IS IT TRUE February 13, 2015 (Updated)


IS IT TRUE that the City of South Bend, Indiana is doing something with borrowed money that is so insane that it makes Evansville look like a Fountain of Knowledge?…we know that is hard to do but this one makes a $10 Million dog park and an $18 Million ballfield complex look frugal and wise?…the City of South Bend is borrowing $25 Million to spend to turn 4 one way streets into two way streets?…once upon a time these were two way streets and good money was spent to turn them into one way streets to stimulate the economy and bring prosperity to local commerce in South Bend?…this time around the reverse is being done to stimulate the economy and bring prosperity to South Bend’s downtown?…this is so incredibly stupid that it should be included in a comedy act?…the only thing Evansville has done to compare with this insanity was a couple of years ago when the direction of Main Street’s one way traffic was changed from east to west to west to east?…that was a $4 Million exercise in futility that was supposed to help the downtown merchants immensely by changing the direction of traffic flow?…Main Street was at one time a two way street, that was changed into a no-way street walkway at a price, which was changed into a one way street at a price, which was changed into the other way street for $4 Million all in the name of a prosperous economy?…we can guess what will be proposed next?…that will be a two-way street at a high price which will magically rain hundred dollar bills on the old downtown area of Evansville?…the is precedent for making such an insane capital expenditure up north in South Bend, Indiana?…this is one case where monkey-see-monkey-do will make any and all supporters look more like Curious George than Albert Einstein?

IS IT TRUE the State of Indiana House Committee has actually given a green light to land based casinos?…of course this like other logical legislation with have to make it through the illogical legislative process known as the government of Indiana?…allowing land based casinos, after the nonsensical digging of a retention pond and deeming it to be a river in French Lick so a casino could pass muster only makes good sense?…it makes more sense because the retention basin nowadays does not retain any water at all?…sometimes one just has to shake one’s head in amazement at the lack of logic exhibited by elected bodies?…while they are hopefully coming to their senses in Indianapolis and giving land based casinos the thumbs up, maybe they will tack on a package store on Sundays provision so people can sit in their rooms and enjoy a beer bought from a local merchant across the street?…sometimes the clock on the courthouse wall really does seem more like a Koo-Koo Clock than it should?

IS IT TRUE three thugs broke into a residence on Morton Avenue just after midnight on Wednesday and demanded money from the resident?…fortunately the victim was not harmed but the mental anguish of having one’s home invaded will remain for many years?…this kind of news, while explaining the harsh reality of life in South Evansville is not the sort of thing that will attract businesses or model citizens to call Evansville home?…it was once asked in a seminar on building attractive cities “what am I homesick for when I am away from home”?…the answer would not include things like robbings, shootings, sewage in the street, dilapidated sidewalks, potholes, and foul smells?…this writers answer to that question would be my kids, some friends, and Turoni’s pizza?

IS IT TRUE according to Chief Deputy Coroner Steve Lockyear the pedestrian struck on Upper Mt. Vernon Road in the early morning hours day before yesterday has died? …Darrell Asbridge, age 58, died at Deaconess Hospital? … an autopsy is scheduled for Saturday at the Vanderburgh County Coroners Office. …the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the circumstances surrounding the victim being struck?

IS IT TRUE there was a heated argument at the most recent Labor Council meeting? …the majority of Labor Council membership wanted to invite all primary candidates to come and make presentations so the Labor Council could do political endorsements? … that the “Union Boss” Jack McNeely stated he didn’t see any reason to have any primary presentations by candidates? …when “Union Boss” Jack McNeely views was voted down he blew up and told the membership he is now an Independent? …all we can say about this is “WOW”?


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  1. Could the BB gun incident with the school bus be just a stepping stone to a “Ferguson” tomorrow?
    Is it not true that 68 illegal guns have been taken off the streets since the first of the year? That these people
    could never carry a “legal permit” because of their past records? That these type of people actions are what put
    the wrong thoughts into people’s head that all guns are bad?

  2. Is it not ironic that the METS system is being pushed by the mayor for services with the town of Henderson, while
    not supplying a economical route for those low wage jobs workers for one of the wealthiest person around?

    • Arm, Have they stopped that N 41 route ? I read one time it wasn’t doing well but i thought it said it was from lack of riders.

      • Route still going for now with recent county government payment. Recall the story of Mets
        raising the trip to $15? I believe it was said the ridership was up also which raised some
        questions as well!

