IS IT TRUE? February 22, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? February 22, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council shall be asked to consider shifting Parks funding from Community Youth Sports programs to maintenance?….that this that this resolution was created by 1st Ward City Councilman Dan McGinn ….that City Council attorney John Hamilton is making legal and binding adjustment to this document? ….that it is time for the private sector step up and help with the funding of these worthy Youth Sports and Youth Leadership programs in Evansville? …..”that government shouldn’t do for people or groups for what they should do for themselves”?

IS IT TRUE that the appearance and functionality of any cities parks are one of the “vital signs” that visitors or site selectors look at to evaluate the civic health of a city?…that back in the 70’s when New York City had let Central Park be taken over by gangs and it became dangerous that New York was thought to be that way throughout the city?…that back when the Central Park jogger was being savaged and tourists were fearful of walks in the park that New York was losing tourist dollars and business hand over fist?…that only when Central Park was taken back from weeds and thugs did New York real estate recover?…that only when Central Park became safe and clean did Times Square come back to become a vibrant place full of life as opposed to prostitutes and drug dealers?…that back in the 70’s when New York was a dysfunctional mess that the Evansville park system was quite nice?…that New York was brought back to life when a series of strong Mayors were elected who drove out crime and insisted upon civic cleanliness and a pristine Central Park and other New York parks.

IS IT TRUE that world renowned landscape architect Fredrick Law Olmsted designed New York’s Central Park, Stanford University, and the entire park system of the City of Louisville?…that in his book “A Journey Through Texas” written in 1857 that Fredrick Law Olmsted referred to Evansville as the only city of note on the Ohio River in the State of Indiana?…that a student of Frederick Law Olmsted designed Evansville’s Garvin Park and did the layout of a park system in Evansville that is based on Olmsted’s theory of public park design?…that Central Park was brought back from the brink of ruin and that the park system of the City of Evansville can be too?…that proper budget allocation, civic involvement, and a big dose of pride of community can do for Evansville what it did for New York City?

IS IT REALLY TRUE that it’s really time that the Parks Department Administrators and the politically appointed Board members (who receives $3,000 a year for serving on the Board) finally become good stewards of the public trust by becoming pro-active in the obvious maintenance issues in our city and County parks?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville Redevelopment Commission will hold a public meeting at 8:30 a.m. in room 307 at the Civic Center on March 1, 2011? ….the reason for this meeting is for the appointed board members of this Commission to consider new appropriations of $2.8 Million dollars for Downtown TIF projects? ….that the Chairman of the Redevelopment Commission should re-advertise this public notice by breaking down what Downtown TIF projects they are planning to launch and the cost breakdown of each project? ….it would be also nice if the Redevelopment Commission Chairmen would send a copy of this information to each and every City Council Members so they can give their input concerning the above appropriations for new Downtown TIF projects?

IS IT TRUE that we are interested in how several new houses were started in the Front Door Pride area after the bond issue to cover the cost was postponed last fall?… that we believe that a full disclosure needs to be made with respect to how each and every one of these $2.8 Million will be spent?

IS IT TRUE CCO “MOLE #3” would like to congratulate 2nd Ward City Councilwoman, Missy Mosby and her challenger Patrick McBride for doing an excellent job in their first e-debate in the Community Observer? ….”MOLE 3″ thinks both candidates did a creditable job?….MOLE #3 predicts this race is too close to call but at this time Missy Mosby has the edge in this campaign?….”MOLE #3″ says that this primary battle between Missy and Patrick will be an old fashion political barn burner?…that we would like to see more issues on which these two candidates have differing opinions?


    • Are you talking about the signs that were put up with the Davis signs over the weekend and were removed from about 10-15 of the yards. I was told some of the people didn’t know McBride was running against Mosby, took the McBride sign down.

      • This is from California history. My HR director was Sybert’s campaign manager. When he was caught tearing up Strickland’s signs it was game over. Those signs are paid for with contributions from people who believe in the election process. I will choose to believe that Missy had nothing to do with this. I know her to be a strong but fair competitor and hope she encourages her supporters to be that way too.

        “During the 1998 Assembly primary, Rich Sybert ran a well-funded campaign and was seen as a likely winner of the primary until a campaign volunteer for Tony Strickland was able to videotape Sybert personally destroying Strickland lawn signs.”

        • The people who told the Davis supporters they could put the signs didn’t know that Mcbride was Missys opponent. When they found that out they took the signs down. Not Missy or her supporters.
          I’m not blaming Rick for putting the signs up.
          Sorry for the misunderstanding in my first post.

  1. Is it true that we should go back to the CCO’s article, “what makes cities grow”?

    This article cited research that “High-growth cities spent an average of $673 per person per year, versus $1,152 in the shrinking cities.”

    Is it true that the comparable number for Evansville spending could be, $1,960.20 per?

  2. Maybe Mosby’s puppetmaster, King John will campaign for one of his most loyal supporters, and help her “out”, so to speak.

  3. McBride will win the 2nd Ward. Mosby will not outwork him and she definitely is not the best candidate, I don’t think she even knows what and independent thought or decision is. Mosby will definitely be lost without Kurt John and Weinzapfel around to lead her by the nose (no pun intended). If the people of the 2nd Ward want 4 more years of inept representation, vote Mosby back in, if they want honesty and true representation VOTE McBride. We will know May 3rd what their decision is.

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