Remarks from Steve Davis filing for City Council 2nd Ward – 01/21/15 


    Remarks From Steve Davis Filing for City Council 2nd Ward Seat

    Thank you for coming. I appreciate so much the outpouring of support I have received the last few months, and I understand what it means for you to take time out of your day for me. Again, thank you.

    My name is Steve Davis, and I have just filed to run for the 2nd Ward seat on City Council in the May of 2015 Democrat Primary.

    I stand before you today with a rich history of involvement in local politics.  I have worked on the sidelines for friends and relatives running for office, most notably my older brother Rick Davis, for many years.  I was there in 2011 when Rick ran for Mayor, and we almost captured that office while being outspent 2 to 1.  Community involvement is in my blood, and with two grown sons and a grandson,  I understand what it means to put the interests of others before my own. As your representative on the City Council, I will always put your interests first.

    One of the ways I will put your interests first is to heal the division of the City Council. I want to ensure that the 2nd Ward Council Member is not only informed but a proactive representative of the City of Evansville.  I will work with other members of council who already are doing their best to preserve fiscal responsibility and establish appropriate priorities for our community.  I will put Evansville first.

    As to fiscal responsibility, Evansville leaders must learn to distinguish more easily between wants and needs. Our needs often lack the glamour of grand hotels and arenas, but meeting the needs of our residents should be our first priority.  I firmly believe that investing in the people who are already here and the infrastructure that already exists is imperative.

    We must live within our means and understand the mantra- first things first.  Our own house must be in order before we can expect to attract the best and the brightest to our community with their businesses and talent. We have much work to do.

    The appropriate priorities that foster fiscal responsibility and a focus on current quality of life and long-term development of Evansville are as follows, and this is certainly not a complete list:

    City Council Unity – I want to help unify City Council by pledging to work with everyone who is elected for the betterment of Evansville. City Council needs to be a united, friendly and positive body of government to prospective employers and businesses that are looking to invest in Evansville. I believe many Evansville residents agree that members of the City Council need to work together and professionally on community issues while in the public eye.

    Putting others first is necessary for a representative to behave in a compassionate, positive and professional manner.  A representative must be collaborative but also decisive.  I am willing to make the tough decisions where necessary but always with the understanding that a bright future and the greatest good to the greatest number of residents are my guiding principles.  I will put Evansville first.

    A Long-Term Development Plan for the City that includes a housing plan, infrastructure improvement/ replacement, public transportation and commercial development.

    * Many of the Evansville’s citizens are ready and able to go to work but need the tools to live up to their potential.  Local employers who hire unskilled workers struggle to fill those open positions. We must invest in our community to foster quality, affordable housing, family stability,  public transportation and other services needed for local residents to fill those openings.  We must start with our greatest number of residents in need and provide them those services to become productive.

    * Our infrastructure has lived its full life and needs attention. We must invest in both what you can see and what you cannot see. Evansville needs work above and below ground.  Roads and sidewalks must be repaired, water lines replaced and our sewer system must get the investment it needs to stop the drainage of raw sewage into Pigeon Creek and the Ohio River. The longer we wait, the greater the cost of these projects.  Our sewer master plan has gone largely ignored and many of these projects are in the 2nd Ward.  Some of our sidewalks are so bad that disabled citizens are risking their lives by riding their wheelchairs in the street. By addressing these infrastructure needs we will resolve those problems and create skilled jobs for those in the construction industry.

    * The City lacks a housing plan and blight elimination plan. The development of new, affordable housing must be done in conjunction with the removal of structures that are in disrepair. The City of Evansville must aggressively demolish and land bank structures beyond repair and vacant lots with a plan for their long-term use for new commercial and residential developments.  A vacant housing registry must be instituted to facilitate structures moving into hands that will use them for the greatest good.

    * The 2040 Master Plan developed for the Metropolitan Planning Organization gives insight into our transportation needs for the future. We also have a pedestrian and bicycle master plan that will be done this year. We must use these documents we have paid for in conjunction with a housing and blight elimination plan to look at how public transportation must be grown and improved. The bus system should be easier to navigate and expanded to meet the growing needs of the workforce that cannot afford a car and insurance.