    • I really think that Evansville busses should run all seven days every week before we look to a Henderson run. There is need for residents who cannot afford to own a car to be able to get to healthcare, restaurant, and retail jobs twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Many others would benefit from public transportation to be available to get their families to church and community functions and to do their shopping. If Winnie wants Evansville to be a vibrant city, mass public transit on a 24/7 basis should be a priority for him.

  3. Re: casinos. The ball is in your court, deregulation party. Get rid if this ludicrous regulation right now. You have supermajorities and a Republican governor. There are no excuses. Seize the opportunity to buck your long trend of blatant hypocrisy. My prediction? Find a way to blame it on the democrats.

  4. Is it true that on ABC News last night they had a piece on “Buying into the USA”?
    That it shown telecast of a $500,000 EB5 Green Card Buy from several different countries?
    That 32 companies in this scheme are being investigated. That likely this is just a tip of the iceberg?
    That many illegal comes in from Mideast nations that can carry on espionage?

    That was mention last night on this site in IIT, that TJ Max was raided?
    Another poster mention of other incidence?
    That many were used at the Owensboro Hospital construction which I heard from several sources?
    That there are many around working behind the scene, while some are exposed to the public?
    That many business has lost my business from these owner endeavors?

    • The Republican employers fight like the dickens against immigration reform because they’d have to set up their slaves err I mean employees on actual payroll, withhold tax, now provide a few dignities post aca, pay min wage, etc.

      • Excellent point, Ghost. Cheap labor that can be mistreated more easily than someone who is here legally is a great thing for many big employers. The day they start loading Human Resources managers into the paddy wagon with the undocumented workers, I’ll be impressed. The day they jail CEOs for illegal hiring, I’ll REALLY be impressed. The criminals that hire workers who do not have the right legal clearances are the root cause of a lot of illegal immigration.

      • Obama is all for immigration reform. He just created 5-10 million new democrats with all the benefits. They will get up to $1500.00 a month in food stamps, up to $8000.00 tax return under EITC, plus Medicaid, tanf and rent assist. An average of $20,000 a year before they get up in the morning. That’s not counting their side money. Most companies that hire illegals pay the same wages to all their employees. Companies prefer illegals because they come to work on time and do something while they’re there. Tyson is a prime example of a company that gives hiring preference to immigrants and Seebree Ky is the results. The little brown people as you commonly call them are a credit to themselves and a positive benefit to this country and are already blending in and becoming good citizens. I think the part about blending in and being good citizens is making your head explode. Regardless of the political outcome liberals will not be the friends of those hard working little folks coming in from the south.

        • Haha what a moron! In the same paragraph he says the illegals will immediately go on welfare then praises them for being hard workers! Amazing!

          • Liberal democrats will teach them how to get both. What’s wrong with hard working low income people getting public assistance? Sounds like a good plan, one that only a social conservative, the people who really care about the working poor could come up with. Most union workers are on welfare, they get a lot more for their work than they are worth. Most union workers would be out of a job without public assistance. Democrats will take the food out of mouths of the children of hardworking conservative to pay union workers to do public sector jobs, like the arena. Take the PLA requirement out of the hotel construction plan and watch a private business build us a nice hotel, unions stifle growth and kill jobs. Don’t listen to what liberal democrats tell you, watch what they do. They do NAFTA and executive order immigration changes that benefit rich democrat business owners and rich liberals who enslave Hispanics into working for low wages as nannies and domestics. They also make fun of conservative women or men who are stay at home parents and raise highly competent respectful Christian children. Of course this would be difficult for liberals, they seem unable to maintain a mutually supportive and loving relationship long enough to raise their children and then complain because they’re single parents and want tax payer assisted childcare. The childcare is not a problem, the problem is that liberals feel entitled and are basically ingrates with no feelings or thoughts toward this great country that cuddles them.

  5. is it true that Owensboro is opening a second convention hotel? Wonder how much that one cost the city? 🙂

    • jbyrd
      Yes it’s true … and it’s true that Owensboro’s Beautiful Riverfront Development and clean friendly nuance will always trump Evansville’s Dated Centre and the proposed cracker-box-hotel that is supposed to save it.
      Even if we would throw “all in” Owensboro has us beat … hands down.

      It really is time to give up on growing the city … give up on revitalizing the downtown district … and to focus our efforts on Public Safety … Streets and Sidewalks … put more Cops in cars and on foot in our high crime areas … get Vectren under control … and address our CSO issues in the most effective and economical way possible.

