Governor Pence Leads Multi-Governor Letter to Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader McConnell


Letter Encourages Congress to Provide States with Greater Flexibility, Control and Authority  


Indianapolis – Governor Mike Pence led a letter sent today to Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell urging the Congress to work with governors to provide states with greater flexibility, control and authority in a number of important issue areas, such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, energy, environment and employment.  Governor Pence was joined by 24 other governors from across the nation in signing the letter.

The letter states, “We are convinced that if states would be provided greater flexibility and control of funds and regulatory authority over a multitude of programs, we would be able to better and more efficiently serve the needs of our citizens.

“I am confident that the cure for what ails this country will come more from our state capitals than it will from our nation’s capital,” said Governor Pence. “In states across this nation, people are getting back to work, budgets are being balanced and critical services are being provided.  As governors, we look forward to working with Congress to make sure states have the ability to innovate and best provide for our citizens.”


The governors’ letter in full can be found attached.

Governors Federalism Letter