    * Crime must be addressed with a changed approach to that of Community Policing. And by using the term Community Policing, I do not mean a new program.  Instead, I refer to a value system, which permeates a police department where the primary organizational goal is working cooperatively with individual citizens, groups of citizens, church leaders and both public and private organizations to identify and resolve issues, which potentially affect the livability of specific neighborhoods, areas, or the city as a whole. Community-based police departments recognize the fact that the police cannot effectively deal with such issues alone, and must partner with others who share a mutual responsibility for resolving problems.  Community policing stresses prevention, early identification, and timely intervention to deal with issues before they become unwieldy problems.

    We must work together to identify the causes of crime and how it can be prevented.  We must give neighborhoods and police officers, along with businesses and community organizations the tools they need to address the majority of crime.  Police officer diversity training must be changed to focus on the culture and the plight of poverty.  In addition, our most vulnerable population must be educated as to the value of police officers and that they can be trusted to both protect and serve.

    During the last few weeks while talking to different members of our local Government,  Police and Fire Departments as well as the people of the 2nd Ward it is clear that they want a Councilperson that will be optimistic,  professional,  positive and transparent.  As your 2nd Ward City Councilman I pledge to be optimistic,  professional,  positive and transparent. My pledge to you is to “Put Evansville First”!


    Steve Davis

    2nd Ward City Council Candidate


    1. Haha. LKB, please, I can’t wait to hear how you think this guy is qualified. First of all, he doesn’t even live in the 2nd Ward, just renting an apartment. Second, in his quote trying to get people to his announcement he says “I believes dispute should be handled privately without expense to others and their families.” This is coming from a guy that has, on multiple occasions, talked crap about some members of the Democrats on Facebook. The fact that he’s facing a Democrat incumbent shows he doesn’t care about disputes in his party. To be honest, I think it’s sort of sick that he is using his brothers name to try to gain political motivations. Last, only 9 people came to his announcement.

      Just wow.

      • There are supposed to be opponents in the primary and I’m getting sick of the idea being put out by the machine that to run for office against an incumbent is somehow DISLOYAL. We should have a FULL slate in the primary, both R and D, but the machine is doing all it can propaganda-wise to make sure that there is NO competition.

          • +2. Talks about transparency but that’s all, no substance. Transparency is easy on the easy stuff. This is the litmus test. Will you step forward and release the findings of the SBOA findings, this is the substance all else is fluff. Doing what is right in the face of opposition takes real courage, let’s hear from you. We already know the answer from Gail.

        • I understand where you’re coming from, let’s. In an ideal world, there would be a primary for every office and the loser would then congratulate the winner and give them full support. There was a time when that was pretty much the norm, but that was long before running for a local office became so unbelievably expensive.
          Back in my first days in politics, I was a “Russell Lloyd Republican”. In the very first local election after Russell became mayor, it was decided that there would be a party “screening committee” to try to discourage “family fights” aka primary races. I believe all the committeemen, ward leaders, and a few representatives from the youth groups that had supported Russell were on the committee. That turned out to be a bloodier family brawl than most primaries. I learned what a “Pyrrhic victory ” is, my candidate won, and I became a Democrat. I don’t think the local Republicans have screening committees anymore.
          The problem we have now is that many of those who would be fantastic candidates simply don’t have the money nor “connections” to raise it for a primary. It’s not like the days when you just got out and shook hands and kissed babies, and printed up a few yard signs. Primaries used to yield the best candidates, but now they just yield the best FUNDED candidates. We just have to hope the people with the funds are the best people.

          • And now that the US Supreme Court rules that they can spend any amount of money to win it’s going to be much worse.

            That screening committee also screened new hires for Russ Lloyd Sr.

