IS IT TRUE December 16, 2014


IS IT TRUE yesterday is an official day of substance to citizens of the United States of America?…223 years ago the first 10 amendments to the Constitution were ratified?…these amendments have come to be known as the BILL OF RIGHTS?…people of this modern day seem to get very confused about the BILL OF RIGHTS as the entitlement programs have blurred the stark reality between a “right” as granted by the Constitution an certain “entitlements” that are only part of laws and are subject to change?…there is one very critical attribute to the BILL OF RIGHTS and that is RIGHTS are not about taxation or redistribution of income or wealth?…no RIGHT granted by the Constitution costs another citizen any property, income, or wealth?…entitlements on the other hand are completely predicated on the law allowing the government to take taxes from one and give it to another?…your freedoms of religion, speech, or the press does not cost another citizen one dime?…your choice to buy and bear arms does not cost another citizen one dime?…your RIGHT not to be forced to quarter soldiers does not cost any other citizen a dime?…and so it goes with all of the freedoms that our founding fathers designated as RIGHTS?…another feature of RIGHTS is that they cannot be bought and sold, yet entitlements are all about buying and selling?…this writer learned these things in middle school?…it is a shame that many others do not seem to have learned this lesson?

IS IT TRUE last night the Evansville City Council finally took up the proposal to require all appointed members of boards and commissions to be residents of the City of Evansville? …in all fairness, for commissions that have responsibility exclusively within the city limits and appointed by city entities, this does make sense? …a great example of such a commission is the Evansville Redevelopment Commission?…the makeup of the embodiment of the 2014 ERC board includes 2 appointees that are not residents of the City of Evansville?…examination of Indiana statutes reveals that these people should have never been appointed and serve in violation of Indiana law?… if other past ERC boards had similar makeup  this could mean that projects like the Ford Center, the McCurdy Hotel, the downtown convention hotel, and the IU Medical School were ratified by an illegitimate governing body?…that may negate all of the actions taken by the ERCs of recent memory?…we of course cannot un-build the revenue gobbling Ford Center, but it may well be a technicality to vacate the approvals for the hotel and the medical school along with the bonding authorizations granted by the City Council with regard to illegitimate votes by the ERC?…the people of Evansville may have just been granted a mulligan on these projects which should be reopened by a newly appointed ERC early in the new year?…the number of people who are or will be ineligible to serve on these boards and commissions was rather shocking last night?…it is equally shocking at how low the percentage of people who currently serve actually live in the City Limits?…at the end of the meeting, the Evansville City Council did choose to avail themselves of the knowledge and experience of anyone who resides outside the city limits including one man who allegedly pays $55,000 in taxes in city located 35 properties?…if they want to extend this trend their next step should be to eliminate all city grants and tax abatements for outsiders?

IS IT TRUE we are really pleased that City Councilman Conor O’Daniel responded with anger to rebuke Councilman Weaver last night when he offered an amendment to the “HOME RULE” ordinance?…Mr. O’Daniel told Mr. Weaver that he considered his amendment to Connie Robinson’s HOME RULE” ordinance was a personal attack against 6th Ward Councilman Al Lindsey?…we totally agree that Mr. Weaver’s amendment to the proposed ‘Home Rule” ordinance was indeed a petty personal attack against 6th Ward Councilman Al Lindsey and was totally unacceptable?…political wisdom tells us that Mr. Weaver’s attempt to be re-elected to one of the At-large City Council position is now in jeopardy?…his political side kick 2nd Ward Councilwoman Missy Mosby better start to distance herself from Mr. Weaver or she may find herself in political jeopardy too because she now faces a serious primary battle against Steve Davis?…if Mosby and Weaver think they can be re-elected with the support of the Mayor that is a major political mistake?

IS IT TRUE there are several cost saving measures that the candidates for Mayor of Evansville can and should discuss and the first is the effect that a land based casino may have on the need for hotel rooms?…to be specific approval of land based casinos may well be the edge that Tropicana needs to expand their current room numbers by enough to cover any needs that may arise from a dying convention business?…the second discussion would be to openly seek a private buyer for the Centre, like a mega church and put the whole convention hotel nonsense to rest?…divesting of The Centre would hopefully raise enough cash to pay the thing off liberating the $450,000 per year in bond payments that we are currently saddled with?…the savings associated with selling The Centre and ending the Quixotic quest for a hotel will save the taxpayers of Evansville a present value of roughly $25 Million?