      Evansville will never be a Destination City … that ship has sailed. The best we might hope for is to provide basic services
      … a safe environment … at a reasonable cost.
      Sadly … I’m not thinking this will ever come to pass. …

      • Bubba, we are a destination, more so than Owensboro. It’s just not downtown. People come from a lot of different locations to get to the boat. They come into Evansville via the Lloyd or the Veteran Parkway. They don’t go near downtown which has a reputation similar to East St. Louis and East Chicago. Out of Towners and out of Staters flock to the eastside on weekends. This city needs to be rewarding and working with GR and Burkhardt, success begats success. Next time you’re on the east side, particularly Target check out the license plates. The problem is, there’s more tax money for unions and old democrat politicians in downtown Evansville than the private sector on the east side. Downtown Evansville is a drain on this city’s financial resources.

        • They come from out of town to buy China made junk at target and you’re hailing that as some kind of Evansville success story?

          • People are getting paid to sell that Chinese made products. The world has changed, it’s no longer flat. We are living with a global economy, created by high paid non productive low skilled union workers and the savior of the democrat party, Bill Clinton via NAFTA. Obama is helping by using executive order to legalize and move millions of illegal globals into our workforce, who will be able to live and thrive on current wages. Those big paying low skill jobs are gone, just gone, no one has them, they’re just gone and they’re not coming back. High skill workers are doing well and will continue to do well, low skilled workers are going to have to re invent themselves. The unions are on the wane so high paid low skilled union workers need to start re inventing themselves.

      • This “Owensboro has us beat hands down” is simply silly. They have a cute little spray-park and a nice convention center, that appears to be hosting a lot of flea markets downtown. Can you see a hockey game, or Division 1 NCAA basketball game, or go to a casino, or a concert other than a Bluegrass Jamboree, or tour a WWII battleship in downtown Owensboro?

        Outside of downtown, how is their zoo, or shopping (considering they don’t even have a Sears store or an escalator in town)..what about that great airport, with a couple of flights weekly to a secondary Florida airport on a bare bones budget airline. Can you get to Chicago, Atlanta, Charlotte, Dallas daily from there? How about their restaurant selection compared to ours…Oh yes, they have mega-buffet Moonlite. They also have a Dunkin Donuts, which I am sure appeals to the grumps on here. I heard they had revitalized some older neighborhoods into exciting entertainment districts, one of which hosts the second largest street fair in the country…oh wait, that was us. They do have a pool hall next to the rotting Gabes carcus, which IS the Owensboro skyline.

        I really have nothing against Owensboro, but this talk about them passing us by is again, pure silliness coming from the mouths of the bitter coot club.

        Save me a strawberry frosted donut at Dunkin.

  6. Maybe we should change Main Street back to two way traffic one more time. It’s would help stimulate the economy of Downtown again and again and again. Oh Boy!

  7. What about Sunday auto sales and distributer restrictions for alcohol sales and new cars?

    If we Christians were so concerned about blue laws then restaurants wouldn’t fill up after church let’s out.

    • We all survived those blue law Sunday’s back in the day. Remember “on the seventh day he rest”?

      • I also know how ridicules blue laws became in the Old Testament, how far you could walk, how many knots you could tie.

        • IE, your not by chance picking and choosing which part of the
          Bible that fits your needs? I’m never one to endorse work
          on Sunday. Be hard to be a good christian and be forced to work
          instead of being in a brick and mortar building of the Lord for
          Sunday church services!

          Those old blue laws were there for a reason. Greed and quick self
          material satisfaction is pushing working on the Sabbath!

          Granted back in the day, there were essential jobs that had to be
          staffed for the well being.

          • Arms,
            “Colossians 2:16 Let no one, then, pass judgment on you in matters of food and drink or with regard to a festival or new moon or sabbath.”

            Contrary to popular accusations, I do not believe morals can or should be legislated.

          • Only because you fall into the hype that being against guy marriage is because one hates homosexuals. I am against it because it is not equality and a bad law that will creates more issues than it resolves. Funny you didn’t know that already.

    • Are Christians really fighting these laws or are business people fighting these laws? I understand that liquor stores are fighting these laws because they don’t want the added expense of opening on Sundays. I think Christians are doing a good job of staying out of politics except for the African American churches which are a political arm of the democrat party and should lose their tax exempt status. It appears to me that the churches are changing with the times at a faster pace than the liberal democrats. Is the sale of cars on Sunday restricted because of churches or because banks are closed? You can close the deal on a car on Sunday but can you license and insure it? I guess Christians are as good as anyone to blame problems on. I do wish Christians would back off abortion and gay marriage, let nature take it’s course.

