IS IT TRUE January 5, 2014


IS IT TRUE we hear that tonights Evansville City Council annual reorganization meeting should be extremely interesting? 

IS IT TRUE that many thousands of Vanderburgh County homeowners property Tax Assessments have noticed a significant increase in the assessed value? …that Evansville City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr recently stated during a recent budget hearing that the assessed values had been increased by an average of 4%? …this is figure was only a projected average? …the most accurate figure on many higher priced homes have see 20% or higher value increases? …we are hearing that the Republican controlled County Assessor’s office was giving marching orders to arbitrarily increase our homeowner values? …this increase was done because it was needed to offset the level of local government deficit spending habits?

IS IT TRUE that Ben Miller who has served as the Building Commissioner for Vanderburgh County for the past five years has decided to move on to what he describes as an “opportunity of a lifetime?”…the direct experience that the City County Observer principals have had with Mr. Miller are that he is competent, compassionate, and practical in addition to being an effective communicator whose word is his bond?…Mr. Miller is following his faith to the next step in his career and he leaves with our respect and admiration?…the CCO wishes this good man a fruitful and prosperous life?…Evansville will miss this person of excellence in this important position?

IS IT TRUE it seems as though the embattled and decrepit Owen-Block Building seems to be standing up on its last brick?…after an on again and then off forever refurbishment dream that fell apart because of the chasm between the value of the building and the cost to fix it up?…the word on the street is that the last owner was facing a $1.4 Million repair budget to sell off four townhomes at less than half of that value?…this is a darn shame because this building would offer the kind of home that would sell for over a million dollars a unit in a place that has a vibrant downtown and a growing job market?…now it seems as though the Owen-Block Building is about to meet its end due to the gap between value and cost?…the only person who truly knows the size of that gap is DMD Director Kelley Coures and he ain’t talking?…this gap between value and cost has stymied the downtown convention hotel and the McCurdy Hotel from finding real investors who have the means and diligence to redevelop them?…it is the delusions of local government that has now squandered well over $3 Million on pipe dreams that have no basis in the world that real investors live in?

IS IT TRUE the situation with the McCurdy Hotel just keeps going downhill?…there are reportedly doors left unlocked that allow people with flashlights to be observed roaming the halls at night?…it is just a matter of time until the McCurdy becomes a home to squatters who will eventually start a fire to keep warm?…one thing will lead to another and then the Old National Bank headquarters will be right next to a burned out shell?…that may lead them to challenge the assessment again and further reduce their shrinking property tax bill?…the $11 Million that ONB pledged to spend on a downtown convention hotel until they came face to face with value, could have nearly refurbished the McCurdy Hotel into a historically significant hotel?

IS IT TRUE with the rumors growing daily about the pending announcement that the Winnecke Administration is about to announce a 5th scheme to get a double 5 story hotel complex built across the street for the Centre, it is odd to consider the fact that we already have such a complex?…a two tower five story complex describes The Riverhouse perfectly?…it is amazing to think about it but the aspirations of our elected leaders for a convention hotel has degraded into being Riverhouse Two?…the value of The Riverhouse was established a couple of years ago when it was bought at auction for about $235,000?…the City of Evansville has been no supporter of a real investor’s plan to refurbish it either?…soon we will know if our leaders are going to toss $20 Million at The Riverhouse Two?…what the CCO would really like to see from Mayor Winnecke is a signed franchise agreement between HCW and Hilton that he assured us they had on many occasions?…we have some very credible insiders who say that is not true and never was?…if that incident and a dozen others are what a commitment to transparency and honest produced then the City of Evansville is in serious trouble because the words of this Mayor have not been transparent or truthful?…we also hope that the next developer even if it is HCW again is subjected to a rigorous VETTING procedure?…moving forward without a thorough VETTING of the developer and its principals is simply irresponsible financial management and is not becoming of a chief executive of anything, much less a Midwestern city of 120,000 people?

