IS IT TRUE February 2, 2015


IS IT TRUE the City County Observer was stunned to hear about the decision of the Metropolitan Evansville Transit System (METS) to increase the fee for a ride into the stops in unincorporated Vanderburgh County from $5 per trip to $15 per trip?…these routes have been challenged to get any riders with the $10 round trip fare to employers in the County like Ameriqual at $10 per day and the latest increase will be the death blow to the routes because is will no longer be even close to cost effective?…at $10 per round trip it would cost a rider $200 per month to commute by METS to the hinterlands of the unincorporated county?…the $5 per trip cost was just about a break even proposition for a worker when choosing between a solitary commute in a private car or riding the METS bus?…at $30 per day the monthly cost will be $600 which will eat up more than 25% of the earning of most of the workers and will cost double what it would cost to buy an inexpensive economy car and put the gas in it to commute?…rather than going to the trouble of raising the price to $15 each way it would have made more sense to just declare the routes to be too expensive to continue and cancel them?…cancellation is at least an honest way to defeat the whole purpose of public transportation which is to provide cost effective, safe, and reliable transportation to the general public?…it seems as though Evansville and METS are not quite ready to provide the kind of public transportation that is provided in real cities?…judging by the ridership, the population may not be ready for it either?

IS IT TRUE the front page attention that the shell game of paying one account with the other and serially overdrawing some accounts by the City of Evansville should raise lots of people’s eyebrows about the state of the City’s finances?…it is a well established fact that the total of the available cash in the City of Evansville accounts has been falling in recent history?…it has also been common practice to rob Peter to pay Paul who then robs Mark to pay Luke who then robs everyone in sight to pay Judas?…we could have gone on and on with that one but since there were only 12 apostles and the City of Evansville has some 40 separate accounts we would have run out of pseudonyms for the various accounts?…it seems as though a competent planning a funding process for the 40 accounts (assuming they are all really needed) would eliminate the need for all of this robbing and paying that looks more like a ponzi scheme to a non-governmental observer?…while we understand that in a world of federal grants and federal rules there are some mandates for this sort of nonsense, it certainly is inefficient and cash wasting to spend the time and effort to keep up with all of this robbing and paying?…such a system is a good poster child for not only what is wrong with Evansville’s mess of finances but it applies to the United States of America as well?…if the books were reconciled and the line items were continuously solvent this complex shell game would be entirely unnecessary?

IS IT TRUE it is now pretty close to official that the Evansville Mayor’s race will come down to a choice between incumbent Republican Lloyd Winnecke and Democrat challenger Representative Gail Riecken?…with the obstacles that have emerged to the independent candidacy of Steve Wozniak, there is a low probability that he will be on the ballot?…it is a shame that there is such a low probability that there will be a third person on the ballot to challenge the ingrained campaign between two stalwarts in local politics for over 20 years?…some new ideas from a new face would have been good for the campaign?…perhaps there will be another aspiring Mayor come forth with some curve balls for the major party candidates?

IS IT TRUE the plans to renovate the former Riverhouse seem to be having the same level of success as the plans to renovate the McCurdy Hotel and to build a new downtown convention hotel?…the stark reality is that there is no proforma to be constructed for a hotel in downtown Evansville that will be a profitable venture?…it was also made abundantly clear with the failure of the heavily subsidized attempt to finance a downtown convention hotel that even with nearly half of the project cost consisting of handouts of some type there is still no home in downtown Evansville for a financially successful hotel?…we guess we will see the next rendition from the rooftop martini crowd in March when the Mayor and his minions roll out there latest cross between Buckner Towers and the Riverhouse in a last ditch effort to get something that rents by the night to support the ghost conventions that they are confident on bringing to town?

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  1. Why should the tax payers of evansville pay for Ameriquals employees a ride to work? Once again I have to pay welfare to a working person. I know raising the minimum wage is just wrong to the editor and other elites. But it bothers me when a person can work forty hours a week an I still have to support them.