      • Haha pov shows his racism again. Only black chuches should lose tax exempt status. What more proof do you need, folks?

  8. “What do you want to be homesick for?” Perhaps the most haunting question I have ever heard. If the listening sessions were armed with that question rather than a box of crayons we would gain valuable insights. If the city leaders were interested in that question they would have been there taking names. Only one attended and Wienzapfel made an introductory appearance.

    The question might make a good topic for tomorrow’s free for all.

    • I sure never said it was a religion of peace. Your president Bush sure did though.

      • Interesting, Ghost. You know “everything” about George W. Bush and nothing about Barack H. Obama.

      • “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer” – Barack Hussein Obama

        • “We are awed by the grace he showed even to those who would have killed him. We are thankful for the sacrifice he gave for the sins of humanity and we glory in the promise of redemption in the resurrection.” – Barack Obama. It’s called being a politician, buddy. To be elected to the highest office in the land requires bullshitting multiple demographics. This is the same with every politician. Are you a moron?

          • So you’re saying politicians should not be held to account for anything that comes out their mouths? Interesting.

          • Taggart that’s not at all what I’m saying. I just chose not to let you cherry pick one quote to promote your bigotry without telling the whole story.

          • With Barack Hussein Obama one need not cherry pick because, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he”, and “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”. With his words he has shone a spotlight on who he is…it’s not pretty.

            • “Thinking with the heart is the last refuge of a person with an non thinking mind”

              “Those who can, think, those who can’t feel”

              Those are not from Ayn Rand. They are a little closer to home. I remember them from a speech about 5 years ago.

          • Guess, in think in the context of this quote heart = soul – not to be confused with spirit. These quotes are from the Apostle Paul. I believe the defining difference between conservatism and liberalism is employing the use of logic in a way that will be beneficial to the country as a whole. Logic tells us that that which we subsidize, we will have more. Logic tell us that the people know better how to spend the money they earn rather than wasteful, self-serving politicians (from either party) Logic tells us the best offence is a good defense – peace through strength. Logic tells us that when people are told they cannot succeed on their own, that they need the continuous aid of the government, they will come to believe that and live accordingly, raising their children in the same way. I’m sure the skewed logic of this administration knows exactly what will happen with our immigration policies – more people dependent on the government and a larger power base for the Democrat party. That is indeed the logic behind every decision this administration makes and those decisions are not good for the country.

          • BB – Perhaps you would do better by raising the level of your argument instead of the level of your vitriol, which is already off the charts. Are you always so antagonistic? Can’t we disagree without your being so very disagreeable?

          • You need to call up one of your east side buddies and see if he can find you a spare Xanax. I’m sure in your part of town that shouldn’t be a problem. Maybe a little MJ would help, it won’t make you less angry, but you won’t care that you’re angry. We all knew Obama was a muslim and he got elected anyway. We all knew he wasn’t a real American and he got elected anyway. We all knew he was sweet but he got elected anyway. We knew he was a racist but he got elected anyway. These are things that are not really important to democrats or he wouldn’t have gotten elected, twice. Gruber was right democrats are extremely stupid votes.

        • Don’t give me your shit, you come on here on and vomit up this edited up pile of lies spewed by the lowest scum on youtube. Shit on the level of Ann Coulter, and Rush Limbaugh, and like Ann when call out, ohhhh I was only kidding, you take what I said serious.? Now you want some sincere high level argument? I provided the link to fact check org Perhaps you should read it instead of quoting garbage edited youtube vidoes.

          Just the other day you were proclaiming your moral superiority to Muslims, yet you come on here and spread the worst kinds of chain email viral video lies.

          • I do not care about Mr. Obama’s race or religion. What I do care about is the depths to which he is pushing this country – he leads from behind.

            I have never proclaimed moral superiority over anyone. I commented that it is not the Christians, or Jews, engaging in beheadings and setting people on fire.

            Great minds discuss ideas, mediocre minds discuss events, and small minds discuss people. You folks always talk about those you HATE but you never say what it is you actually stand for. Apparently you want bigger government, more entitlements, more regulations, open borders, a weak (or non-existent) national defense political correctness gone made, and the every increasing national debt. Quite a platform you’ve got there.