IS IT TRUEwith all of these examples of rotten public policy do digest, it is encouraging to watch the Univercity of Evansville Aces basketball team showing the excellence that made them a national brand years ago?…with an 11-2 record and a win over a ranked opponent the Aces look like they may make a run at the NCAA tournament this year?…we congratulate the Aces and encourage our readers to get down to the Ford Center and watch this breath of fresh air from our local Division 1 team?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”.

Copyright 2015 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. WOW. The Department Heads are starting early in their departures. I thought they would wait a few months, but they can already sense that a change is coming. Just watch for more Dept Heads to run for the hills and soon. Winnie will soon feel this change a coming. He better dust off his resume.

  2. No Franchise Agreement? Indications that a Chronic Liar is seated on Evansville’s Mayor’s Throne?
    Say it isn’t so!
    –I despise a Liar.

  3. UE lost yesterday at ISU in a classic let down scenario. They will not make the tournament and Simmons can’t coach. Ballentine jacking up threes from way behind the line with a had in his face is your offense? What a joke. I’m a UE grad so I’m not some sour grapes west sider before you go saying that.

      • So telling lies and ignoring the truth is sour grapes? I think not! Look in the mirror maybe?

        • Ghost, your right,,,oops there I go again,,,it’s just so much easier not using that pesky apostrophe all the time. My bad.

          • Hell its a blog man don’t worry about it. The only time someone will sport it is during a lost value facial from that rotten political machines purposed aspects, and or a assigned, reflux.
            No big deal, dude, be free, that’s what America is. Freedom of speech, don’t be dumb enough to believe 14 schmoose or the “furrier and suppressed” to sport your value, Isn’t happening just like the Tri-state Gnome page.
            Wish Marsha was still around she’d put a flying girl banshee smack down on’em for that bunk BS.
            And laugh all the way back too Newburgh! See there it is!

            Even the J-3 knew the real valuation. Then. Idiots in her words ‘ you need to pour a little water off the potatoes and clear the pressure a bit! Hahahahhhah.
            However have the kid control the plane during the operation of the command pilots “relief”
            Yep good lesson on local idiots. she wasn’t in the club, she was a Pilot !

    • Had in his face???

      Obviously I knew what you meant but you have to get some razzing back after you corrected country boy for using “you’re” incorrectly.

  4. ?…this gap between value and cost has stymied the downtown convention hotel and the McCurdy Hotel from finding real investors who have the means and diligence to redevelop them?…
    It has stymied every business and homeowner in this area for the last twenty years. I live in the downtown area. I recently remodeled my bath and spent more then the house was worth. Owning property downtown is a act of love,not a sound investment. And this aint the summer of love.

    • The bouncing temperature ambient of the present period isn’t going to develop a “winter of care” either.
      the old downtown water, sewer and Gas lines along with the roads will see a thermodynamic
      workout in the next few days as well. Like allot of the region you all received a super soaker rain event now the saturated ground and roadway surfaces get the full bored freeze. That will cause failures.
      That’s what poorly maintained infrastructures do. Continue to age and fail miserably all over the old logistical downtown footprint. That’s a compounding devaluation to anyone’s location that hasn’t stayed current with upgrades and replacement of such a utility base. The older buildings cost per KW/hr or Gas per cubic foot metered will sky rocket with the same conditional temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure ambient.

    • You make an excellent point. Living in an historic home is something one does for love of history, NOT sound investing. That has been a fact in Evansville for at least forty years. The Dead Zone is going to stay dead under Lloyd, Carol, and Kelley. Without any attractions that would draw middle class families to the center of the city, it will remain a hollow core. The inhabitants will continue to be a few history lovers who can afford the luxury with nothing but health hazards and flying bullets for atmosphere. As long as our population shrinks and ages, downtown revitalization is a pipe dream.

      • Well said. What’s needed is a REAL reason to move downtown and to invest in that area. That does not exist other than the relative poor historical value of doing so. Human nature is the use the earth and move on to the next spot and repeat the process. Luckily mother nature can slowly recover from this human process. (think in geologic time).