    • CCO are self proclaimed economic geniuses and are delusional on the minimum wage. They talk about sugar plum dreams of education which the poor can’t afford or have time for, but the fact of the matter is even if I snapped my fingers and instantly they all had this supposed satisfactory level of education, we would still need service workers. I guess they just want a permanent slave class. The fact is min wage should have been tied to some index and given regular increases. Adjusted for inflation it should be much much higher. The talent and intelligence gap between a CEO and the janitor who cleans his office is the same as 1960 but the pay is about 1000 times higher than it was then.

      • Both Stone and Ghost are on the right track! What had not been mention was that the
        “county government” has been subsidizing this Highway 41 corridor as well! I was at the County Commissioners meeting (because of the merger agenda) tat night when it was proposed. It was
        sold on North High School coming into existence, and moving workers up and down the highway.

        It would make sense for these low wage employers to provide transportation for their workers from
        the nearest METS bus stop to their employment.

        • Well, I don’t know about ghost being right, sounds like more envy to me, but it seems like getting to work is the problem for the employee and employer not Evansville’s to subsidize.

          • IC, I used “right track”. Ghost statement can be interpret several ways, depending on which rung of the economical ladder of life, one is on.

        • Oh I can see it now. A banana boat full of illegal immigrants going up and down Highway 41 daily.

          Maybe they can buy some buses and buss them up and down the highway. That would be more discrete.

          And yes pay people more for the work they do. If you want to stimulate the economy then give working people money to spend on goods and services. The problem with America and the world in general is that too few people make enough money to support themselves and their families. We have people making all the money and hording it for themselves and their family. These are the minority but they rule the world because they have all the money and thus all the power. Historically they won’t give up that power without a fight and it usually takes a big fight to dislodge them from the seat of power. RE: Coal companies in Appalachia or the Nobles in France and Russia. It took the people uprising and overthrowing the monarchies to end the oppression and then that never really settles things because another leader grabs power from the people and the process starts anew.

          • Don’t be such a rabble rouser. They’ll trickle it down to you someday! They promise!

    • Stonedreamer is not authentic when he says ignorant, short-sighted crap like this. (In other words….stonedreamer is a naked man bragging about his beautiful clothes.) Otherwise, stonedreamer would be bragging how he sends back ALL of HIS benefit-subsidized government programs…and he would be providing equal demands – and bitching – about eliminating religious organization’s tax exemptions….and asking for the elimination of energy industries, agriculture industries, etc, subsidy programs. Instead, HE wants what HE wants, and this idea of him being a purist about government subsidies….is B.S.

    • I acknowledge your point , but given the realities of the abusers of welfare , I would rather see some assistance to the “working poor”,– rather than the lay-abouts making the “system” their way of life. As far as the buses and those who have to ride it, I don’t think any transit system would ever be a “in the Black” operation. It bothers me that this City can accept Red ink for Frills,– yet reject, as too expensive assistance that improves the lives of the least advantaged in Our Community.
      EVERY bus route has–Real People– using them to get to work every day. I believe there is other stuff that should face the scrutiny of–“Value to the Community”– before this one.
      Roll back the Increase.

      • “the realities of the abusers of welfare”. Here we go again with the mythical conner narrative of welfare abuse.

        You and your conner friends would begrudge a poor person relish on their hot dog but when the oil, gas and coal companies lobby congress to get BILLIONS in “free stuff” you’re A-ok with that. When congressmen and women get $50,000/yr in crop subsidies. Yawn. When defense contractors rack up $250 BILLION in cost overruns on WEAPONS SYSTEMS ALONE, your clowns don’t give a sh@t.

        It is sickening.

        • No Brains
          Yes, ” Here we go again ” – Our negative tax, health benefits, and subsidies should be for the working poor and disabled. Those who sit on their ass looking for additional hand outs should be shut down. Those who say, I am getting a tax refund of thousands of dollars, when they work a month to do so, is simply wrong. Those lazy individuals which I am talking about, know how to milk the system and they receive additional help from those like you to keep the society from growing. Eventually those with will no longer be able to fund those without.

