IS IT TRUE November 19, 2014


IS IT TRUE that Monday night’s meeting of the Evansville City Council was set up to be a public grilling of the Director of the Sewer and Water Utility Allen Mounts for the despicable letter that he and Mike Duckworth sent to roughly 1,000 of our citizens?…in reality Mounts fired back while talking down to several City Council members including 4th Ward Councilwoman Connie Robinson?…after enduring the proceedings Councilwoman Robinson even opined that if she had known what the Johnson Controls deal was before voting for it that she would have voted against it?…we believe Councilwoman Robinson and take her at her word, but are disturbed that yet another big spending deal in Evansville made it through a vote without being understood?…this mirrors the Earthcare Energy LLC deal where the City Council had the wool pulled over its eyes by orchestrated deception and is oddly reminiscent of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi’s “you gotta pass it to find out what it is” shtick?…not knowing what is being voted on is sinking city after city and even dividing our country?…it looks like Johnson Control’s made it through Evansville’s non-vetting process in spite of a real attempt to declaw it?…it is a sad fact that the people of Evansville continue to be raked over the coals by deception and ineptness?

IS IT TRUE that smart meters really are the wave of the future and for technically skilled ratepayers can be a magnificent tool for implementing efficiency measures?..this writer has one for electricity and has used it very effectively to choose efficiency enhancing products like LED bulbs, programmable thermostats, pool pump management, and solar energy?…my smart meter allowed me to save about $4,000 on my solar installation by wisely choosing how to manage energy use?…this writer is also a mentor to and investor in a revolutionary smart water meter that brings features to the owner that the Smart City Johnson Controls deal is not bringing to the people of Evansville?…the local water district (privately owned) actually provides a rebate equal to the cost of the meter for those who have them installed?…insurance companies are about to announce a premium credit for homes with this particular smart water meter because it senses leaks and notifies the owner by text message?…that reduces damage big time and with all of the rebates and credits cost homeowners nothing?…this meter by using a mathematical technique know as an FFT (fast Fourier transform) of the flow signal can actually identify where a leak is?…municipalities are paying ZERO as these devices are adopted by homeowners, golf courses, and homeowners associations in our drought stricken region?…my average water bill is under $10?…I do wish the people of Evansville and Indiana (see next paragraph) were being offered the energy management capabilities that I enjoy with my smart meters for electricity and water?

IS IT TRUE Indiana’s largest electricity provider wants to modernize its infrastructure, but it’s a plan that comes with a price for customers?…the Indiana Regulatory Commission (IURC)is taking comments on Duke Energy’s $1.87 billion infrastructure improvement case, which includes the mandatory installation of smart meters for every customer in their service territory?…Tyson Slocom, director of Public Citizen’s Energy Program, says the costs of the devices outweigh any consumer benefits?…according to Slocum, It is kind of like forcing everyone to buy an iPhone even if all you’re going to do is make local phone calls with it, and will only be fit a small select group of customers who understand how to use the information the smart meters provide for their benefit?…Duke Energy estimates the plan will increase rates an average of one percent every year from 2016 to 2022?…If the request is approved by the IURC, Duke Energy would have a tracker that allows it to raise rates when costs go up?…while ratepayers are struggling to get by on a day-to-day basis, Duke as a company is pretty healthy and financially strong and a lot of these projects Duke Energy needs to do to provide reliable electricity service and the customer shouldn’t have to bear all the risks and all of the costs that come along with this?…the average monthly electric bill of Duke Energy customers has increased by almost 10 percent in the last year, and nearly 56 percent in the last 10 years?… utility regulators are taking public comments on the case before and during a hearing this Wednesday in Bloomington?…Evansville ratepayers who are getting burned to the grind by smart water meters would be well advised to keep a close eye on this precedent setting ruling before the IURC?

IS IT TRUE despite what Mr. Allen Mounts may have said to the City Council, a herd of Moles have told,us that at least 5,000 more of the threatening letters were about to be sent to Evansville property owners by the Sewer and Water Utility?…this Johnson Controls deal will go down in Evansville history as one of the most callous and deceptive tricks ever pulled?…former Mayor Weinzapfel and current Mayor Winnecke should hang their heads in shame for the role they have played in tricking the people of Evansville and in aiding in the negative tending of our bond rating before borrowing $800 Million to repair our neglected and dilapidated sewer system?