        Once I had a reason to go downtown when I was younger. There were stores located downtown that didn’t exist any where else. Some even had monkeys in the windows. 🙂 There were theaters downtown that I frequented from time to time when I was still too young to drive. But when I started driving the East Side of Evansville, IE Green River Road had the growth and all I required. I avoided the Downtown area. The only time I went downtown was to practice driving and parallel parking in order to get my drivers license. I’d much rather be driving out in the country then in the downtown area. I don’t want to see signs after signs but rather open fields of hay and or wheat.

        The best thing that downtown has going for it is the River and that’s not really utilized as it could be. Maybe the down town need a free electric trolley system that runs on rails like in New Orleans. Maybe it needs a Red Light District like Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Maybe some of the old red brick buildings need to be razed and more open space with trees put there. The trees could provide shade for more open parking that’s free to the public without any time restrictions. Downtown is too congested and people don’t like congestion. What the downtown really needs is more open spaces and less congestion. Less one way streets to encourage more freedom of movement. Less streets that dead end before getting all the way across town.

        Probably the best thing that could happen to this town is for it to be torn down to rare earth and then started all over again. Maybe then they could design the streets to run north/south and east west.

        In the mean time the smart people will have already moved away from this hick town.

          • One does not have to be smart to see that they are taking all our tax money and dumping into the down town area without any good results. The East side is still a thriving business community while the downtown is dying despite dumping millions of dollars into Main Street over the past 40 years. It’s like dumping money down a sink hole. The money is flowing down the Ohio River with all the turds.

        • Didn’t you see Downton Abbey last night? It’s such a great show. As Evansville’s downtown momentum grows and succeeds, the city’s historic Riverfront Neighborhood will rightfully take its place as the Downton Abbey area of Evansville. It’s just wonderful in that neighborhood.

          • Don’t think so Sam, not with the present plans. We understand your commitment. But, with the observed leadership there real primary focus it appears that has hung your kinds bents, out to dry, painfully.
            Anyplace, could find success when the true value is the start point. That’s always worked anywhere.
            First in, the structured valuation of the utilities and commercial throughput logistics required to succeed MUST be in place, and built rock solid for THIS centuries valuations. Evansville isn’t the only place that aspect rakes a loss upon the said individuals investment, first in.

            Growth is a determination of a fine balance point, tempered by ones heart felt, and one s actual fortitude versus ones availability to bounce those costs assailed upon one by the low value obsolete utilities, and logistics that should provide some pathway too maintain a decent profit.

            Please note: fueling a cronies nephew or closed door approved suck up for a DMD signage farce, or frontage improvement for a pocket loading doesn’t change any logistical infrastructure valuation per the moved on, into the future. Period.

            the face of a building, especially the principal front that looks onto a street or open space.
            synonyms: front, frontage, face, elevation, exterior, outside
            “a vinyl-sided facade”
            “an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality.” DUH!
            “her flawless public facade masked private despair” double duh!
            synonyms: show, front, appearance, pretense, simulation, affectation, semblance, illusion, act, masquerade, charade, mask, cloak, veil, veneer
            “a facade of bonhomie” AnnnnnnD triple duh, from afar.

            That’s exactly where your town has failed in a most costly and miserable fashion.
            Further explanation would not only expose the successful plans flank, it would offer an out for the dastards whom raped the balance for their own, first in, on the table of that locally bent, broken and weighted downtown Evansville scale. /\

      • “The inhabitants will continue to be a few history lovers who can afford the luxury with nothing but health hazards and flying bullets for atmosphere. ”
        Unfortunately true. I can afford the luxury because I own the home. My utilities are as much as a one bedroom apt. But upkeep is expensive. Most of my neighbors are like me old retired , homes paid for. The ones that want to sell can not. My children do not know what they are going to do with the property. Bullets health hazards an all I love my home. Hundred an ten years young this year.

        • I know what you mean. I live in one of the older neighborhoods on the eastside in a 95 year old home that’s been paid off for years. The upkeep is expensive and constant. When it comes time to let it go which is a plan inprogress I expect to get about 50-70% of the tax assessed value. But I never saw home ownership as an investment. I think the only way to save these older homes and neighborhoods is to make them gated communities.