        • Sorry Brains, stick your head in the sand and pretend the abuse doesn’t exist!
          I do not paint every recipient of welfare with a broad brush of accusation. some are deserving, and some are not, given the choice (tho I’m not), those struggling are different than people working the system, and I defend the deserving my comment on the Buses, and I do hold the undeserving with disdain, but I don’t have a score card , so I cannot separate the two.
          My bottom line remains, –Roll back the increase,–it harms the least advantaged in Our Community.
          Criticism always seems to translate into Bigotry with you BB.

          • You’re the one making the wild dubious claim of widespread fraud in the welfare system, food stamps, SNAP, TANF, whatever. Please provide a link showing fraud and abuse that is greater than say 5-6% as there will always be some unavoidable fraud and waste in any system or bureaucracy, public or private.

            USDA say fraud rate is about 1%


            Oh and non compliance with income taxes cost taxpayer Billions,

            PS not one of you clowns took on the hypocrisy of rampant corporate welfare, which was the general thrust of my original post.

          • @Snark: You will note that virtually ALL Medicare fraud is committed by providers (Drs. and treatment facilities) NOT by the senior citizens who have earned their Medicare.

            • Yes, that is clearly what the article stated. I suspect the same is true for most fraud in social programs. There is more money to be made administering and delivering the services than there is in getting them.

          • Pardon me BB, I was posting about the Bus rate increase.
            In reply to the tangent that you went off on,–I’m pretty sure my opinion concerning the increase will NOT effect How the “Game” is played in Washington, or make a blip on the NYSE, but if you think there is a evil Corporate connection,–Nationally, regarding this Bus Route fare increase,
            –I’ll have to say –Whatever.

  2. IIT that the River House is the same building that the private owner was going to remodel on his own dime,
    but the city commission shot it down because of the lack of landscape?

      • I would mention the guilty party to that “landscapegate”. But I would likely be threaten
        of a “ban” again by the editor.

    • I wonder how many other buildings and homes have ran into this same problem? If someone was to keep going back to research denied request and permits would we find many others on a condemned list?

    • I’m pretty sure there was more to it than that, Arm. Does anybody else remember that weird announcement that came from the Mayor’s Office on a Sunday afternoon some time back? They announced that the River House would be renovated to provide apartments for over-55, low-and-moderate income people. The very next day that was retracted.
      As for me, if I lived elsewhere, I would have to be forced to attend a convention in Evansville. Assuming that is the case, I would rather stay where I have a view of the river and ride a trolley to the other end of Main St. for the convention events than stay next to the Ford Center. Bottom line: If Evansville has to have an imaginary Convention Hotel, why not just refurbish River House? The fact that it isn’t next to the Ford Center would make a great excuse for our lack of conventions.

  3. If there are FIFTY fund transfers a week, one has to question whether the bunch on 7th Street can even keep track of the IOU’s from Fund to Fund. They plug bank recs, so I suppose they take ‘squaring the books fund-to-fund ‘ very lightly.

    The answer lies not in monitoring the transfers (which would provide ample political bullets), but in overhauling the system. Find out why these transfers are made in the first place. It needs to be illegal to overdraft a fund, that is just piss poor management. But that takes management and leadership, and neither Winnecke or Lloyd are of that ilk. That means City Council is going to have to hold sway–or this same crap will continue forever. I believe the one Civil City bank account at Fifth Third contains 76 funds all flowing into it, not just 40 as was reported in C & P. Split them out, one bank account for each fund. Easy reconciliations, good controls on spending–no borrowing from your neighbor. It would make a world of difference.

  4. Several questions to better understand the city finances.

    There has been no mention of multi banks involve, so it appears these transfer are “in house” with just one bank?

    When the city does payment, does it come from only one bank account number, or there multi bank accounts?
    There was a mention of 40 city funds, is this just the city book keeping, or actual 40 bank accounts?

    Has there been a change in the banking practice (other then moving money around) over the past several city administration, or is it just because of the recent lack of funds?

    It has been reported that only two months of the year that the city balance is not negative. The other months are being drawn from other accounts. It had been mention recently that the city workers pension fund was being tapped?

