Councilwoman Connie Robinson Filing For Re-Election Today


connie robinson65_4452631396271415976_nFourth Ward City Councilwoman Connie Robinson will be filing her candidacy for a sixth term in office this afternoon at 4:00 pm in the election office. A large contingent of supporters is expected at her filing. Mrs.Robinson is a native of Evansville. She graduated from Glenwood School Elementary and Bosse High School, before graduating from the University of Evansville. She has operated her own business for the past 21 years. When talking with City-County Observer staff about filing for another term, she told us that her vision for the Fourth Ward has remained the same since the first time she ran to represent the Central City residents, in 1995.

She still strives to “empower people to make their own lives better and to be a voice for those who don’t have one.” Councilwoman Robinson went on to say that economic development is the foundation for self-sufficiency and empowerment,  and that seeking good jobs for the people she represents has been paramount during the time she has served. Mrs. Robinson went on to point out that she has worked for new jobs, increased home ownership, and stronger, more diverse neighborhoods in the near-downtown area she represents.

Then, she told us, “They say I’m tough. I am tough. I have to be in order to make progress toward my vision for a stronger, better Fourth Ward.”   She continued, “But I’m tender-hearted, too.”  She talked with pride about the role she took in getting moving assistance for the people who were displaced by the relocation of the D-Patrick dealership to the corner of Walnut and Highway 41. Mrs. Robinson said that most of the people involved in planning the relocation did not realize the financial hardship moving would cause for the residents of the area, most who were in the lower income bracket. She was the person who brought this fact up, and D-Pat Representatives were quick to agree to help defray the cost of displacement for the residents.  The Fourth Ward agrees that Connie Robinson has proven herself to be a tough, but tender-hearted champion of those who need a spokesperson.She pledges to produce a strong voter turnout in the 4th Ward in the upcoming Primary and General 2015 City Election.

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”
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  1. On the Mayor’s race, I would say what I usually say about Councilwoman Connie Robinson with this CCO release. But I am going to err on the side of being respectful to many of the daily CCO comment crew, as some don’t like it when I point out an inconvenient truth about Ms. Robinson’s endorsement in the Mayor’s race.

  2. I’m a Democrat but this woman is a moron. I do not live in the 4th ward.

    • I live in the 4th Ward, know Connie well and what you say is true. She’s a typical democrat. Having said that, she is the best the local politician the democrats have produced.

  3. She’s going to win her election, get whichever at-large candidates she wants elected and get whichever mayor she wants elected. She will serve one year or so, and then like other politicians before her, find a reason that she has to leave her office early so that her party leaders can then “vote” in her replacement who like CR will never be challenged in a primary or by the republicans. The citizens the replacement will represent won’t know anything about the person, perhaps not even their name. Meanwhile, city contracts and white envelops will be CR’s reward for being a good steward of the public’s interest.

    • Unless you have proof of that nasty accusation you know you just committed libel, don’t you, genius?

      • The democrats have a history of this. Alberta Matlock to name one. Quit your panic peddling, nothing libel there.

    • Another demo is running in the 6th as well. One would think that a current updated list of all candidates for these seats, that are in the constant cross hairs of this site, would be posted on the home page of this site!

      • I checked with the CCO editor on this, and am told that the election office does not currently have a list available for publication. I expect we will see this made available after the filing deadline passes, at the end of this week.

  4. Is that a self portrait in the background? I can’t see it clearly but the hair looks the same. If so, good lord!

    • It may be a photo of Mrs. Robinson, but she is not an artist, so it isn’t a “self-portrait.” That was a really tacky comment, whatever.

  5. My vote will be very simple. I’m voting for who ever I have never heard of before. Evansville needs new people in every office and seat that becomes available.

    Potted Fern 2016. I would even vote for that guy that holds the slow sign during road construction, just fill a bucket with sand to fill his place while he is serving.

    • That person with that stop/slow sign may very well be more qualified then you, or that politician
      they replaced. Hope the next time you come across a situation where a flagman “was” needed to
      facilitate traffic you are either at your own risk, or required to completely detour that area!

    • I know you are being facetious, but the idea of voting without knowing anything about the candidates is pretty scary.

  6. I’ve known Connie Robinson for a long time, and she does an excellent job of representing her constituency’s interests. We elect our City Council to represent us, not a Mayor or political party and their interests.

    • I have heard you comment about needing new blood on the council. Why wouldn’t that apply here.