      • LK, you got it stuck in the craw for the folks living in historic Evansville. Jeez.

        • Absolutely not. I did it myself for a long time and pushed for downtown revival for many years. I just know when to stop beating a dead horse. It’s just reality that it takes a special person to want to live in the Historic area, and Evansville is shrinking and getting older, so there are fewer of them.

  5. If Lloyd Winnecke wants to serve a second term as Mayor, he needs to either produce the agreement between H

    • OOPS!….”produce the agreement between HCW and Hilton, and do it sooner rather than later. If it doesn’t exist, and I doubt it does, he needs to get out on the stump denouncing HCW for lying to him. He’d be well-served to hop on board with John Friend’s “Due Diligence Ordinance” and stick to it.
      The way it looks right now, I think the Poop has about as much chance of serving a first term in prison as he does a second term as mayor.

      • Dear EKB

        The whole world know that this City is desperate to have a hotel…in that environment Winnie will be wise to implement the due diligence format less he places mega bucks at risk…Jones apparently vouched for HCW but Mr. Jones has opted out…

          • The first attempt was for ONB to be an aggregator of private investments. Those investors were going to have shares in the hotel in proportion to their investment. That didn’t work because not enough fish took the bait. The naming rights scheme was hatched after the investment opportunity failed, and did not have any ownership associated with the investment.

          • One thing they’ll all have to swallow. They could have done the deal if the sunshine allowed for some balanced reality. Instead in typical Evansville fashion the lie was on. “Everybody knows that” those compound. And that’s where they appear too be today. The scale weights heavy to the finagled side.
            Back years ago on a visit to of all places, We went to New harmony Indiana one day, they had a event put on by the Owen Matriarch and USI going on, and that was a very enjoyable afternoon. Its was a “collaboration” (hate that word) through the Scottish Mumford family and the towns German heritage, real quaint, and real nice. That day an older couple approached us and ask where we were from, told’em more than I should have. The old Gentleman and his wife were cordial by every count on that aspect.
            She proudly proclaimed “we sell cars” that’s our business, he somewhat shushed her some and said so do you have some knowledge of what Evansville’s downtown was once? I answered yep, sure do, more than one might suspect. Next thing out of his mouth was, so? What do you think about how our mayor is handling the avenue out of that mess. I said excuse me, he then explained the focus on getting out of the mess with some invested valuation, and then, the proposed “at that time __ord center”.
            See anything that happens in downtown Evansville usually stays in downtown Evansville. You people need to wake up, I knew exactly what that plan was even that day. In New Harmony Indiana .
            Why the old fart opened up I’ve speculated about over the years, once this crap has all floated to the surface, well I have to figure it was maybe my Celtic attire or the hot red head that accompanied me.

            “The awakening is past due.”

        • Certain things are above the intelligence level of our local politicians or they are simply crooks. Success begats success, I think if I was the mayor and wanted a hotel I would find a local successful hotelier and discuss the options. I would call and request an appointment with Mr. Dunn at his place and ask this simple question, what’s the best approach to getting a down town hotel attached to our arena? A local person with an authentic interest in this community, Mr. Dunn is vested in this community.

          • ” I think if I was the mayor and wanted a hotel I would find a local successful hotelier and discuss the options.” Quaint, however a start.

            Not me, or our group. Common or global analysis has already proven otherwise without some real community based aspect ranged infrastructure actions.

            I’d build an infrastructure logistically moved forward enough to support someone’s new hotel, and the surrounding community, and with that’s growth expectations in place for this century. Then and only then, once that was clearly in place I’d just simply ask for bids. If that isn’t sported privately then the available logistics isn’t up to an investors par yet.
            So make it that way, then sit back patiently waiting to Vet/valuate and accept the best in proposal and vision for my towns needs and profitable ranges for the other private ventures connected by sectioned balance and TIF revenues.
            In other words make the leadership put the money where the valuation is. Period.

  6. The inexcusable neglect of the historic McCurdy Hotel and Mesker Amphitheater is a black eye on our City. Simply shameful.