IS IT TRUE that the Russian Central Bank raised its interest rates to 17% yesterday afternoon from the previous rate of 10.5%?…the reasons given were devaluation of their currency which has been tumbling on world markets at a similar rate to a barrel of oil?…this is the kind of thing that happens when a currency is shunned by free markets due to the underlying value being shown to be a house of cards?…along the same lines the supply and demand issues associated with the plunge in oil prices was cited by Christine LaGard who has been the Managing Director (MD) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since July 5, 2011, despite her upbringing in a culture that has often behaved as though supply and demand were not market forces?…it warms this writers heart to know that even the most adulterated deniers of market forces really understand markets when a classic supply side deflation is being driven by global production?…the real loser in the oil price slide is of course Russian President Vladimir Putin and that gives very few Americans any heartburn as they drive more and spend more since a tank of gas is now under $0 for most vehicles?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”.
Copyright 2014 City County Observer. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


  1. No mention of Parks Board membership residency requirements by anyone? The Parks Board operates with tax funds collected on a countywide taxing district, and has since the 1970s, and there are two large parks located in the county, outside the city limits, with supposed plans to establish more small parks in the county as time goes along.

    • I believe Burdette is a county park and does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Evansville Parks board, be very thankful it is

  2. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness….. pretty hard to pursue happiness if you’re deathly ill from breathing dirty coal smoke or drinking benzene laden water. What you are talking about is rights for people with lucky sperm syndrom. The rest of us can eat cake.

      • Getting old? It has been an old broken record emanating from him for many years. Always the victim, always with the name calling and always spurting vile comments about any person/organization that dares to disagree with him. He is a sad, sad individual, who really needs a little psychological help.

        • I have been thinking the same thing! He doesn’t seem like someone I would like to know.

          • I betcha he is a blast at family reunions! If they let him know where and when it is.

        • As an LCSW I would not attempt a therapeutic relationship with Tom. I would pass it to Tom Cruise, he seems able to deal with Mission Impossible. I actually believe Tom trolls, we find him entertaining and he hooks us. No real harm done. If he is not trolling?

          • I hope you’re kidding about being an LCSW…. if you were I’d like your employer to read some of your vile posts.

  3. Great job City Council!

    Hollywood should come film Jonathan Weaver and Missy Mosby at City Council for the threequel to “Dumb and Dumber”

    Those two are so ridiculous and say so many untrue and misleading things that its laughable.

    • Ever notice how Missy always says that “she has heard from her constituents” and “they are all opposed to this Motion”. Does she think we are so naive that we really believe people in her Ward would phone her to complain about the composition of the Boards & Commissions ? Love it when Connie nailed her with that same line ” well, I’ve heard from MY constituents too, and they love the idea !”. Way to go Connie.

      • She only hears from the Mayor and his wife. Those two ARE her constituency. She votes how they tell her to 100% of the time. Its hard to represent her Ward when her boss is the Mayors wife and her entire financial world depends solely on them. Its not hard to figure that one out. She should have her Hummer plastered with Re-elect Carol McClintock .

      • Missy would hear from her constituents, but if you don’t agree with her on a regular basis she won’t return your calls and blocks you on facebook. She doesn’t want to listen to any other opinions other than the ones Winnie the Poo tells her to listen to. She is so out of touch with her constituency that she is among the first that needs to go

        • She won’t win against Steve Davis. Her reign is almost over. Question is how long will the Mayors wife keep her employed after she loses and can no longer vote Winneckes way? I say 2 weeks.

      • This is the first time that I have been proud and pleased with MY councilwoman Connie Robinson. Thanks for helping to get outsiders off our backs, we can’t afford them.

    • x-nay on the re-election advice to Dumb and Dumber-let them follow their master right over the ledge

  4. Weaver is such a dick, how do you come up with something as nebulous as a City Council member having to have a homestead exemption in the city to be in office ? Why not just say you have to be bald or a realtor to be on council ? What happens when Weaver starts beating his new wife–like he did his ex-wife–and he’s the one living in an apartment with no homestead exemption ?

    • A dick is part of a man which would leave Beaver out. I don’t believe in a fair fight he could beat a woman, he must have sucker punched his ex-wife.

    • So in Dream Weaver’s world, anyone living in an apartment building or rental property would NOT be able to be on City Council, despite residency within City Limits ?

      It really makes you wonder: is Weaver really this stupid, or is the Mayor that stupid to ask him to actually put this up to a Motion ?

      If Weaver was going after Lindsey (he was), to what end ?

      • I seriously doubt Weaver spends much time at his home down in the hood. He’s probably doing the same thing as Lindsey.

      • Small-souled personal pettiness is probably the only motivation on the Beav’s part. It seems as natural to him as breathing.