    The city council approves the budget, but the daily expenses are in the City Controllers hand who is appointed by the mayor?

    • There is one large slush fund bank account, ‘Civil City’, which is at 5/3 Bank. There are more like 76 Book funds ( vs. 40) which all flow into this single (as in 1) Bank Account.

      Only thing I can tell you additionally, is that before separate Bank Accounts were set up for Water & Sewer in 2012, the City Controller didn’t ever bother to transfer money on the books between funds to reflect “cash sweeps”. In other words, ‘Interfund Transfers’ were not even booked. Amazing.

      I do not know what the 50 weekly transfers are for, but I’m glad Friend is poking the tiger. Hopefully he couples bite with his bark on this one.

      • It sounds like you know exactly what the problems are and how to alleviate them. I really think John Friend will stay on top of this. If he does, this is going to be a very interesting election.

        • How long has Mr. Friend been on the council ? I would think his finance back ground would have caught some of these perceived problems long ago.

  5. How about thinking outside the box for a solution to the transportation problem faced by workers who are employed by businesses located in the “hinterlands”.

    How about those county-out businesses getting together in a cost sharing endeavor to provide a bus circuit of their own that leaves from a designated point or points on the mets route? The county council could make participation in such a system mandatory for any new or existing business that applies for or receives personal or property tax abatement, or training assistance funds derived from tax dollars.

      • No, you have it wrong, as usual. Socialism would be forcing the taxpayers to subsidies the the increased fares set by the METS. Ask the businesses to provide their own solution, and use the taxpayer perks they already enjoy as the carrot to get you there.

  6. How about the citizens of Evansville drafting a petition to present to the common council asking for an independent review of city finances by an out of state reputable firm, the cost of which is to be paid by the state of Indiana.

    If all this money:

    is available to businesses that feel they need assistance, then surely the third largest city in the state should be able to avail itself of some state funds on such a vital matter as determining what is going on with Evansville’s finances. Especially since many local citizens have no confidence in the Indiana SBOA findings in the last couple of financial audits of Evansville.

    Lets get our priorities straight in this state, and in the city of Evansville.

    • Sounds like a plan. Would the thinking be that the state paid for the SBOA, that the private audit would be the same type of practice? I would like to see the state to originally pay for it, but bill the city for the service afterwards.

    • Good idea, and your argument is sound. However, Mike Pence is Governor of Indiana and is helping prop up our failed Mayor. Having this level of either greed, corruption, or just simple-minded incompetence exposed in the third largest city in IN would not reflect well on Pence’s presidential dreams. He has already dirtied his hands with the first SBOA audit that was so neatly “taken care of” by his minions.

      • Your argument, about Pence “propping up our failed mayor”, is not so sound. Winnecke did not get us in this current mess, that was Mr. Weinzapfel’s doing, and Winnecke and the city council have compounded the pain by failing to act responsibly with the city’s finances, especially in the area of reporting and staying within statutory guidelines.

        We have absolutely no business going forward with the hotel project or the IU med school project, unless and until this city’s finances are reported in a manner that confirms this city is meeting current obligations without having to borrow money. That would not include “rosy projections of future revenue” of the type we saw when they were marketing the idea of a downtown arena, or a municipal WiFi system, or gas letdown generators.

          • I think you would find those auditors are of both parties if any party at all. Some probably hired back in the Bayh, Obannon, Kernan days.

          • @Cowbozo: Are you really as dumb as the question indicates? The SBOA auditors are MERIT employees, not patronage workers. They are generally covered by the Hatch Act and few participate in either party’s agenda. They are, however, interested in pleasing their bosses in order to keep their jobs. Those bosses are appointed by the Governor, and the auditors do what they are told. An Indiana Merit employee’s loyalties are not necessarily politically motivated, but they usually want to stay around long enough for the retirement benefits to kick in.

          • Your merit employee response answered my question. As long as they do there job they are protected. You were weren’t you ? Dumb, i don’t think so. Are you having a bad day ?