  1. German Township Water distributes (which buys water at wholesale from Evansville and distributes thru GTW pipes) my $11 (2000 gallons) worth of water monthly without a smart meter, but with a meter which can be read without opening. Any leaks will be noticed within days by seepage in a small crack in the foundation near supply line that enters basement. The shut off valve gets exercise at least a half a dozen times a year (unlike the water plant when it was privately managed) so no failure in case of a emergency.

    • The customers shut off valve is inside the house as all should be. Inside the pit is the utilities shut off towards the main, then the meter, and lastly the pressure regulator in my case. Then the pipe enters the house to customers valve.

      • Tell the truth now, A-res. Surely there are amenities you miss after moving from the Arts District, even if you did have to pay higher water and sewer bills down in Goosetown.

        • 50 years total at 3 homes all within 1/2 mile in the heart of Armstrong Township.
          5 Years just outside of Armstrong Township in German Township
          7 months out by old North School while going through divorce. I felt like those critters caged on Mesker Hill! I would had rather tolerated the “hell” from the future ex during those 7 months!

          Sorry, you lost!

          • Oops, that’s 4 houses. Forgot the house in my first 3 years. Still within that 1/2 mile!

  2. Is it true that the editor let the “cat out of the bag” about being a investor in a competitors “smart meter” business? Could it be true that stirring the hatred of Johnson Control and unions here will bring “dividends” later?
    Let’s hope it’s not!

  3. “How” is it true that the electric “smart meter” tells me to buy the led bulbs, ect., but while owning the conventional meter I can do the same thing with the led bulbs, ect. Now the editor has my attention on the solar installation and the smart meter. I believe around here we can not sale back the electric. We technically bank the energy for future consumption.

    • The use levels on a daily basis that was available from the smart meter signal showed me that there was a spike in consumption when I turned on the lights. I had to figure out the LED piece of the solution myself. You are correct that the smart meter is the instrument that makes selling back to the utility on a time of use rate schedule possible. You can’t do that with flat rates and conventional metering.

      • If I’m not mistaken, there is “no” sell back to Vectren no matter which meter you have! You “bank it” with the meter running backwards. No dimes from our Vectren!

  4. The “Pall” over Evansville continues to thicken everyday the likes of ” Winnecke and Company” have the reins of Government,–and the keys to the Public Treasury.—– Evansville’s enduring Political pollution is not a pretty picture ,– and it’s not going to go away until there are New Faces stepping forward to Challenge the Status Quo, as Rick Davis valiantly tried to do.
    Where are the rest of the young ones?
    It’s their City, their Future,–and they need to run for governing offices,——- and take it back!
    I think the next couple of local elections will be very telling of the trending Success or Failure,
    of the Citizenry to dispel Evansville’s “Pall”.

    • Could it be they already fled? Mind had went to the Louisville area for college, and as of now could not “pay him” to come back!

        • IIT?, yes it is. My own Dad could not budge him, and they were tight. I don’t B.S. here, maybe stretch the truth slightly at times, but it is to get a point across.

        • One could be from Lagos, Nigeria…
          I truly believe that 99% of the world’s population would love the say that Evansville is a great place to be from and wish they were still here instead of Lagos, Nigeria or Siberia, or Gaza, or maybe Detroit!!

    • You’re giving Evansville longer than I am, Crash. I think the NEXT City election may well be Evansville’s last chance at avoiding bankruptcy. I don’t think we’ll last another four years under Carol and her husband’s rule.

      • I will take a very brave or a very corrupt person to sign up for a chance to be the next mayor.

          • How about the idea what Washington once believed, ” should any citizenry choose to do the privilege paid by the sacrificed of liberty, left him remember those who came before and revere the trust bestowed and not covenant the office granted” With this mentioned, for those who believe that a politicians have entitlement to any office is mistaken….self proclaimed politicians are self-absorbed, self-centered, and self-destructive…So, let see what the incumbents with two terms in the bank proclaim, self-indigence or public interest?