  5. Mosby and Weaver actually voted the correct way (it may have been accidental, who knows). Connie Robinson’s motion to only allow City residents on Boards is just plain idiotic. The dumb and dumber = City council agreed to pass this idiotic insular motion. City Boards will be filled with more “friends” of the City council. Super.

    • Why should people be allowed to make decisions that don’t affect them? You would be the type to support highbrow elitists making decisions for the peasants in the next county over.

      • Kind of like passing a massive health care bill when, as a member of congress, you are exempt?

        • I kind of agree with you ellen, but the rich have had better insurance for a long time not just since obamacare. How about we take the money out of politics and enact term limits?

          • Ghost, you disagree that congress is exempt for the ACA? “Rich” is arbitrary. Compared with much of the world, our poor is rich.

          • Ghost – Sorry. I didn’t see that you said agree and you could knock me over with a feather!

          • OMGhost term limits ????? Lets do it,,,,,but don’t you dare take away my ability to pursue the American Dream and become RICH.

          • Ghost of Tom Joad – “How about we take the money out of politics and enact term limits?”

            Ghost, that is the single most coherent and logical thing I have ever seen posted by you. The denizens of hell must be making snowballs about now.

    • The boards have Mayoral appointees (R), City Council appointees(D), County Council appointees(R) & County Commissioner appointees(R). Those boards have many Republican/County representation. What they didn’t have was logistical oversight for each respected government body in regards to where the appointee lives. A city appointee should live in the city. Pretty simple logic. There are plenty of “super smarter than you” county residents that still qualify for these appointments by virtue of residence. Sorry us “dumb city folk” want our place at the table.

  6. The Centre would make a fine church. If properly packaged we might be able to interest a consortium of Jehovah’s Witnesses and General Baptists. The Witnesses seem to like Evansville and the General Baptists have said they will stage their 2017 International Convention here, on the strength of the promise of a new hotel. I believe there is ample room for congregational cots at the Centre.

    The Centre’s transformation from pugh to pew would accompany its switch from the profane to holy. Start sending out feelers now so the churches can begin sending the plate around twice. Enoch would make a credible legate from the city to the prospective buyers. He might even lock them up on the first trip and he’s tough enough to ensure the Poop doesn’t get first count on the money.

    • I’m pretty sure Carol would have to get him the right vestments, a tan blazer. I figure she’d rather let Joe Kiefer try to sell it first.
      Would the free naming rights acquired by ONB present a problem in transferring the facility to a church?

      • No. The apparently non-paying Old National would simply arrogate to themselves the requirement of a merger of the denominations and file the new one away with their other denominations, the tens, twenties and hundreds. Once the pot hit the tipping point the transferral would be considered done. Finito. Perfected. Only problem would be if Ole Gnat keeps moving the target like Winnie does. In that case the transfer never completes and the congregations end up sans chapel and going broke, like Evansville.

        No telling what public properties the ruling Blazers have pre-sold. I guess we’ll know after the election if the new mayor has any stomach for picking the scab to see what all’s been hidden.

        • If Gail decides to pick that scab, she needs to wear the same protective gear that people use when treating Ebola victims.

          • I’m afraid it’ll take more than that. Smallish brown-coated demons flying out of an open wound are immune to modern medicine. I think they’re Grimms.

      • The Old National Centre of Divine Forgiveness

        Old National Church of the Loan Spread

        Old National Fee Evangelical Church Centre

        (possible names for the facility)

    • To many windows in the place for the Jehovah Witnesses. I am legate enough with the GBs to broker an interest rate only deal with them, but I am afraid if we wait until after 2017 their mood may be less than Christlike after Winnecke welcomes them to an empty lot with weeds growing around construction equipment.

      • You are probably right. That prop machinery Winnie called in will see many generations of those weeds you referenced before the final accounting of the â„–tel.

  7. Hopefully, the now illegal appointees will resign immediately today and not inhibit the installment of the much more competent by way of address new appointees to assume their duties, thus immediately raising the city to new heights greatness.

  8. Has anyone considered that just maybe this is retribution because the county came out hard against consolidation?

    • I don’t think it is. The part of the Indiana Code that is in agreement with the ordinance existed long before the rejection of consolidation. If you read the letter from Mr. Danks to the City Council, you’ll see what I mean. I believe that it is the beginning of giving advantages to local companies who are bidding on city contracts and seeking local grants and/or tax abatements.

  9. The Centre would make a nice part of the ………. IU MEDICAL SCHOOL. Solves 2 problems and it didn’t take a $100,000 consultant to give this obvious answer to the City.

    • Except for the fact that IU Med School is NOT INTERESTED in existing buildings, and it wouldn’t solve the problem of the school being located so far from our “Medical Mile.”

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