The Real Cost of $2.5 Million of FREE MONEY is $22.7 Million
Official City of Evansville Press Release
Release-Evansville_Low_Income_Housing_Tax_Credits-02-28-11 (1)
Development Terms for 40 Goosetown Houses
Cedar Trace Project Narrative
Evansville Housing Authority Project Narrative
in other words we got lied to again !!!
“Renovation and rehabilitation of former Vanderburgh County Corrections Safe House…Partnership between the Evansville Housing Authority and Aurora, Inc. to provide permanent supportive housing for homeless families…Project amenities include hardwood floors in many areas, elevator, and numerous covered parking spaces”
Homeless families get hardwood floors and covered parking spaces? Wow.
We really do need some more low rent/affordable housing here in town.
A few weeks ago, I took my friend down to HUB to apply for section 8 housing and she was turned down due to the housing being full and the waiting list closed.
I know there are some people who cheat the system and abuse it but I don’t believe that they should be able to punish those who don’t and really do need this service especially my friend who is working her tail off and catching zero breaks. So I support this program.
My question is: Instead of building one/two story house after house why not build some clean/quality looking high rises? This would reduce the amount of land needed to purchase for this project and it would allow for the city to only need to patrol/secure one building instead of many (in this case 40). Not to mention a condensed sewer system.
Smart growth my friends, smart growth!
Our point is that $13.44M is completely overpriced for what is planned for the apartment phases of this project that is only 80 units. Here is a link to a perfectly acceptable complex of 126 units that is for sale for $3.8 Million. Why waste nearly $10M to build new when there are more units on the market for sale at a much lower price.
Geez, the press release missed it by a factor of 10!!!!!??? In this government, NO surprise!!!
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