJE leadership. This story leads people to believe that Bolin never had a discussion with CAJE. That is not true.
    So why would such a “respected” group fail to accurately portray the whole truth? If Bolin had prior meetings and the CAJE reps and the decision was presented to the CAJE membership, then why not tell the whole true story?
    After not getting their way the first time, did CAJE request a meeting under false pretenses? If Bolin had already met with them about Narcan, why would he agree to another meeting about Narcan and then refuse to discuss it? Is that the way a faith based group should conduct their business? What exactly does it mean when you say they “pressed him on it”? What did they say that caused the conversation to end?
    Clearly, there is much more to this story than the CCO has posted. But as usual, zero effort was made by anyone at the CCO to actually look into it. Or you did look into and chose not to post it. Either way, CCO failed. This blog has again shown itself as a onesided political rag. And CAJE has shown itself as a political group more interested in public shaming than community improvement.

    • This so called site is NEVER been interested in both sides of any story. THAT IS TRUE.
      Chief Bolin, keep up the good work and all you do for this community.

    • Even if Bolin had a rational reason why Narcan would not help citizens if carried by the LEO’s . . .

      You still have to be able to work with the public. Inexcusable to throw someone out like he did. Ever hear of ‘Community Policing’ ? Do actions like Bolin’s with this group: a) Promote’ or b) Destroy the concept of Community Policing ?

      • Bus, Who knows what happened in the meeting. Maybe the group went all Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton on him.

        • Let’s accept your premise. . . let’s say the group “went all Jesse Jackson”. If the Chief of Police can’t defuse that kind of situation peacefully, how can we except the patrol officers to be able to calm a mob with bricks, bottles, knives and handguns ?

      • Having only heard one side of the conversation, you don’t really know if asking aomeone to leave your office is inexcusable or not.
        Again, if the CAJE folks were on the up and up, this IIT would have included the fact that Bolin had met with them before and offered a full explination for his decision. They just did not like it when he told them no so they went to the CCO for a hit piece

  13. Who are members of Congregations Acting for Justice and Empowerment? I have NEVER heard of them before. According to CCO they are highly respected. What congregations to they represent? Do they have a website? What other issues are the involved with? I checked channel 14 and channel 7 websites they do not have a story posted on their websites.
    Also has Chief Bolin commented on this or has he declined?

    • CAJE is made up of ultra liberal churches who feel people are not responsible for their own actions because it is the government’s responsibility to take care of everyone. And if you do not agree with them and bow to their pressure, they will publicly shame you with half truths and a complete lack of honesty concerning their own tactics.

      • Here’s a link to their website:

        I think you’re being glib with your description. Catholic churches aren’t known for being particularly liberal, and at first glance it looks like well over half the members of this group are local Catholic churches. One of their stated goals is to find out WHY people have to depend on charity, and then attempt to address those issues. Seems like a reasonable approach.

        You are correct though that buzzwords like ‘justice’ and ’empowerment’ are typically associated with left-leaning causes. They are squishy words at best, describing nothing, explaining nothing, meaning different things to different people. I’m not sure why CAJE is going into the EMS service. Narcan has a shelf life of around 2 years in a controlled environment – – Is it CAJE’s intent to keep track of all the doses they give out and rotate stock, replacing them as needed? Will CAJE members periodically review available medical literature to determine if best practices for OD treatment has changed? Has a study been done showing that current area EMS responses and treatments are inadequate? What is the scale of the problem that Narcan is supposed to address?

        • CAJE has made no mention of being involved with Narcan past the point of demanding EPD carry it. They have not offered any assistance in supplying it, storing it, or replacing it.
          They have suggested cutting funding from other areas of the EPD to meet their demands.
          With that being said, EPD did not list cost as a reason they will not get Narcan. Their decision was based on the opinion of medical personnel. But CAJE was not having any of that. Shame is the name of their game. And if I was ever approached by CAJE, I would remember this IIT and pass on any conversation with them.

    • You lose, Joad. Two ways. One: It was reported. Two: You slam Fox, then show us your news comes from the Daily BEAST, news source for the ill informed. (dem)

  14. Well, I have met Mr. Bolin personally and he is definitely capable of such antics. Idk if it’s true… there’s just always that saying: There’s No Smoke Without Fire!

    And he’s probably got smores ready by his own fire!!!

  15. Ps … who is this elkaybee? Are you a disgruntled ex-employee of a CCO??

    Is It True you’re trying to make your name more relevant … you are like the Monica Lewinsky of CCO. You worked there for a hott minute and now you dont! Desperate for attention?

  16. The CCO is actually doing a good job with the change in Editors. Joe moved. He has a new life in CA. Joe can write for another paper out there. Today’s IIT was insightful. CAJE is well known in the community for getting things accomplished. Dental services for the poor, bus service, etc. It’s a national organization to better the conditions of those less fortunate. Many, many local churches are involved.

    • How about they stick to teaching the bible and other religious practices and stop trying to make police officers do medical procedures. I myself would NOT want to force a drug on somebody who I had NO IDEA what was medically wrong with them when answering a call. I’m all for helping the poor or less fortunate with dental care and what not, but giving people drugs be it a nose spray or injection is crazy. Why don’t we force officers to carry diabetic medicine and EpiPens for allergic reactions, and nitro pills and on and on and on.

  17. Personally, I don’t think that this was an attack on anyone just informing people of the ongoings in Vanderburgh County. Thank you CCO for giving us this informative article.
    Elkaybee- please stop defaming everyone to drive traffic elsewhere. As a consumer, I love reading the CCO but seeing you posting things that are unrelated to the story are absurd. Move on!


    And the latest IiT board of the CCO is more straight hogwash, piss on that downtowns crumby infrastructure you can’t hide what’s always under the sun.

    past tense: hijacked; past participle: hijacked
    illegally seize (an aircraft, ship, or vehicle) in transit and force it to go to a different destination or use it for one’s own purposes.
    “three armed men hijacked a white van”
    synonyms: commandeer, seize, take over, take control; More
    steal (goods) by seizing them in transit.
    take over (something) and use it for a different purpose.
    “the organization had been hijacked by extremists”

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