        • “The democrats” didn’t leave Winnecke a mess. ONE democrat did, and if Winnie was vaguely competent, he’d have cleared it up by now. It took the President almost six years to clean up the mess that Dubya left him, but when you consider the difference in sizes of the messes, the Poop should have had it all under control in less than a year. Get over it, pov! Reading the same feeble comment from you over and over is getting tiresome.

          • Why did the council let it get that way. They are a majority is the same party as the last Mayor and his employees.

          • @ Cowbozo: It isn’t the same Council. Some of the worst are no longer taking up seats.

          • If Gail gets elected and we have a democrat CC they will give her 50 million for the new hotel. All of the current financial problems this city faces is a direct result of 8 years of democrat control Mayor/CC. Weinzapfel came into office with a multi-million dollar surplus and a CC in his pocket and finished wrecking downtown Evansville, just look at the number of businesses that left under his regime. Remember the big CC push for the Fraud Center and all the money paid for consultants to come in and lie. Bagbey and the rest of the CC all sang the same tune, Just Build It. The CC and the Mayor stated that hoteliers would be lining up to build us a new hotel, free. Winnecke, not the best choice for mayor walked in a job with a city that is broke in more ways than one, with 250 million dollars worth of debt and a democrat party that is doing damage control at his expense. All of the local democrats stood up for and by Weinzapfel and never acted for the people of Evansville. Winnecke has spent nothing, tried to, but the CC blocked him successfully. Occasionally SBR acts like she cares but deep down she’s about protecting the party. The vote was 7-2 against the water meter fiasco, Jack McNeely talked to the CC and the voted 9-0 for the meters. SBR what caused you to flip? Maybe it was either do the water meters or no union support for Gail? LKB, same old story, you’ve been at the democrat supported public trough all your adult life and it’s obvious you are still loyal even in your advanced years, delusional disorder is a terrible disease. I have 3 things to say about the local democrats, look at your record, look at your record, look at your record. When Whirlpool left that was the finally straw for Evansville and the tax gap we are having can partially be attributed to their departure.

  7. Just three questions that maybe someone can answer. Is Evansville’s controller doing anything differently than is done, legally and SBO-approved, all over Indiana by other city controllers and county auditors? Second question, is John Friend reacting differently to the Republican city administration’s transfer of funds between accounts compared to how he reacted under the prior Democrat administrations same actions when Friend served on council as finance chairman? And third, what does anyone suppose mayoral candidate Riecken has promised campaign mouthpiece Friend for raising all this politically motivated ruckus?

  8. “it seems as though Evansville and METS are not quite ready to provide the kind of public transportation that is provided in real cities?…”

    Evansville’s inability to provide 24/7 bus service is one of the biggest indicator that this is not a real city, and we are surely NOT a “convention city.”

    • It’s a real failing city. The blazers fiddle while …
      The problem for the Ameriqual workers is the low wages Chancellor pays. He needs a war and he’ll get one (one with ‘boots on the ground and MREs in the pouch’ as Lindsey McCain says), he’ll still pay sub-subsistence level wages. A latter day version of some of Evansville’s early cigar barons.

      • I do believe the Chancellors are regular Winnie contributors, so I wonder how they feel about losing this service that they paid for.

        • He gives to both parties, as you well know, or should well know, as does most of Evansville’s millionaires. You really need to get up to speed if you are going to be part of the solution. This, “the republicans are the big bad boogie men”, shtick just causes people to wonder about your ability to see the bigger picture.

        • Hell, why don’t they hold that at the __ord center then, anything for a profit, don’t cha know.
          Matched wieners, weaver vs Lindsey and then the other genders matching floor shaker. Crunch”in Connie, straight draw nothing barred against Pissy O’ Flows’ bee.
          Who ever is left standing can take on the little giant SBR for a tossed outta town and after a well deserved sticky feathering knock down cross gendered drag out.

          Thrown Roberts stadium chairs are allowed, and no tag ins From afar, we’d likely put our money on SBR. A poetic verse don’t you know………Joe. 😉

    • If we stopped giving Catholics free rides to their services . . . we would save a lot of money. Who came up with ‘Mass Transit’ anyway ?