          • I suspect that Ellen Woerter has taken on a new screen name. It is clear that the person calling herself “Dagny Taggart” either has not read “Atlas Shrugged” or didn’t understand the depth of anti-Christian sentiment embraced by Ayn Rand. Rand’s beliefs and Christian beliefs are clearly incompatible, and nothing is worse than the twisting and spinning of people who claim both to be followers of Rand and Christ.

          • LKB – People are not just black and white. I subscribe to Rand’s opinion of an over-reaching, intrusive government but I don’t worship her.

          • Let’s be clear.

            It is WILDLY PREPOSTEROUS for the So-Called-DAGNY TAGGART to espouse crap that flies in the face of Ayn Rand philosophy. Ayn Rand would LAUGH and CATCALL what SC-DT writes.

            The so-called Dagny Taggart is not credible (nor even familiar with Ayn Rand for God’s sake) with anything…and thus hard to take ANY of SC-DT’s comments seriously.

            What I do know is SC-DT’s total unfamiliarity with Ayn Rand’s writings and philosophy makes SC-DT insignificant, fake, uninformed and silly. Just call yourself Carrot-Top, SC-DT. It’s more apt.

            (I think LKB is right. Not that is matters, but SC-DT is likely Ellen Winker.)

          • Shem – It’s clear you knew anything about Rand’s philosophy regarding an over-reaching, over-regulating, over-taxing government. Why do you suppose the tax-paying achievers dropped out and took refuge in a private place in the mountains?

            Ghost – there is certainly a remnant of racists Caucasian Americans but the country is certainly not racists as a whole else how was Obama elected twice. African-Americans only represent about 13% of our population so they couldn’t have elected him with out the aid of Caucasians.

            The M.O. for the liberals on this site is to ridicule anyone who thinks differently, which isn’t conducive to meaningful debate. You have no rebuttal so you resort to name calling…right out of the spiritually and intellectually bankrupt liberal playbook. You can’t argue on issues so you simply mock and deride your opposition. Per Churchill, “If at 20 you are not a liberal you have no heart. If at 40 you are not a conservative you have no head”.

          • SC-DT, I forgot more about Ayn Rand than you know.

            You too often write with a bigoted, fascist bent, and it is unbearable to read. It brings out the name callers, but that’s your doing. SC-DT, you are trying to invert that very thing you actively do. (And the name callers are NOT uniquely liberal, they are equally conservative or libertarian. Name calling is name calling.) BTW, your authenticity is w/out substance as your writing is little connected to Ayn Rand. Everyone immediately questions what you write, starting with that fact.

          • Danny, LKB and others have tried to hang that Rand bone around my neck for years. She knows better but for some reason thinks it is a good argument. I think it’s because that is all they have.

          • @IE: I didn’t try to hang anything around your neck. You were the one who decided you were “Indiana Enoch Going Galt.” I simply pointed out that I did not think you had read “Atlas Shrugged” or you would understand that true Christians are not followers of Randian philosophy. You finally admitted that you had only read a part of John Galt’s speech and decided to get rid of the “Going Galt” part of your moniker.
            What you wrote here is nothing but an out-and-out lie.

          • See? Just like that. LKB, you’re not so obtuse that you can’t understand that one can agree with another person’s philosophy but not the person’s theology. I like Steven Covey. Does that also make me Mormon?

          • CCO Editors: is it about time to ban the trolls Ghost aka Brains that spew verbal garbage on a routine basis? They are flaming wackos that attack other polite posters. IMHO.

        • BTW I dropped the Galt moniker because I made my point and another poster hijacked my IE moniker to make hateful post as if it was me. I decided not to read Atlas because pretty well got the jest and would rather read books on ethics, philosophy, or theology.

          But what does that have to do with anything? Rand is not who I read for theology. It’s pointless.

          • Ghost. here’s a news flash. People can be critical of Obama’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood and lack of leadership on war against ISIS, with out being a racist. It is very interesting the President of a Muslim country (hint, Egypt) is calling for a transformational change in Islam, while Obama lectures us that ISIS (hint, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) is not Islamic.

          • Right. If you don’t approve of Obama’s policies you are a racist. If you don’t support Hillary you are a sexist. If you believe in a power greater than yourself so are a murderous religious zealot. If you had Christians you are enlightened. Does that pretty well sum it up?

          • Ferguson is all democrat and Obama started a race riot there. Now they’re upset because white business owners will not take the risk of building there again. Instead of creating calm he capitalized on the opportunity to breed discontent and further damaged a fragile city. Even upstanding African American CITIZENS are turning away from him and have been heard to say, that idiot needs to keep his mouth shut. He’s about as much a president as Sharpton and Jackson are ministers.

