Profile Of 3rd Ward City Council Candidate Anna B. Melcher

    City County Observer is offering profiles on candidates for office in the 2015 election. Today we are giving an introduction to Democratic Third Ward City Council Candidate, Anna B. Melcher.
    Anna Melcher decided to run to represent Third Ward when the current incumbent, Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley, opted not to seek re-election.  An entrepreneur, Mrs. Melcher is the owner and operator of People Serving People Tutoring Service and Queen Ana’s International Closet, an on line business offering clothing and natural skin care products. Before settling in Evansville, she lived in Europe, Africa, and Spain. She brings a gamut of professional experience to the table. She earned nursing credentials at Los Angeles Technical College. Anna worked as an instructor for the Department of Defense for nine years.  She was  employed in nursing industry in California prior to coming to Evansville to join CAPE. With her diverse resume.  Supporters of  Mrs. Melcher tell us that she has gained invaluable ” professional and people skills” that will be a great asset while serving on the City Council.
    The best key to knowing Anna may be summed up in a favorite quote of hers from Mary Shadd Carey, “Self-reliance is the fine road to independence.” She chose to run because she wishes to bring her vast experience, skills, and dedication to the service of others by representing them on the Common Council of the City of Evansville. She is devoted to bringing “innovative change” to the Third Ward and the entire City of Evansville. She tells us that she is especially looking forward to meeting with the people in her area and listening to their concerns and needs. First and foremost, their issues will be her issues.
    She lives on the North Side with her husband, County Commissioner Steve Melcher, their son Matthew R. Guest, and their “infamous pet, Bogey, who does not know that he is a canine.” She is a devout follower of Christ, who worships at the House of Jacob.
    Anna B. Melcher has pledged to thoughtfully and respectfully represent the people of the Third Ward and their agenda to improve conditions in their neighborhoods, to be fiscally responsible, and to be a “yes woman” to no one.
    Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”
    Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


    1. Funny. Her husband already gets a taxpayer funded check. Now they want more. Clean Evansville was in the 3rd ward this past weekend and Anna Melcher was nowhere to be found. Yet, she is wanting to “improve conditions in the neighborhood.” I was on the team with Anna Hargis (who is running also for 3rd ward). I hope people see past the political talks and look at actions.

      • Just because a person doesn’t show up for one of the Winnie trash-pick-up photo-ops doesn’t mean they aren’t going to represent the people of an area well. Why would this lady show up for the Mayor’s dog and pony show?

        • Because she is a Christian, loves this community and it’s the right thing to do. It would also indicate she is for the people and not a partisan politician. I know that her being a self admitted Christian is galling and chapping your Christian averse and intolerant brain.

        • Exactly…a day with the BFI Guy…photo opts…but what would you expect…wasn’t his College major “Threater” hell, we have another Ronald Reagan on our hands…

      • Saturday is her Sabbath. You won’t see her out on a Saturday.
        How was that picking up trash while winding around all those couches and mattresses? Seems kind of misguided going after cigarette butts when people have their old living room set in the alley. I think it’s a great example of missing the forest for the trees. Maybe that’s what she means by improving conditions in the neighborhood. You know, actually improving conditions instead of obliviously dancing around in a Hargis t-shirt.

        • If i understand your reasoning, if there is trash in one area don’t pick it up in another.

    2. Anna is a sweet, kind caring women who truly has her head on straight and her heart in the right place!

      • What would you know about a “head on straight” or a “heart in the right place?” Interesting that a self-proclaimed Steve Melcher hater would be on here advocating for his wife. Hmm. You must need a job.

        • Agree with r on this. I know both of these folks personally. Anna is a good person. Alex….not so much. If I were Anna, Alex would be the last person I would want involved in my campaign.

        • I was wondering about that myself. This guy seems to flip-flop his loyalties, and he doesn’t say WHICH “Anna” he is referring to. That way, he can claim that he meant either of them.

        • Agree with r. Alex Jarvis flip flops more than anything. Hell, mayor Winnecke went to his wedding yet he is head over heals for Riecken. Get outta here Jarvis.

        • Watch what you say or he will go on television. Everyone knows this guy. Everyone. Enough said.

    3. She has all the characteristic and traits of a conservative. She’s hardworking, devout Christian and seems to have her heart in the right place. With that said, why isn’t she with the party that shares her values, goals and dreams for this city and the country?

      • She is. Your characterization of Democrats couldn’t be further off base. She isn’t capable of being mean-spirited and judgmental, the way many Republicans are.

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