      • Man busting Catholics isn’t too cool. But! Jokes are fine as well. The KSP guy that pulled over a black ford on a forlorn Kentucky highway, approaches the car sees five nuns in the that thing, the three in the back seat are shaking like a load of spring maple leaves in a tornado.
        The one driving says young man, why did you stop us? He said Sister traffic is backed up behind you for at least six miles! Your driving is in question, she said look I saw the speed sign young man it said twenty six, Ok, sister that sign was the state road number. The speed is relative to the road conditions due curve or straight rural accesses.
        One of the shaken sisters in the back of the black crown Victoria says Young man do you have any idea why I’m shaking? He says no Sister I really do not, she says you should have been behind us when we were on State road 146!

    • But the democrats under Weinzapfel spent millions on an arena for convention business. You don’t need public transportation for conventions, you just need a hotel. We had a hotel connected to a convention center, now we have a convention center connected to nothing. We have a bunch of idiot democrats running this city and LBK and Ghost seem to be their biggest supporters. The most successfully thing the local democrats have accomplished is continually putting party supporters on the public payroll. Nothing but bought votes at taxpayers expense. The way the local democrats work the system will have to have an adverse effect on PERF in the future.

  9. This from THE DRUDGE REPORT on a GOP Candidate he is showing is foolish:

    “Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on Sunday said being gay is akin to choosing to drink alcohol or use profanity – lifestyle choices he says are appealing to others but not to him. The former Baptist pastor, who is weighing a second run for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, also claimed that forcing people of faith to accept gay marriage as policy is on par with telling Jews that they must serve “bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli.”

    …Nice to see THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT being called out as fools when they defend stealing Constitutional rights from citizens because they think their religion says it’s ok to do that.

    • Huckabee will get increasingly strident, he is truly shameless. He regularly cranks out books nobody reads and is about to extrude another one into the wild. Many of these perennial Republican presidential candidates are simply trying to sell books under the guise of an attempt to get on the ticket.

      • What a word, “extrude”…ouch. The point is accurate. There are so many fool candidates in the GOP Primary who hate the Republican Party, but don’t know where to go, and are scared and embarrassed to simply stand up, stake their ground, and announce to the world “I am the White Christian Party.” (Lot of them post here too….)

      • The newly-extruded tome is entitled “God, Guns, Grits and Gravy.” Clever, huh?

    • Shem, I see you are spewing today’s dem talking points. So the media is Borking Huckabee over his religious views. Will they be successful, as they were with Richard Mourrdock. Perhaps, but the public is catching on, and the majority of the people in this country still do not believe in homosexual marriage, or abortion.

      • PAK, that was done well.

        But you missed the point. This is a matter of Constitutional law. In America, the law protects you from extremist religious views.

        #2. This is not a DEM talking point. This is MATT DRUDGE. It doesn’t get ANY more Republican Red than that guy.

        #3. And it doesn’t matter what the far right Christians think. (And it doesn’t help that a ferocious GOP conservative like Drudge thinks the Christian right are foolish, time-wasters of voters…why is makes fun of Huckabee.)

        • And it doesn’t matter what you think either. The only thing that matters is the teachings of Jesus and the Christian story as it has been revealed.

          You show just how foolish you are when talking about far right or far left Christians. There are only Christians, many of whom willingly gave up their lives rather than renounce their Christian beliefs or submit to an authority purporting to be higher than GOD.

          • You have every right to pray to some sky fairy. You do not have every right to govern other people’s lives based on what you think some sky fairy wants. Case and point, mind your own business and piss off.

          • PAK…

            Look. What you believe, and what you discuss inside your Church door is your business. God bless you. But when you step out of your Church, what you believe is left inside that door as far as the law is concerned.

            And I’m a Christian who can see it should be that way…and I love my country no different than you do…that makes me one of many, and increasingly the far overwhelming majority, of Christian patriotic Americans who understand this legal distinction.