          • Did I say anything about anyone but this admiral? No! However, racism does indeed have a lot to do with the criticism of Obama. If you deny that you are blind or you’re a liar.

          • I’ve listened to enough people around here with their lack of any specific complaint other than “he’s the worst president in history” with no specific complaint and follow it up with a n word laden rant. Yes, it plays a major role no matter how much you deny deny deny.

    • Let me forward something I got in the daily E-mail drop that should be of interest regarding your comment.

      The White House


      The so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) poses a threat to the people and stability of Iraq, Syria, and the broader Middle East, and to U.S. national security. It threatens American personnel and facilities located in the region and is responsible for the deaths of U.S. citizens James Foley, Steven Sotloff, Abdul-Rahman Peter Kassig, and Kayla Mueller. If left unchecked, ISIL will pose a threat beyond the Middle East, including to the United States homeland.

      I have directed a comprehensive and sustained strategy to degrade and defeat ISIL. As part of this strategy, U.S. military forces are conducting a systematic campaign of airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq and Syria. Although existing statutes provide me with the authority I need to take these actions, I have repeatedly expressed my commitment to working with the Congress to pass a bipartisan authorization for the use of military force (AUMF) against ISIL. Consistent with this commitment, I am submitting a draft AUMF that would authorize the continued use of military force to degrade and defeat ISIL.

      My Administration’s draft AUMF would not authorize long-term, large-scale ground combat operations like those our Nation conducted in Iraq and Afghanistan. Local forces, rather than U.S. military forces, should be deployed to conduct such operations. The authorization I propose would provide the flexibility to conduct ground combat operations in other, more limited circumstances, such as rescue operations involving U.S. or coalition personnel or the use of special operations forces to take military action against ISIL leadership. It would also authorize the use of U.S. forces in situations where ground combat operations are not expected or intended, such as intelligence collection and sharing, missions to enable kinetic strikes, or the provision of operational planning and other forms of advice and assistance to partner forces.

      Although my proposed AUMF does not address the 2001 AUMF, I remain committed to working with the Congress and the American people to refine, and ultimately repeal, the 2001 AUMF. Enacting an AUMF that is specific to the threat posed by ISIL could serve as a model for how we can work together to tailor the authorities granted by the 2001 AUMF.

      I can think of no better way for the Congress to join me in supporting our Nation’s security than by enacting this legislation, which would show the world we are united in our resolve to counter the threat posed by ISIL.


  9. The City of South Bend is controlled by Democrats. Insane deficit spending answer.

  10. Evansvilles Mayor wants to build a brand new $10 Million dog park for dogs and yet current parks are literally rusting away. One of those parks are across the street from a council members home and that council member voted for dogs over kids. I guess dogs are more important than kids to some. The vote was 7-2 against building the new dog park. I will give you 3 guesses as to which two were in the minority that voted to build the Mayors dream dog park.

    Jack McNeely has lost his moral direction. He needs to remember where he came from. Union members joined unions to stop being dictated to and exploited by employers. Jack needs to allow the members their right to be heard and counted. I hope he comes to his senses about things because he has never acted this rash before. Its very unbecoming. Nobody died and made Jack McNeely king of anything.

    Crime in Evansville has been very high in spite of the famed “Guardian” being parked from one neighborhood to the other. The only thing the Guardian has managed to accomplish is diminish home values and put visitors on edge who see it parked in residential areas. When grandkids go see Nana they are greeted by a military style vehicle. Not the image I particularly want portrayed out of my hometown.

    • What good does parking a urban assault vehicle anywhere do? Do they think criminals believe someone is in there watching them 24/7 with no one ever exiting or entering the vehicle? It’s about as worthless as the police car that sat at the water treatment plant for years without ever moving. That thing probably didn’t even run.

      • I am so freaking happy to finally see someone post about that stupid police truck!!!! Missy Mosby must think that it does our neighborhoods proud. Not only does she constantly talk about it she posts pictures of it on her Facebook. She is so vain she brags that she is the one who called to get it parked in our streets. Lol @ the dogs before kids statement. That statement is so true. She is either talking about herself or her dogs. People at work call her.. Me, Myself and Missy…when they talk about her. I personally can’t wait to never have to see her face plastered around the southeast side.

        • …………….go gets them south side saul……..yous the mans……..wes don’t needs no police…………..downs on the south side………..