            • You’re right about all of that, Moveon. I had forgotten about the new hire screenings. People who were applying for rank-and-file jobs were encouraged to get their Republican committeeman and vice’s signatures on their applications. If an application didn’t have those, or that of a party official, it was “lost.”

        • Plus 1 too. All good candidates should get a chance to be voted on by all the people not just the Select few in the party leadership. That’s bogus and what is wrong with America. May the best may win.

          And how can you talk about anyone using their retaltives name recognition for political gain without including a Mosby?

      • Wow, sounds like you believe that the Democrat Party in Evansville, should be “run” like
        “The Firm”—with utter loyalty to the “ins”. I would venture your lips are chapped from all the cheek “kissing”.

        Mr. Davis, running as a Candidate steps out as any Citizen has a right to do, and is telling you Why, and What his Governing Philosophy is,
        —and leaves the decision to the Voters.

        I think we all have seen enough of Ms. Mosby to figure out the best choice is not the incumbent.
        Thanks for stepping up Mr. Davis,–sincerely, Crash

      • First, I guess someone has to own a home to live somewhere? That doesn’t even make sense.

        Second, There is a big difference in what you accuse him of and what he is saying. As an elected official it is pretty important to keep a professional standard when handling public business in public view. I think as a private citizen most all of us have taken to our facebook pages to voice our displeasure with our government. Both Democrats and Republicans. There is a difference between something that is allegedly on facebook and what Missy Mosby does. She not only blasts Democrats on facebook but also on television and in the newspaper. I think that’s what he meant by “work together and professionally on community issues while in the public eye.”

        Third, the fact that he is taking on an incumbent means nothing. Missy Mosby doesn’t have the right to have that seat. Elected officials have this ridiculous notion that they are supposed to do whatever they want while elected and then have their seat given back with no questions asked. Elections are what keep politicians from running a muck. If Missy Mosby has done all the right things over the last seven years then she will have nothing to worry about.

        Fourth, you are kidding right? You are always on here with little of no value to the conversation. Today you were even less of a person. If you think that his 6 words of remembrance for his brother is trying to get political gains then you are the one who is sick. I found nothing wrong with his being proud of what his brother accomplished against people who are mean spirited much like you.

        Fifth, I don’t know what you are trying to convey to the fact that only 9 people were there? I guess the only message that sends me is that his friends and family were all at work. I guess his friends and family are not employees of Carol McClintock?

        Finally, I would like to answer your “qualifications” remark, Steve Davis works under Federal Railroad Administration laws. He is certified to move Hazardous Material, Nuclear Material, Bio-hazardous Material and Military Weapons and Explosives across the United States of America. He had to spend 6 weeks in Atlanta, Georgia taking tests to receive those qualifications. He then had to take 6 more weeks of training here in Indiana to obtain his RCO Qualifications. Steve also spent 6 more months qualifying on Federal Rail from Evansville to Nashville. If he is qualified to do those things then I am fairly confident he can sit on a city council.

        Now, What are Missy Mosbys qualifications? She is incompetent. I have a question for you and Missy Mosby…

        When Missy Mosby says on an open microphone “I am not prepared to vote on that tonight, I need to go speak to my constituents” who is she speaking with? I live in the 2nd Ward. I am a registered voter. In all my years of living there I have NEVER got a questionnaire, phone poll or mailer from Missy Mosby regarding what “needs to speak to her constituents” about. Who exactly is she speaking to?

        • +1

          Railroads require the strictest drug and alcohol testing in the nation. Can Missy pass that test? I doubt the United States Government would allow Missy Mosby to be in charge of any train let alone a military train. I didn’t realize Davis was certified for that. Thanks for that tid bit of info.

          • You’ve got to be kidding. There’s an immediate test if you are involved in an accident but randoms come with a 3 day notice. Same with all unions.