    • I hope they don’t re-name the “double dip” after Rick, give him a real avenue. Save the D.D. for wiene and wineie.

  5. Appears Duke may be having a some difficulty on their overall upgrade package which includes the “smart meter”.
    It is being discuss now with a decision next spring. Wondering what their rate is compared to the one were scr***d

    • Apparently even the villainous Duke Energy doesn’t charge the rates Vectren does, Arm. I bet we’re still #2 in the country. (No pun intended)

  6. We’ve seen what happens politically to anyone who is presumptious enough to challenge the incestuous little club that sees Evansville as their ATM. Rick Davis was a breath of fresh air and the monsters came down hard. They no longer make any pretense of good government or fairness to the citizens. Just picking the bones until they have to turn it over to the next knot of like minded people. If each succeeding group has to operate on a money bag degraded from that enjoyed by their predecessors maybe some generation down the line will eventually get to start over. That implies rock bottom must first be hit. Sometimes we get a true glimpse of what they think of the people. The arrogant water meter letters are a case in point. Somebody cracked the whip and made Winnecke publicly try to clean it up. Shows what they think of him too. I mean, look at him, we elected that guy mayor.

    • You won’t get any argument from me. Everything you wrote is spot-on. Maybe a bankruptcy will be rock bottom, but there won’t be much to work with then. Both local parties are sullied to the point that it may be best to have a decent person run independently of both of them, but it will take somebody of unusual courage to do that.

  7. While I do appreciate the city councils concern with this Johnson Controls Contract where the hell were they when the contract was first proposed and they signed off on it? Why in the hell didn’t they know what they were signing off on? THAT IS THE REAL QUESTION! IMHO

    I saw just a part of the recorded city council meeting on WNIN TV last night and saw where the Water Dept guy responded that he was not here when the original contract was signed. That was done under the Democrats Watch. So where was MS Councilwoman Connie Robinson back then? Maybe she needs to learn to read and or at least know who to trust to read the details of these contracts to her and her colleges before she /they sign off on these contracts. Did SBR sign off on this too? If so then someone really did pull the wool over the city councils eyes back then.

    That’s still not an excuse for the letter and I do think that Duckworth should be hauled up on front of city council and berated before they approve anymore money for the current executive branch. Duckie can run but he can’t hide forever. What a coward to send out such a dictator like letter and not own up to it after ward. He should be fired IMHO. Some one’s head needs to roll on this one. And we can’t blame new people for what was done in the past before they got there. But has not Duckworth been around longer than the current Mounts guy?

    • The vote was 7-2 against the new meters, with beaver and messy being for it. Jack McNell met the CC and they changed their vote to 9-0. So that means SBR voted for it. I’m not real sure what this Jack guys last name is. Who is this Jack guy? This has been reported by a guy named Garrett numerous times on CCO. I think that all of them knew this was a bad deal but Jack Squate changed their mines.

    • Look no further than Jack McNeely, president of the CLC, central labor council. This is all about payback for the last mayoral election. It all makes sense now. Weinzapfel out of spite against Davis set this all up and I’m sure Winnecke was all for it. Well Winnecke, is being the Mayor worth all the heartburn and ill will that goes with ill gotten gains. In years to come people will ask, who was in charge when Evansville took the final plunge into bankruptcy? Some guy named Winnecke.

    • FACT SHEET: Recommendations of the President’s State, Local and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience and New Executive Actions

      November 17, 2014

      FACT SHEET: Recommendations of the President’s State, Local and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience and New Executive Actions

      New Climate Resilience Toolkit Unveiled to Help Plan for Changing Climate

      As part of the Administration’s overall effort to combat climate change, President Obama is committed to ensuring that U.S. communities thrive in the face of a changing climate. The Administration has made significant investments in resilient disaster recovery in the wake of devastating storms like Hurricane Sandy, ensuring that rebuilding and infrastructure projects factor in climate impacts such as sea-level rise and investing in making transit systems more resilient to flooding and extreme weather.

