Mayor Weinzapfel Chooses to Opt Out of a Run for Governor


Mayor Cites Choosing Family over Politics as Driving his Decision

STATEMENT of Mayor Weinzapfel

From: Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel
Regarding: Political Future
Date: Saturday, February 19, 2011

I don’t think I’ve made any secret of the fact that for the past few months, I have been exploring the possibility of running for Governor of the State of Indiana. And I’ve been encouraged by many of my supporters and friends to get in the race. They say my experience here in Evansville of creating good jobs, improving education and taking innovative approaches to government could really benefit the state…particularly now.

When I think about running for Governor, I get excited about the possibility of helping all Hoosiers across Indiana achieve their dreams and about moving our state forward. But I also think about the time it takes to run a statewide campaign. I would have to spend the next two years away from my family and friends and away from this community.

Some might find this hard to believe, but one of the benefits of serving as Mayor is that I can do my job and still have time to enjoy my children, watch them grow up and participate in their lives in a meaningful way.
I’m not ready to give that up. And it’s become clear to me that running for Governor would force me to choose between politics and my family. And frankly, that’s an easy choice for me, I choose my family.

And so, I’m announcing today that I will not be a candidate for Governor in 2012

Although I’m not running, I intend to work as hard as I can to help make sure Democrats take back the Governor’s office. I’m excited about the candidates who have expressed an interest in running, and I’m confident that come November of 2012, Hoosiers will be celebrating a Democratic victory, and celebrating a bright future.


  1. Jonathan, if you help in any way save us from Mike Pense as governor, I will forever be thankful.

    • Funny–has Pence been caught scheming to steal taxpayer money in closed-door meetings of questionable legality?

      Weinzapfel has: see the Great Homestead Tax Heist of 2009.

      What could be worse than that?

      • I believe that Soon2B is not advocating Weinzapel for governor. He was asking that if JW had any connections to take the Dem nomination from Pence to go for it. Personally I find Pence bigotted and extreme. He in fact has been an embarrassment to the state on more than one occasion.

        • Actually, I was responding to Jonathan Weinszapfel’s remark at the end of the article, where he said:

          “Although I’m not running, I intend to work as hard as I can to help make sure Democrats take back the Governor’s office. I’m excited about the candidates who have expressed an interest in running, and I’m confident that come November of 2012, Hoosiers will be celebrating a Democratic victory, and celebrating a bright future.”

          Pense is a Republican. He will be a very strong candidate if he runs for governor of Indiana. What I meant is I will appreciate anything Jonathan Weinszapfel does to help defeat Pense for governor.

          Seems kind of tacky for anyone to continue bashing Weinszapfel with regard to the 2011 mayor’s or the 2012 governor’s race when he has withdrawn from both. My hope is he won’t withdraw his support along with his candidacy the way Evan Bayh did in the Ellsworth race. If he is sincere about his future intentions he stated in the article, that’s a good thing.

          Of course, I expect there are those who will continue to trash him at every opportunity simply because their narrow minds cannot embrace any other frame of reference

  2. Sorry Soon2B
    Didn’t mean to speak for you or to get the parties mixed up for Pence. Some days are better than others for the old cerebrum. It is difficult to type a message and cook at the same time.

    • Hey, no problem! As you can see, I forget and leave out entire words. It’s hard for me to type and think clearly at times.

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