            • I’m a union member and I get about 10 minutes notice before I get drug tested, which is the way DOT drug tests work

        • Messy’s qualifacations are she can out drink most men and still drive a car , she works for winkys wife the mayor , she’ very flexible meaning 1/2 democrat 1/2 republican ,her uncle
          was a outstanding trustee , she’s a booty guard for beaver ,sucks up to law enforcement while she is turning knife in their backs
          I think Mr.Davis is the best person hands down for the job ,if Steve is 1/10 th of what his late brother was , then yes he is already a much better person then miss mosby

          • That’s a really good recap of Ms. Mosby’s “qualifications.” I like it when people get right to the point in such matters!

          • no thanks ,if I were to have a beer at the bar messy would most likely call the cops on me telling them I was intoxicated

        • Steve actually lives in Haubstadt. Yet, he is renting an apartment in the 2nd ward just so he can run.

      • You seem to be obsessed with me, PD. Why would you include an homage to me, ” LKB, please, ….” almost three hours before I even checked in here. Given your history, I’m getting a little uncomfortable here.

        • It’s just a coward, they are nothing to fear. If it’s not him perhaps the screen name ‘reality’ gives a clue. Could be Mosby, simply spelling ‘realty’ the very best she can. She glommed onto another camera last night to call for a meeting with the police chief and for Shotspotter to be funded. Whoever it is, they are not to be taken seriously, let alone worried about. Just a very simple bully/coward.

          • I expect you’re right. It’s really sad that that this sicko has nothing better to do with his time.

          • I’m saying that a weirdo with an obsession is always something to be concerned about. If this is the person I’m reasonably certain it is, he does have a past history of some physical confrontations. I think the threat is more to property than person, but I worked in the mental health field for a very long time, and know that some nut jobs shouldn’t be dismissed as “harmless.” Why?

          • No, kiddies! Now don’t go getting all WeaverChickenLittle, screaming like a little girl anytime anybody looks at you crosseyed, poor police are burdened enough, they don’t have time to boy scout us ALL across the street.

      • Since when is being a renter not living somewhere? You must subscribe to the Jonathan Weaver mantra that only homeowners can seek and hold public office. Davis is the smarter of the two. Mosby paid almost $90k for her place on Pollack right before the housing market crashed. Dave Clark had paid half that for the property earlier that year. Some friend. He got a giant profit, and she is stuck in a house worth 2/3 of what she paid for it.
        By the way, Mosby had zero Democrat constituents at her filing. The only second ward resident was Chris Cooke, who we all know is a Republican. Of the 9 people who were there to support Davis, some of them were actual voters for the Primary.

        • I completely agree with what you’re saying here, Tao.
          The bottom line here is that the Second Ward has a chance to elect a really good representative to serve on City Council in their behalf. It is also true that the Second Ward is an area in transition, and it really, really needs diligent representation. I wonder if the screamers have a problem with our Republican senator living in North Carolina?

        • Missy filed with Weaver and that girl running for clerk. The only people there were Winnecke supporters. The guy that feels important was front and center of that group and he is on Winneckes Finance Committee. Missy Mosby didn’t give a single relevant comment after she filed. All she did was talk about how great a job she is doing…then she passed out candy.

          I got curious after reading this and went to Davis’s Political Facebook page and it has blown up with support. I went on Missy Mosby’s political page and its the same 6 people commenting. I don’t think people in a hallway at 4 pm on a Wednesday really matter when you’re talking about an election. I also think it says speaks volumes about a person that demands the attention all the time. Missy Mosby is constantly trying to get in front of a news camera. Also, every time I see Missy she is wearing her Missy Mosby button. At first I thought it was a case of narcissism but now I know for a fact it is.

          I love the idea of a Mosby vs Davis debate. That will end all the “qualified” rhetoric.

          • Missy, don’t debate anyone, there’s no benefit. Debates are worthless, Romney literal kicked the crap out of Obama, made him look like the idiot he is, made no difference. Mourdock is smarter and a much more honest and people oriented politician than pathetic Donnelly but one small slip and Dumb Donnelly from the crime ridden thug area of east Chicago is a senator.

            • If he was so smart then why did he slip up? Because he was not smart after all. He was dumb and out of touch with the vast majority of the people in IN. You left an opening in your statement so wide anyone could drive a semi though that opening.