      Last year, as part of his Climate Action Plan, the President established the State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience, which recognizes that even as we act to curb the carbon pollution that drives climate change, we must also improve our ability to prepare for the climate impacts we are already seeing across the country. The Task Force comprises Governors, Mayors, county executives and Tribal leaders from across the country who are experiencing climate change impacts ranging from more severe droughts and wildfires to record heat waves and damaging storms. Task Force leaders have taken bold action to protect their communities by investing in more resilient infrastructure, updating building codes, adjusting the way they manage natural resources, and planning for rapid recovery from extreme weather events.

      Today, at a meeting with Vice President Biden and Senior White House officials, Task Force members will present their recommendations for how the Federal Government can respond to the needs of communities nationwide that are dealing with extreme weather and other impacts of climate change. The Administration is also announcing new tools and actions to help these leaders and others contend with climate impacts and build healthy and resilient communities, including a web-based Climate Resilience Toolkit that provides for the first time easy, intuitive access to dozens of Federal tools that can directly help planners and decision makers across America conduct their work in the context of a changing climate.

      Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience

      The Task Force’s recommendations are the culmination of a year of work to solicit input from across State, local, Tribal, and territorial governments, trade associations, academic organizations, civil society, and various other stakeholders and translate their first-hand experiences into action items for the Federal Government to support climate-ready communities. The recommendations offer guidance on how the Federal Government should modernize programs and policies to incorporate climate change, incentivize and remove barriers to community resilience, and provide useful, actionable information and tools. The Task Force organized its report across seven cross-cutting themes: building resilient communities; improving resilience in the Nation’s infrastructure; ensuring resilience of natural resources; preserving human health and supporting resilient populations; supporting climate-smart hazard mitigation and disaster preparedness and recovery; understanding and acting on the economics of resilience; and building capacity.

      This approach ensures that the recommendations reflect the diversity of needs across the country and within each community, ranging from health to natural resources management to infrastructure and building design. For example, the recommendations address how the Federal Government can limit disease spread that is caused or exacerbated by climate change through the development and enhancement of climate-sensitive health tracking and surveillance tools, and call on the Federal Government to integrate climate resilience planning and preparedness criteria throughout existing Federal programs, such as those that provide transportation funding, to ensure these projects will last as long as intended.

      Executive Actions on Climate Resilience to Support State, Local and Tribal Leaders

      At today’s meeting, Task Force members will view a demonstration of the Administration’s new Climate Resilience Toolkit, which was called for in the President’s Climate Action Plan and developed with input from the Task Force. In addition to providing easy access to resources ranging from a tool that helps planners see which neighborhoods are likely to flood in future storm surges to a tool that shows how predicted future drought conditions would affect regional crop growth, the Toolkit presents more than 20 case studies that feature step-by-step examples of how real-world decision makers have used these tools, lessons learned, and best practices. The Toolkit, which is publicly accessible at, initially focuses on the topics of coastal flood risk and food resilience. In the coming months, it will be updated to address additional areas such as water, ecosystems, transportation, and health. Some features of the Toolkit include:

      The Climate Explorer: A visualization tool that offers maps of climate stressors and impacts, as well as interactive graphs showing daily observations and long-term averages from thousands of weather stations across the Nation.
      Steps to Resilience: A five-step process that users can follow to initiate, plan, and implement projects to help make their homes, communities, and infrastructure more resilient to climate-related hazards.
      “Taking Action” Stories: More than 20 real-world case studies describing climate-related risks and opportunities that communities and businesses face, steps they’re taking to plan and respond, and tools and techniques they’re using to improve resilience.
      Federal Resource Database: The Toolkit provides centralized access to federal sites for future climate projections, as well as freely available tools for accessing and analyzing climate data, generating visualizations, exploring climate projections, estimating hazards, and engaging stakeholders in resilience-building efforts.
      In addition to the Toolkit, the Administration announced several other initiatives to support State, local, and Tribal climate resilience needs, including:

      Developing Online Resilience Training for Local Officials The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is developing an online climate adaptation training module for local government officials with locally tailored information that can help officials answer questions about climate impacts and resilience opportunities specific to their community. The virtual training module, which is being developed with advice from members of EPA’s Local Government Advisory Committee, and will be accessible through the new Climate Resilience Toolkit, will also include examples of effective resilience strategies that have been successfully implemented in representative types of cities and towns across the nation.

