Letter from Evansville City Council Questions the Process of Choosing an Arena Management Company


Does Evansville Really Want to End a 20 Year Working Relationship

There is an effort being taken to gather a veto proof number of signatures from the members of the Evansville City Council to support extending the contract of managing the new Evansville Arena to SMG.

The link below is to the letter that has been drafted for this purpose. We publish this without edit, prejudice, or bias.



  1. I’d like to see the signature blanks filled in. Who on the council actually signed this?

  2. Is it true that there is no reason that this process can’t be opened for bids from ANY company, not just SMG or VenueWorks, to manage the arena? Is it true that if there was an uproar over not having competitive bidding for EVSC work, there should be an uproar here too? That the best and FAIR thing to do would be to start the process from scratch?

  3. Another disturbing piece of information that seems to have slipped the scrutiny of the media is that the City sent out 8 RFP’s directly to companies in facilities and events management and only 3 responded.

    Is our business opportunity so insignificant that less than half of the potential managers are even interested enough to bid? Why did the other five companies decline to bid to do business with the City of Evansville?

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