            • Murdock didn’t slip up. He really did mean what he said. You can’t cover for that one pov. And Romney held his own considering the last buffoon the Republicans had for President.

          • It would be time consuming, with Mosby running to go ask “her constituents” (Lloyd/Carol) what to say…..

      • You’re written quote is not a quote from Steve Davis. That’s not what his press release says. He made no such typo. I understand making light of and taking advantage of mistakes, but making them up is what is indicative of someone being “sort of sick.”

      • I think your name should say realtor… as in you work for the mayors wife and vote 100% along side him. Which wouldn’t be shocking if you didn’t work for his wife and be apart of the OTHER party! Does anyone find it strange Mosbys direct number goes straight to the police dep? I guess when you keep getting pulled over while drinking, it’s nice to know you’re above the law. No one should talk about Rick Davis except those qualified. It’s sick you used his name to try to tarnish Mr.Davis’s.

    2. If not him then who? Team Mosby and her sidekick Weasel have long wore out their welcome and have become an embarrassment to the people they are suppose to represent as well as the city of Evansville.

      I don’t disagree that Davis’s motivations may not be as transparent as he would like for us to believe, but someone needs to stand up and start putting different names on the ballot. The people of Evansville are ready and deserve more than the recycled hacks that have spent most of their time patting themselves on the backs for a job no yet completed.

    3. People forget that Missy also moved into the 2nd ward to run for council. She was in the 6th ward but her Uncle David hand picked his son in law to run for the 6th ward, forcing Missy to move so she could run too. So both of them did something I personally don’t condone. That being said, I am no fan of Missy. She should be running on the republican ticket. Red would be ashamed of how she has, and continues to conduct herself on council. Just my humble opinion. It’s all dirty.

      • That’s right. Mosby tells the story about being next in line for public office and David Mosby passing over her for BJ Watts. She had to move, and moved to the Second Ward in October of 2005- just 2 years before the general election for city council and only 18 months before she faced Stephanie Terry in the primary. She moved there, because she planned to take on Bagbey in the primary. After he championed the first smoking ban in 2006, she got a windfall in him not seeking office. When Terry went for the seat too, you should have seen the outrage. She reported Terry to Stan Levco for slating. She has always had a primary opponent and has always accused them or misconduct. There has and always will be a general discontent with her service. When one can be bought and is a slave to special interest, there will always be a challenger. She has no right to complain. Her family personally recruited James Brinkmeyer to run in the primary against Al Lindsey. She is often at the root of internal party disputes, and “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” Matthew 26:52

          • Maybe we can get her to move to KY? Don’t they have some bar tending waitress jobs over there at the new Saloon?

            • The renamed ‘Double Dukes’? If no bartending spots are open maybe she could bounce the joint.

            • She could be a mud wrestler but she would have to put her drink down before going in the ring. :_)

        • Don’t try to bring up a bible verse on on “drawing the sword” after you just spent a whole post bashing Mosby.

          Like I’ve always heard: “You can’t throw rocks when you are the one that lives in a glass house.”

          • What does “DS” stand for? Devoted Steve (Shaefer)? Demonic Schaefer?
            Whoever you are, you have no place telling anyone else what they can and can’t post? You may not agree with them, but you shouldn’t “command” them about what to do.

            • Dark Side; Demon Stone; Dedicated Servant; Digital Spy; Double Shot; Duodenal Switch; Direct Sales; Double Speak; Dark Star; Dip Shit; Dark Stalker; Darling Son; Defense Support; Double Standard; Determinate Sound; Down South; Dog Soldier; Discontinued Service; Dead Soul; Day Sailor; Demon Seed; Duh Statement; Deep Scratch; Dramatic Sequence; Dementia Software; Diversion Strategy; Doom Squad, Dumb System; Desperate Solution; Detached Scrotum; Defensive Specialist; Dog Shit; Dead Space; Doctrine Sponsor; Drug Substance

          • I’ll spend all year doing it. I’m not in a position to publicly hurt people or their families. I don’t go on television and relish the suffering of others. I call it like I see it. She loves drama. She regularly casts the first stone. She gets what she gets for living such a life devoid of character and morals. I’m just giving my opinion. She created the fodder for those of us in the public to give opinion.