      Announcing a Hampton Roads Preparedness and Resilience Exercise Led by the National Security Council and supported by the National Exercise Division, the Administration will conduct a climate preparedness exercise in partnership with State and local leaders, as well as private-sector, academic and non-governmental partners in the Hampton Roads, VA region on December 2, 2014. Similar to successful workshops in Houston, Texas; Fort Collins, Colorado; and Anchorage Alaska, this one-day exercise provides partners with the best-available science on climate effects and consequences and a tailored scenario designed to enhance regional climate adaptation and hazard mitigation planning. This workshop will reinforce work currently underway in the Hampton Roads and Norfolk areas to address climate impacts, especially sea level rise, extreme storm surge, and recurrent flooding.

      Creating a Disaster Recovery App The Department of Energy is launching Lantern Live, a mobile application that will provide real-time information in the wake of severe weather events on which gas stations have fuel and which neighborhoods have electricity. The app was developed in response to lessons learned in the aftermath Hurricane Sandy, and will allow users to report and view availability of fuel at nearby gas stations and access power company outage maps.
      Launching a Climate Education and Literacy Initiative The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is launching a Climate Education and Literacy Initiative, which has been developed in collaboration with Federal partners and shaped by input from communities and organizations across the country. OSTP will convene leaders in education and climate science from the public, private, nongovernmental, and philanthropic sectors at the White House to discuss new commitments and steps to connect our students and citizens with the skills they will need to succeed as tomorrow’s community leaders, city planners, and entrepreneurs, in the context of a changing climate. This effort is a key step in growing a next-generation American workforce that is equipped with scientific information and tools, grasps the climate-change challenge, and is empowered to develop and implement solutions.

      The Administration has previously taken additional actions to build National resilience based on input from Task Force members. This includes launching Federal competitions – like the $1 billion National Disaster Resilience Competition – that spur innovation and encourage investments in community resilience, new funding to support tribes prepare for climate impacts, and making vast Federal data resources on climate change impacts more accessible to decision-makers, innovators, and the public through the Climate Data Initiative. The Administration is also taking steps to ensure that public investments – whether in transportation systems, infrastructure, or natural resources – are made with future conditions in mind, and has ensured Federal agencies ranging from the Department of Health and Human Services to the Department of Homeland Security are actively incorporating climate resilience into their missions and operations. Going forward, the Administration will continue to collaborate with Task Force members and other community leaders from across the country to build a healthier and more resilient Nation.


      • V, does Obama’s task force consider the record snows in NY to be climate impacts? I don’t see any reference to paralyzing winter storms.

        • You might consider doing some reading on the subject, Joe. If you’ll read some scientific sources, you may be able to comprehend it.

          • “Whap there it is” ” investing in making transit systems more resilient to flooding and extreme weather.”

          • Are you the condescending snark today LKB. Oh wait, that is your elitist attitude you always show on this site. SNOB.

          • Brandon M
            Is it true if someone does not think like “you”, it becomes your right to call then names?
            Then again, I think back that was normal during my grade school education years!

        • Yep,
          Its logistics balancing by effective research and planning. Developing “viable solutions”, and, is what our consortiums analysis and solutions are primarily focused on daily.
          And why we’ve seen the Evansville metro plan as an ongoing focus failure due to the prejudiced sectioned balances, and proposed project locations, verses building for more positive regional and metro revenue effectiveness as will actually be due forward.

          We design and support climate resilient infrastructures for best cost logistics set to evolve with climate migrations as expected, forward.

          As the release states.
          “supporting climate-smart hazard mitigation and disaster preparedness and recovery; understanding and acting on the economics of resilience; and building capacity.”
          ” The Administration is also taking steps to ensure that public investments – whether in transportation systems, infrastructure, or natural resources – are made with future conditions in mind”

          Work the national and global supply chain infrastructure locations along the locally developing I-69 gateway.
          “Tunnel” before bridges, imagine what 60″ of snow just did to the lakes and the northeast corridors transportation logistics, how many tunnels per metro balance are there on the nations Ohio river crossing boundaries? …………….Who or what regional metro, would gain the most strategic logistical value from that first in?

          • V, good info. The tunneling has positives and negatives (higher security risks). The Swiss are proficient at tunneling and use side storage caverns to secure their tanks and military vehicles. Duality of use is limited in the midwest.