            Only Christian extremists, also known as religious extremists, think their Church’s teachings somehow trump the US Constitution. They are foolish and wrong. They deserve to be called out as foolish, small-minded bigots when they think that stealing a citizen’s Constitutional rights, and those citizen’s right to equal access and marriage law, is OK because they think their Church’s teachings are better than the law. What a preposterous thought.

            There are a bunch of fascist, psychopath killers in the Middle East called ISIS who also believe their religion is better than the law too….they are equally fools for thinking such trash.

          • ….and Pressanykey, it’s not unique to Democrats to understand that distinction, finally the Republican Party ALSO sees the far right Christian extremists deserve no respect because of this foolish and idiot view. Start our own Party. Or move to a country where religious leaders rule – like Iran.

          • “Look. What you believe, and what you discuss inside your Church door is your business. God bless you. But when you step out of your Church, what you believe is left inside that door as far as the law is concerned.” (Shem)

            * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

            Shem, where did you get your law?

        • BTW, you might want to ask yourself where the writers of that “constitutional law” derived their inspiration and foundation for their work.

  10. None of the monkey business will ever get punished. Lloyd’s sister is a judge and a bunch of judges or their wives give money to Winnecke, and the prosecuter is Republican, too.


        IC 5-3-1-3 provides that each city controller or city and town clerk-treasurer shall have
        published an annual report of the receipts and expenditures of such city or town within sixty days
        after the close of each calendar year. The total indebtedness at December 31 of such municipality
        must also be shown on this published report.

        The annual report is to be published one time in two newspapers unless there is only one
        newspaper in the city or town, in which case publication in the one newspaper is sufficient. If no
        newspaper is published in the city or town, then publication is to be made in a newspaper published
        in the county in which the city or town is located and that circulates within the city or town.
        All second class cities and those cities and towns that prepare a Comprehensive Annual
        Financial Report (CAFR) will complete form CTAR-2. All the other cities and towns will complete

        The certification on the cover page, Parts 1 and 6, with the accompanying footnote, shall be
        published. In our opinion, this publication will satisfy state statutes, Local Governmental Data Base
        input documents, and Bureau of Census annual reporting requirements. You should use and/or
        publish only those parts that apply to your particular unit. (For instance, if you have no long-term
        indebtedness at December 31, 2008, it will not be necessary for you to include and publish Part 6 of
        the report.) If questions arise, please call (317) 232-2521.


          This code was added in 1982, and thereafter ignored by the City of Evansville, appearing as an “audit exception” on every following audit of the city.

          There has been zero interest by any agency as to an actual accounting of the revenue from user fees of the water department that was routinely placed in the city general fund over those many years.

          Again, we have been operating without an enforcement. The whole process has become something of a joke.

      • Out of state , DOJ only way to go with that, and cow bounce’o defection look into Belize we heard they don’t extradite so much. Cowbozo.

  11. It always seemed to me as if the chronic moochers had one $20 bill that they passed around each month loaning it from one to another each month. It appears to be the same method of finance our city uses.

    • Billin’ bills, win or lose. No wonder the administration gets advised to ignore council’s offers to talk. No profit in that for the Poop’s legal department. Winnecke is the one that comes out of these things looking bad. You’d think he’d have wised up by now. He’s setting a bad example for our children and using their money to do so.

      • After ol’ Billin’ bills, then he makes nice, fat donations to the Poop’s campaign. Ol’ Poop needs the money! He wasn’t planning on having a viable opponent.

  12. Theres always 2 or 3 posts I learn something from, and then theres the rest of the screaming bloody murder that is the exactly the same, day after day. I would really love to meet all of you. I bet you are really hell on wheels….

  13. ONB is closing or selling 36 bank branches.

    Is this the true reason why they couldn’t make the Downtown Hotel investment ? Old Neutered Bank ???

    • Run the caution, green light , ONB is at least a five year flat assed return. That’s changeable like anything else sporting investments. Flat lines don’t always mean “no beat”, but it does mean chances are there isn’t any “meat” beyond the fat line.

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