            • Oh, thanks for the ideas about “DS”. I especially like “Detached Scrotum” and “Dog Shit”.

          • I can see right through your house little boy. Your glass house is like a house of cards. And you have been dealt a bad hand. Better fold now while the folding is good.

    4. Mr. Davis has many fine ideas. He will be a very good candidate. It is finally good to see a loyal democrat run for this Council position. Mr. Davis will also support Gail R. for Mayor. This will help unite the Democratic party.

      • It seems Mr Davis has taken a cue from our President. He talks of lots of things he feels is needed but doesn’t mention how to pay for them. Maybe he is for a city income tax. ?

    5. Honestly speaking I am tired of Missy Mosby and her supporterd continually dodging the issues. They have never given a serious or professional rebuttal to anything that Steve Davis releases or says. For the communities sake can Missy just have a rational conversation about the ideas Davis is presenting? Is her only answer going to be a personal dig at Davis? Seriously. I think Missy needs to challenge Davis to a debate on issues and let us judge who is more qualified.

    6. If there was a debate between Steve Davis and Missy Mosby. Missy would have to have her constituents there with buttons for them to answer the questions for her. Sort of like “Ask the audience” on who wants to be a Millionaire.

    7. “I stand before you today with a rich history of involvement in local politics. I have worked on the sidelines for friends and relatives running for office….”

      Is it true that “Mo’ Mo’ Status Quo” is the effective campaign platform of the local Democrat Party?

      Yes, indeed, it is true.

      • Missy and Weasel do appear to spent more of their time in bars than most normal, working people who don’t have any illness related to drinking. Lamasco, Bokeh, and the Marigold seem to be faves.
        Speaking of bars, what was the name of the bar on the northwest corner of Covert and Boeke? They had great bar food and it was a fun place. A little on the rough side when it got late, but a lot of people went there. I was by there the other day, and thought about it, but can’t remember the name of the place.

        • Well the stinky flower is a patronage pushed bung hole. For sure. We’ve observed that in many avenues taken in with observations from the overhead. Creepy stuff there. real creepy. Any political idiot that might frequent that bung hole is open for a compromised value in today’s world . Stuff gets down right bushy so too speak. Or some kind of a Hatgrassyarea, kind’o of stuff.

          How the hell! does one serve booze, and other “stuff”, on election days while the polls are open and then sport Indiana election law? Sure can look bad, looking in.

          Tell the new Davis guy to avoid that place like the plague, really, nothing good is hatched there anymore.

          • I remember when it was the Weeping Willow. We’d stop there sometimes on the way home from the races.
            I was in there about three years ago, and it still had that lovely gas-station restroom ambiance it years ago.

          • From the overhead, maybe stopping “before the races” and talking to little Hebrew guy that established the place might have been a better “bet” with the races thingy, kind, of like the other old watering hole you and Bandana mentioned. Paul’s ,which the overhead says was in fact really the bar tenders Godfery’s . Tuesday night clabber night anyone? They said the fiddlers were good though.

            One things seen for sure the stinky flower’s gotten bushy enough for a overdue and needed trimming by some willing oversight.
            “Messy” stuff as people might know it there today. That’s a portion of your town that flat ass needs some work. Straight in “no machine” required.

        • This isn’t a very big place, you know. Hell, a man can’t even yank a sign out of a woman’s hand at a demonstration without the whole town knowing about it.

    8. Weaver brought his new girlfriend to his filing. He is the only elected official that I am aware of that will be divorced twice in one term. He may actually be divorced twice and married twice in one term. The new girlfriend has already made it to his Facebook profile picture. Seems bold when the divorce hasn’t even been filed yet.

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