          • Keep the bridges where they are upgrade their resilience some, but add the strategic advantage of the I-69 tunnel passage, its already more resilient, plus it “builds logistical capacity, strategically.
            The stupidest thing we heard approached there, was some idiot politico suggested converting one of the bridges now in strategic operation to a foot bridge or bike path.
            Oh, boy you should’a heard the global analytical consortium LOL on that aspect.
            One said: ” Its sure clear why the standing logistic value of that region is depredating. And, as the actual logistical needs will only increase as time moves forward, and the climate migrates. Good grief, non-competitive, aye. If anyone picks a fight with’um they’d best hope their manager has a ready supply of lil’ white towels for the tossing.”

            And, one can store military vehicles anyplace bunkered correctly, don’t worry they’ve got that. However,try driving one or any other across the Ohio river in a blizzard or some other nasty foreseeable circumstance that might have left the bridge exposed to the “elements so too speak”.

            The crossing in Warrick near the Corps Dam site probably has the base information on hand already for sub-surface structuring WHERE they’ve built the DAM or close -by, anyhow. ( “Projected research savings first in”)

            Equally ties Warrick, Vanderburgh, Henderson, and Owensboro. Kinda what one might specify as an STRATEGIC metro pathway for regional resilience built for climate migration conditionals.

        • So yes to your question. Increasing global temperatures due to green house effect leads to more frequent storms and more violent storms with more extreme swings in the weather. Which is evident when you get more mixing of the atmosphere as the Global Temperatures increase.

          Remember that the entire earths average temperatures are increasing over time.

          • And we have all of 150 years of weather record-keeping to base that on. Climate changes; that’s what it does. We certainly can’t bring the world together as “one” with religious, philosophical or political Ideology but everyone shares the climate and so we have begun our pursuit of a one-world government. Everyone will put their differences aside and we will come together to save our planet. It must make one feel significant and enlightened to be a part of this global endeavor.

      • Here comes the daily dose of propaganda bullish*t from “V” concerning the climate hoax. None of the crap you are peddling is on topic to todays IIT. I BELIEVE THE DISCUSSION IS ON WATER METERS, NOT FAKE CLIMAT CHANGE POLICY.

        I wil give you credit for being relentless on your con job. You never pass up a day to post crap on the false since of climate change. I guess you go by the model that if you say something enough times, someone might eventually believe it.


        • global warming/climate change/global cooling/ what ever the flavor of the day is with out a doubt is as big as lie and fraud as obamacare and commie liberalism………

        • Hey V, I have a serious question about this climate change. Actually there is two.

          I recall the stories about pre 1950 Evansville when my parents/grandparents would go downtown for dry goods. They spoke of heavy coal dust/ash in the air from all those smokestacks and chimneys from both business and residential. With a large portion burning coal/firewood for heat and some still for the kitchen stove/range, would not back then been more harm full back then, instead of now?

          The main question involves burnt jet fuel. With all those millions of gallons of jet fuel being burned world wide each day at those 1,000 to 40,000 ft plus altitudes, what happens to that exhaust? With carbon dioxide being light and so is the air up there, where is going? Is it still suspended and concentrating at the poles from the Earths spinning?

          Insight would be appreciated! Thanks!

          • (The sites are interactive. ) The information is current and data recovery ongoing. The theory including altitude dispersal doesn’t hold much balance as one can see when evaluated by rise vs time span availability with upper altitude transportation methodologies.
            In fact the combustion reciprocating power-plant’s of the mid 20th century created more Co2 incursion at altitude. Combustion temperatures and pressures provided by super charging along with the pressure temperature relationship provided by turbojet and fan jet compression ratios even further contribute less to the discharge charting of Co2 balances today. Ground level combustion engine catalytic converters and stack scrubber technology also create the thermodynamics for a more efficient combustion and carbons discharges.




            Eye opener heads from NASA.


          • Side note: The very science involved is also driving some side bar type innovation. One in particular we’ve recently observed could really help some carbon savings and cost over burden in grain bin management and grain transfer technologies.
            Something our sites are beginning to consistently prove with ongoing analysis.
            I’m trying to draw in and hone the application target blending points right now. The idea is a scientific extension of what most good farm managers have know for 100 years. Recently with the data recover while on a different agriculture pathway the equipment showed some monster trending.