      • New blood for the sake of new blood is pointless. The Third and Fifth Wards will clearly get “new blood”, and I suspect there will be a new Council member from the Second Ward as well as one new At-Large Councilman. There should be a mix of veterans and newbies, and this year that will happen.

        • LKB, There is a post above about another candidate. What little info there is it seems he would be able to offer some insight on that area. Do you know him ?

          • I didn’t know there was another candidate until yesterday. I think this will be a great learning experience for him.

      • I think the explanation for that has something to do with hypocrisy, self-interest, cluelessness, and brazen shamelessness in more or less equal quantities.

        Of the Democrat Clowncilors, Ms. Robinson is among the least clownish and a better human being than most of them.

    • Gave us the water meter fiasco, voted for earthscam, made a fool of herself trying to browbeat our police chief and said she wouldn’t run again and now she is. Also publicly supported our current mayor. LBK something is not quit real about you, your post are a reminder of why liberal women are unable to maintain mutually satisfying relationships with the opposite sex. Connie has not been kind to SBR.

      • Gee, Stephanie seems fine with Connie. SBR showed up for her filing this afternoon.

      • I support Connie and will work to ensure that she wins her primary. She has been very kind to me. We didn’t know one another when we began in 2012. We worked through having opposing views on Earthcare Energy and have become personal friends. Connie was in my corner last year. She is smart and typically right on the issues. She works hard and is a success story for an entrepreneur. She knows what it takes to create jobs and is the right person for the 4th Ward and the greater city. In a more forward thinking community, she could be mayor.

        • I recall she had some pretty snarky comments for you during the earthscam fiasco. Come on, you’re getting out of politics. You don’t need to hold back.

        • Or, her buddy Adrian Brooks, two people who live the talk, and certainly can walk the talk.
          However, that gets twisted by that local machine, those two Americans hold the powerhouse counts per ward democrat valuation. “So.”
          In your town the constant BS strider’s hold advantage for her funding, and also has absolutely held into that failed infrastructures wards profitable valuation expectations of some perceived actual community benefits as well.

          BS from afar!

          Mr. Brooks works with , and overcomes that on a daily basis. And as is the historical .sees, He’s in it for the people. So, again. Sport your solutions please?
          Where’s that really going in those solutions that must live amongst it?

          This is a hoot , nothing starts in on your posting by site managed until the score card seems a bit less word pressed.
          Damn what a mess. Word press honed so too speak.

      • Pov

        I will agree with you of that brow beating. School yard emotions and disrespect to others
        had no business in that meeting, especially from the president of city council.

        I disagree with you on the water meter, and earthscam. The mayor is just as guilty as the
        whole city council as a unit.

        As far as labeling women, your on your own.

        As far as won’t run/run, Both political parties do it all the time.

        • She was a ring leader in those. Unethical bidding and conflict of interest is also common.

      • Literal translation: All six of my ex-wives were liberals. That’s why I dropped them like Ted dropped Jane. I was perfect, but they couldn’t maintain a mutually satisfying relationship with me.

  7. pov “….why liberal women are unable to maintain mutually satisfying relationships with the opposite sex.”

    You are a nut job. How the hell would you have any idea of first how to label “conservative” or “liberal” women or men? Most people I know fall in the mid-range somewhere and this labeling of complex human beings and their equally complex thoughts should be dropped. And as far as any persons “mutually satisfying relationships” that comes under the category of none of your business. What a stupid remark!

    • Nice reply, how many time you been married. Now Jane Fonda is a prime example of what I stated and you denied, in one of her books she claimed she went out and found street women for husband. Old Ted dropped her pretty quick. Wasn’t Jane selected by liberal women as one of the Women of the century. Another fine example is stand by your man Hillary, spends most of her adult life protecting her husband from bimbo eruptions. The woman most hated and envied by liberal women in this country is Monica Lewinski, wonder why? And I specifically labeled liberal women and opposite sex, get it.

      • Agreed. That last comment from him is borderline insane. I hope he’s on the terrorism watch list. We could be looking at the next Timothy McVeigh right here in EvansHell.

  8. Many people in her ward are victims of violent crimes. Why isn’t that a campaign issue? A lot of shots fired in her ward. What about education opportunities in her ward? What jobs or how many jobs is she responsible for? A more diverse neighborhood? What does that mean? How does that make for a better neighborhood??

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