    • It’s even worse when you consider the “naming rights” associated with those two entities. Truly amazing men who built the city we used to enjoy. It’s even worse when we learn that Mesker set up a trust fund which has been raided to perpetuate far lesser visions.

      • There is a new fund being set up by the private sector for Mesker Amphitheater that the city will not be able to touch at any point. The current administration has no desire to renovate the amphitheater so we will have it done by the community until a new administration is in office.

        • Excellent! That’s the way it should be done…IF…they don’t tear it down first. Do you have more info?

        • Mesker Amphiteater sounds like Mesker Park Zoo. Russ Jr, while mayor, tried to get the Evansville Zoological Society/Friends of Mesker Park Zoo to turn over their endowment to the City’s coffers. They refused. Russ Boy kicked them out because they wouldn’t give him the money. The EZS/FOMPZ didn’t trust him with the money. After being kicked out from MPZ the EZS/FOMPZ took their endowment funds to a management group and now dispense funds to the zoo for needed Zoo projects on a yearly requested basis.
          Russ Jr was not a happy camper. Didn’t the EZS/FOMPZ know that he knew what was best for Evansville?

        • The renovations to Mesker Amphitheater were about $100,000.00 for “potential code violations.” However, a renovated Mesker Amphitheater is a competitor to the Ford Center for summer concerts. That is the likely reason the City closed Mesker and planned its demise by intentional lack of budgeting for maintenance.

          The venue, which borders the Mesker Park Zoo, was shut down this year due to potential code violations. Evansville-Vanderburgh Building Authority Manager Dave Rector said renovations could cost about $100,000.

          “But as you see in this year’s budget, that money wasn’t set aside,” Rector said. “It (the amphitheatre) definitely could be brought back.”

    • Let’s go ahead and blame this on Winnecke. Both were doing well until Weinzapfel took office and they started going down hill. McCurdy was doing well as an assistant living dwelling and Mesker wasn’t that bad. The real black eye on our community is the democrat party and a key player is Gail and if she is our next mayor expect the downward spiral to continue. She will walk in clean because it’s not nice to criticize the girls. I’ll bet the McCurdy and the Mesker is not on her agenda. Isn’t there someone out there that can save us from the liberal democrats? I’d vote for Nixon, he couldn’t have done worse than Weinzapfel.

      • Gail would have had the Furd Center built next to Inland Marina. With a privately owned parking lot operated by her family. Just think of the aroma from that facility combined with that emitted from the Waste Water Treatment facility and Bee Slough.

  7. ITT…”what the CCO would really like to see from Mayor Winnecke is a signed franchise agreement between HCW and Hilton that he assured us they had on many occasions?…we have some very credible insiders who say that is not true and never was?…” (CCO)

    * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Would it not be incumbent upon the Mayor’s legal counsel, as part of their duties, to advise the Mayor against making knowingly false and misleading statements to the public? Surely Mr. Ziemer did advise the Mayor accordingly.

    • Or did the astute Mr. Ziemer advise the Mayor just to “take it on faith” that HCW had the agreement in hand?

      • I think your “take” on this is probably right. Surely both men are bright enough to have doubted the veracity of HCW’s claims, but they felt they’d do better to ignore their doubts.

    • If he didn’t advise as an attorney should is he guilty of malpractice? The Lawyers sue the doctors all the time for malpractice but I’ve not heard of them suing their own kind for the same thing. Is there not certain legal standards that they are required by law to follow? I guess not as they seem to be the one’s making the laws.

      • And there you have summed things up nicely. When the injured party is the taxpayer, who steps forward to demand a remedy? Ziemer works for the Mayor, not the taxpayers. Any number of political subdivisions can, and do, screw over the taxpayers, the only group that lacks representation.

  8. A couple of Evansville Police Officers told me that the McCurdy is already overwhelmed with squatters, that there is human feces and urine in every inoperable toilet in the building. Walls have been vandalized and ceilings falling down. And mold has overtaken the lower level. The place needs to be demolished. Of a new crew got some video footage of what the place looks like, any projects would be dead.

    • This gentleman would make an EXCELLENT replacement City Controller.