            Its a simply accomplished improvement we can implement today, should create savings and improve best case grain trailer probe values at the elevator. Pure thermodynamics, however the process isn’t being used presently. The planets natural balance sometimes does this inside of some conditional spans. With climate dynamics like we’ve just experienced driving more loss due the average Hoosier Agra-business operators we’re thinking we have just defined a real need for the process. Working on some test controls for a test plan right now. I’m going to enlist some biochemistry contacts working in hybrid number development and field applications as cooperatives in the analysis of the control inputs.

            This looks very promising, most likely outright vanguard innovation and would have been completely overlooked without the data NASA and JPL, NOAA, NWS provided for another project balance concerning a different technology all together.
            This is what the action for climate migration is all about, adaptation for sustainable recovery, and viable improvements in cost drivers.
            Creates plenty of good career type employment availabilities by new application inside of the existing environmental infrastructures.

  8. The Johnson Controls “smart meter” project is an economic fiasco for the City taxpayers. How the Connie Robinson and the other City Council members voted for this obvious boondoggle is beyond logic. Now Connie Robinson only wants City residents on City boards? Really? Instead, why not have members of City boards smart enough to understand what they are doing. The upside is that would disqualify almost all of the City Council members from ever serving on City boards.

    • JoeB’s novel “competency” requirement only leaves 3 from Counsel that could serve on a City Board.

  9. it is obvious the mayor is not the problem although he should start clearing out the political patronage trash………the problem without a doubt is the city council……….you have a member making drunk death threats…a member driving a boat drunk…….members drinking after meetings getting in elementary tit for tat fights………what could possibly go wrong…………a person could not make this up………………….

    • So let’s see….Winnecke starts negotiations with HCW and at the beginning the deal costs the taxpayers 38.5 million dollars and six months later, the deal still cost the Taxpayers 38.5 million dollars and apparently, the only thing the taxpayers received during the six months is a large restaurant tap? Thanks you Mr. Friend for the beating you received for holding your ground.

    • Now, like Mr. Obama, this Mayor seems to follow suit…the State Board of Accounts most recent audited report still cited errors in the bank reconciliation and the State Examiner says privately, “Evansville still has its issues” What the hell does that mean? Every chance his cronies have, they pen the problem on the prior administration. Hell, just the other evening in front of the Council, Mounts, the Utility Director said, ” I came on board in February 2012 and inherited the mess” but he failed to disclose that Mr. Ziemer re-negotiated the Johnson Control Contract…Sound like it’s Bush’s fault, it’s Bush’s Fault…come on, grow some stones!!!

    • Generally, when anyone points the finger at any group, person, association and says, “the problem is the council” as my grandfather said, you have three fingers pointing back at you. This mayor, through December 31, 2013, according to his own financial reports filed with the election board received $1,202,000 an all time record for any Evansville Mayor, even ol’ Frank McDonald, Sr would be envious….and , you, Mr. Sharpie to say this mayor needs to clean up political patronage is an understatement. It’s a culture of corruption and deceit, starts from the top and permeates through out the complete organization, starting with his Chief of Staff downward and most likely includes some of his board appointments. For that, Ms Robinson needs a round of applauds!!!

  10. My Dear al Sharpie

    It is always a fresh of clean air to see that Christ still walks on the earth and not a the Father’s side. If the stupid electorate, as Obama creator of the ACA act proclaimed expects the appearance of Christ to run for office, we will be calling you Blue-Boy, because you will be holding your breath in the corner…so, let take the ol’ Winnecke Walk…we have his wife who. allegedly virtually took control the real estate business from her former association. Her husband, Mr. Winnecke refused to pay a small business it’s rightful pay for service performed…how mortally bankruptcy can one be?…..Now comes his Chief of Staff, Mr. Right to Life and Family Value guy, yes he listings to his religious mentor Dr. John Dodson while his poor wife files for divorce do to his alleged indiscretions. And, IS IT TRUE that he may have been forced by the courts to move back into his parent home???

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