Breaking News: Information Pertaining To The Arrest of EFD, Firefighter Ed Parker Sent Out By Today’s Mainstream Media Is Incorrect.


    newspaper-720CCO sources stated that Evansville Fire Department firefighter, Ed  Parker was supposed to appear in court today at 1:00 p.m.

    CCO just found out that he wasn’t in violation of his court appearance order. We have learned that the judged revoked the arrest warrant concerning Mr. Parker’s alleged no show. The mistake concerning Mr. Parker’s court date and time was caused by the Sheriff’s Office clerical department.

    The Judge acknowledged the mistake.  We have learned that Mr. Parker is was present at his court hearing date that was set at 1:00 P. M. today.

    This is a developing story. More information will follow. We urge you to Continue to read the City-County Observer for true and accurate information that you can rely on.


    1. Huh?? I think I’ve missed something.
      This whole thing gets smellier by the minute.

      • Thank you for the birthday wish!
        They changed their” Breaking News” Banner about two minutes after I saw it. They were running something that made Ed Parker look like a fugitive. I should have taken a screen shot of it.

        • LKB has said that she stopped her subscription to the C&P. But you can see that her credibility has gone in the crapper because she is still reading the sub-standard excuse for a newspaper.

    2. Let’s keep this reasonable. The Courier reporter was in the courtroom when the Judge issued the warrant. The information put on the Courier was correct. A judge did issue a warrant and also revoked the previous bond. Once the judge realized a clerical mistake was made by someone at the jail, he withdrew the warrant. The Courier updated the story to reflect that.
      Let’s not act like the CCO has never posted something that they had to update later. The Lamasco Bar artwork story and follow up CCO apology comes to mind.

    3. I’m not coming down on one side or the other of this conspiracy until I read Moveon’s theory of how the Mayor or his cabal influenced the desk sergeant in the sheriff’s dept. to sabotage Riecken’s son-in-law. Or maybe I’ve got to go to Facebook to learn all the names and motives of those involved.

      • ….maybe you have something here. The wish for conspiracy is way out of control. LKB and Moveon are wildly insecure about Gail Riecken’s ability to manage this…they push conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy, and are willing to assassinate the character, disclose personal identities w/out even formal charges of any kind, and convict some boat cleaners over their supposed illegal commitment to do something….I”m not sure what, that makes both of them very nervous. Both of these two have lost their moral bearing…it is cringe-worthy to read.

        • You think possibly because it freaks them out how Winnecke can get the Governor to pony up $19Million in cash toward the IU Med Center, and get the Legislature to commit to $36Million in bonding approval toward the project, while Gail can’t even get her colleagues in the House to ante up another $14Mill regardless of her newly found fondness for and ardent promotion of Downtown TIF funded development?

        • The ONLY reason MoveOn , LKB, and SBR over at the Evansville Transparency page want the names is so they can bash these people. They need someone to be the target of their scorn so they don’t have to mention the name Riecken anywhere in their posts. Did these people do anything illegal? Who knows. But what is known is that nobody on the boat has been listed as a suspect in a crime, let alone charged with one. That means there names are not public record. No matter how many tinhatters stomp there feet and demand the names. The investigation is at a stand still until the boat is brought up from the bottom of the marina. But that has not stopped these ” great investigators” from repeatedly calling for something they are not entitlted to. The continued hissy fit by LKB and MoveOn is amusing. Just like they have NO IDEA of the correct way to fight a fire, they have NO IDEA how to investigate one.

          • Excellent….best, succinct analysis I have read of the strange crap that I see coming from LKB and Moveon this week. Great job inquiring….

    4. You think possibly because it freaks them out how Winnecke can get the Governor to pony up $19Million in cash toward the IU Med Center, and get the Legislature to commit to $36Million in bonding approval toward the project, while Gail can’t even get her colleagues in the House to ante up another $14Mill regardless of her newly found fondness for and ardent promotion of Downtown TIF funded development?

    5. It is reported that the court has allowed Parker time to hire his own layer.
      Hearing will be in March.

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