      He has the capacity to keep up with the Indy Consultants, City Councilmen and other constituencies when it comes to the heavy lifting (i.e., 12 oz. curls) of the Job.

      Also, when you get City Administrators and City Councilmen drinking together . . . stuff gets done.

      Disrobing at a restaurant, in your SUV, is a plus. Other than Rick Pitino, only guy in Louisville I know who can pull this off.

      • Russ will stay as long as Winnie stays, I believe. Russ must have something big on Hizzoner.

    • Louisville is on a major upswing, so this guy must know his stuff ! If Evansville ends up being his Siberia, we will be the better for it. Only thing: isn’t this fellow a shade bit on the long side of the tooth to be disrobing in the parking lot, in his car, with his City Council GF ? I don’t want to see that !

  9. A few years ago, the General Assembly passé a law that instituted an “Annual Trending” based upon the average sales price of homes in the county. These trending figures were to be made by neighborhood. This trending was supposed to replace the periodic reassessment of the details of the assessment. But, alas, this and the prior VC Assessor (Weaver) took the easy way out.

    When they wanted to raise the assessment, they changed some of the details of the prior assessment to accomplish the goals they set or were set for them. Then then lumped their increases in the assessment notice under the all inclusive “annual trending” label. They should have listed the increases under “annual trending” AND whatever else they include in the increased amount. Yes, they hid the “other than annual trending” amount.

    One reason for the annual trending was to prevent “sticker shock” of a large amount all in one year. They were supposed to distribute the increases based upon the ANNUAL INCREASE based upon actual sales figures by neighborhood, not a lump sum imposed PERIODICALLY.

    This year my Form 11 shows a “annual trending” increase of about 12.5 percent. I would call upon the Assessor to justify this increase based upon the legally allowable amount, not lumping it with other reasons for the increase. I don’t believe he can do it.

    One way the assessor has increased the assessment is to raise the classification (AAA to D-) without anyone knowing what was done. This has been going on for a number of f years. If this is how you are going to do it this way, at least let the taxpaying public know it.

    And the unreasonable jump in the assessments just happen to be revealed at assessment time immediately FOLLOWING a county election.

  10. This is just a reminder that the Evansville City Council will be meeting tonight, and re-organizing for 2015. It airs on Lifelong Learning channel beginning at 5pm. It may be interesting to watch the dynamics of the Council in an election year.

  11. Wow , all the chewing on tails. But the balance and the question is who’s? That cities council best realize that the population isn’t that stupid, just that darn connected in the real world today.
    Hey Friend how do you think you suddenly had a visit due to your old boats navigational lights,and then that sported to the Kentucky possum Mounties ? Heh, heh, yep, your opponents , might have weaved the messy situation just before your hotel vetting, Meah
    think so? Friend?
    Ahah, hah, they nailed you just in time for their bullshit to advance through your political positioning and bitching.
    Well ,–> No kidding ( would have used NO SHIT but would have been assailed by those bought and splayed BS responders of the machine politicos there for the reference.

    Enjoy Friend, of course that could get kind of Dank as well as sport a homestead looky to the balance,and those Under age imbibing situations that pop up once in a while too.

    You people are fools. And,laid out by their cronies BS responders for the obvious. and
    a historical now……
    Was the timing to city council vote a big’in or what when that was set on to your rotten played BS?

    You’d best take a look Friend, then take an overall on that cause there might be a balance you’d want to contest on that crap.

    Overheads are good, many will bitch, whine, and scream about them, however in the overall security of this great country and ALL its people sometimes a little “well looky here” isn’t so bad.

    Don’t fight it, you earned it. Lets all work to do better.

  12. I just came in and watched the highlights of the City Council meeting . I was amazed at the nerve of the Winnecke cabal. It’s good that the Council over-rode his veto of the Residency Ordinance, but it is amazing that Lover Boy Schaefer wouldn’t promise Council that they will get a vote on whether to let the approved bond issue go on a newly scaled down hotel. At least they say they’re going to let Doc Adams into the negotiations with HCW, but I fully expect that they will forget to notify him of the meetings.

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