          • Cool, a racist remark. Glad to see the people who support fake and superficial police work are racists. I have an idea, let’s shift some patrols from the East Side to the South/Southeast Side and park the police truck in those neighborhoods instead. Its a fantastic deterrent according to POV.

      • I don’t think criminals think like the rest of us, most of them drop out of school at around the 9th grade and spend the rest of their life doing time or collection tax payer benefits.. Yes, police vehicles work, an empty police vehicle is a psychological deterrent. Most people will adjust their behavior when they see a police vehicle. Most people will slow down and look at their speedometer when they see a police vehicle. People driving down water works road that are unfamiliar with Evansville and see that police car would slow down. It would probably never dawn on a criminal or a liberal that the vehicle was empty. No problem for Christians and conservatives, they are normally good citizens and follow the law. Liberals dislike conservatives and Christians because they think they never get caught for crime when really they don’t do crime.

        • Psychological deterrent huh? I’m not sure what to say to that ridiculousness. Are you honestly suggesting that liberals are Godless? You think only Conservative people are Christians? They must have missed reading the following scriptures then:

          Taxes: Romans 13:6-7, Matthew 22:17-21, 1 John 2:15-17, Mark 12:13-17, Exodus 22:22, 2 Corinthians 9:7

          Wages: Romans 4:4, James 5:4, Leviticus 19:13, 1 Timothy 5:18, Luke 10:7, Deuteronomy 24:14-15

          Greed: 1 Timothy 6:9-10, Proverbs 28:25, Mathew 6:24

          Before you claim to know God I suggest you KNOW God.

    • I agree. Jack McNeely is a legend in his own mind. Maybe he should retire and move to Florida. I expect he doesn’t want to be embarrassed if Winnecke Demopublicans Missy and Beav don’t get the union endorsement, not that it matters much anymore to anybody but him.
      If Evansville doesn’t get its priorities straight NOW, it’s a goner. I actually agree with Steve Schaefer about the fact that we have to spend money in order to grow and prosper. We have to spend what it costs to make Evansville a safer place to live, deal with our CSO problems, and serve the most basic needs of the residents. In other words, “SAFETY, SIDEWALKS, SEWERS, STREETS, & GOOD SENSE BEFORE HOTELS, DOG PARKS, AND ROOFTOP BARS.”

      • A liar or a runner. I think with the choices we have we are already had. I hope that Gail’s vision would be the same as your list. Good list.

    • Jack McNeely might have lost his direction but Paul Green, honch of IBEW, sure hasn’t. Ole Paul knows who butters his bread and isn’t shy about saying it:

      Green has said that union members may be faced with a tough choice when picking between Winnecke and Riecken.
      Green went on to acknowledge that he’s not impartial. He is a member of Winnecke’s campaign finance committee.

      “I can call or even text Lloyd and ask him to have lunch to discuss something, and he’ll text me back and ask me when,” Green said.

      Boss McNeely said that Riecken will face “a popular mayor that’s done a good job.”

      ~~ The statement by McNeely is truly amazing. If Winnecke wins it sure won’t have anything to do with his record, it will be due to big money and treachery. He has been a terrible accidental mayor, fodder for conmen and generally inept. He is not a popular mayor. He is a first class … embarrassment to Evansville. ~~

          • The Medical School and whatever it brings with it belongs on our “Medical Mile”, or on the USI Campus, NOT in the Dead Zone.

          • Yes your correct the other sites, as well as, many others already have the more advanced logistical infrastructure in place to ease the first in costing that’s going to be required to move the project forward anywhere. The old downtown and its crumbling infrastructure just cannot compete in the real world today without plenty of additional construction funding in the mixed bids Literally, you end up with less bang for everybody’s bucks.

            Continuing to toss everything at the bailout of the bumbledome (__ord center) and, the fools that went all in on those old low valuation properties around the failing downtown isn’t the way for Evansville or the metro to move into this century. You have a metro, so grow within that’s thriving parameters to maintain decent recovery revenues without the constant drain created by that vacuum they call downtown Evansville. That’s the “no brainer” as all those cronies consistently flap about.

      • It’s very upsetting for old hardline democrats to see shift is happening. Unions and African Americans are going back to their original base, the republican party. African Americans except for shem and bb are starting to realize the democrat party only cares about them for their votes and unions are starting to see that democrats will sell them to the lowest bidder as in NAFTA. The democrat party selected Winnecke to run as their mayor for a reason and the unions will support that.

      • Now, that’s a Darwinian solution to many of the problems in this part of the country!

    • Make them vertical. Stripe the heretofore neglected undersides, it will even out the wear and save maintenance costs. They’ll be famous throughout the land.

        • If funding would materialize for such a project the maggots would descend to stake their claims before the grant was even made public. The terminals would be on land owned or scarfed up by connected politicos and it would not come cheap. I’m not quite sure how the tunnel would be made to meander under Evansville to spit the travelers out into bustling downtown Evansville before continuing their journey, but I am sure millions would be spent on the effort. That’s it — Evansville needs a subterranean colonoscopy.

          • Oh! shit! We will not claim the start of it, that’s a 46 pound stringed turd shot square into the entire balance of the Ohio river clean water balance.
            And after that a colonoscopy is a since. Open range so to speak!

          • Heck I almost couldn’t stop laughing @Bandana. We do however say.

            “Awarded” three universal thermodynamic credits. (UTC’s ) Fair trade for deserved fare as given, and balanced.
            If they burn the slab “o” beef we’ll adjust our valuations.
            Go all in for the salad bar, however the smell on the front side isn’t the current Mosby incursion , those are just sardines, pickled ones, kind of like most of the local drivers of governmental balances you’ve been stuck with lately. Note the difference in Pickled , and Altered states. Now really that state of affaires might head straight into the balance of a “weaved” state of conceptions.
            ” Check, and check one.” and, over and out, for now.

      • I’m going to put magnetic tires on the Studebaker and drive on the bottom of the bridge.

  11. “it was once asked in a seminar on building attractive cities “what am I homesick for when I am away from home”?…the answer would not include things like robbings, shootings, sewage in the street, dilapidated sidewalks, potholes, and foul smells?…”

    My wife and I travel extensively. You know the one main thing that lets us know we’re back ‘home’? The increasing amount of litter on the medians and sides of the streets as we drive in on 41. With the exception of some inadvertant wanderings into some true urban hellhole free-fire zones (Detroit, Memphis, sections of New Orleans, etc…) you just don’t find that amount of litter anywhere else that we’ve visited, foreign or domestic.

    True story.

    • After my first trip to Honduras Evansville seemed pristine. Just the other day I thought Evansville is beginning to look like Honduras.

    • Ever check out the south side of DC, even Evansville wouldn’t allow that litter and public drinking to happen. I’m just adding to your story we have some trashy people in this city. Our parks are a mess, mostly because of trashy people throwing trash out of their cars. I remember back in the early nineties how people used to comment on how clean our city was. We had a great mayor.

      • Only been to the touristy sections of DC, but I bet there are some seldom seen areas of E’ville that would stack up damn near equal in terms of trash and derelicts.

  12. Ayn Rand was a nut. I don’t see how anybody can say they “understand” Ayn Rand, when I don’t think she knew herself.

    This whole premise of if we could only reduce the size of government then the private sector would fill the void in a more efficient way(a second very dubious assumption) and “viola” we would really get our economy moving if full of it.

  13. PART II

    “Liberals want more big government”

    BS EVERYBODY wants more big government.

    Like the idea of a new Wally World coming to Evansville because it will bring jobs and economic development?

    Oh wait but first there are the zoning hearings … government

    Then comes the new roads….government
    Then power has to hooked up… quasi government Vectren
    Then the water and sewers…. more government
    The retention pond, the handicap access, the egress, the size of the parking lot…. govt govt govt govt
    The signs and stoplights….. more govt.
    Another place for the police to patrol…… More government
    Fire hydrants and fire protection …….. you got it….. government
    Then all the new govt employees need to be trained and managed by mid level supervisors
    guess what??? More govt!!

    Build a new subdivision?

    All of the above PLUS new schools, teachers and administrators MORE GOVT!!
    And then the schools need all of the above GOVERNEMENT infrastructure

    What about a new restaurant? All of the above… PLUS government food safety inspectors and auditors.

    Got new blockbuster drug?. First it has to be tested for safety and effectiveness…. by… guess what?

    MORE GOVERNMENT doctors, researchers and staff.

    Same for ALL new products and services, government is there.

    Then comes all the bureaucrats to monitor, tally, and audit all of the above AND then all the mid to upper level government employees to supervise the grunts and on and on and on it goes.

    So this is my conclusion “liberals want more big governemt” is BS and nothing but projection.

    Fake, fake, fake, fake

  14. Just watched State Representative Vanita Becker on Channel 9. Just discovered that Republic Aviation built P-47 fighter aircraft in Evansville between 1946 and 1949. Just realized that early onset dementia is working well in Vanita.

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