Home archived-iit IS IT TRUE November 11, 2014

IS IT TRUE November 11, 2014


IS IT TRUE Mayor Winnecke rightfully announced that the water will not be cut off to people who do not spend thousands of dollars on TBD repairs articulated very aggressively in a letter from the City of Evansville to thousands of CUSTOMERS last week?…the Mayor acknowledged that the letter sent out by the Sewer and Water Utility was one that caused much anxiety in the CUSTOMER BASE and asked for patience as the switch over to the Johnson Controls smart meters that former Mayor Weinzapfel shoved down our throats to the tune of nearly $50 Million on his way out the door?…this was essentially the only logical response that Mayor Winnecke could have had and we complement him on doing so?…several of our readers who got these letters are still on pins and needles regarding having their pipes broken by the work crews and in having to eventually pay for repairs caused by Mayor Weinzapfel’s READY, FIRE, AIM present to Evansville?

IS IT TRUE with the revelation that the water bill for the McCurdy was not run up by the Kunkel Group but by the previous owner the CCO is quite interested to see exactly when the refurbishment of the McCurdy will really get underway?…the same goes for the downtown convention hotel that supposedly is going to have the first real work start next week?…if the talking heads can be taken at their words, and that is a very big if, there may really be some construction going on in downtown Evansville in 2015 for opening in 2016?…we don’t really expect either project to stimulate major retail business in the downtown as bigger things have been done that stimulated nothing?…just last week another small downtown business that sold bagels is closing its doors?…the number of businesses downtown has not changed in 20 years even though the churn of businesses seems to be constant?

IS IT TRUE officials at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Monday projected that up to 9.9 million people would be enrolled in ObamaCare in 2015, millions fewer than Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates?…federal health officials are projecting that ObamaCare enrollment will include at least 3.1 million fewer people next year than congressional budget analysts thought?…HHS, which previously declined to project 2015 sign-ups, said that between 9 million and 9.9 million people are expected to participate in the exchanges in 2015?…the figure was less than the CBO’s projection of 13 million for 2015 enrollment, raising questions about the exchanges’ performance, compared with expectations?…HHS officials described their figures as more complete than the CBO’s and said the health insurance marketplaces are simply not “ramping up” at the rate the office projected?…the Obama Administration dismissed the question about whether or not having 3 Million less subscribers will compromise the ACA?…with the exchanges open again now just one week after the election all we can say is we hope the administrative details work better this year than they did last year?

IS IT TRUE Illinois residents John Kraft and Kirk Allen, who run an anti-corruption non-profit called the Edgar County Watchdogs, have waged a campaign against crooked public officials over the past two years, forcing resignations from 102 bureaucrats and politicians and at one point placing an entire park district board under citizen’s arrest?…with four former governors having served time behind bars, Illinois’ government is widely-viewed as being riddled with corruption?…through a combination of public pressure, Freedom of Information filings, lawsuits, and media exposure, they have created a system that deeply threatens Illinois’ corrupt, entrenched political establishment?…they operate a blog called Illinois Leaks that exposes corruption at the state and local levels?…after a 10 year period in which 2 governors of Illinois were convicted and imprisoned, recently defeated Pat Quinn set the bar low by managing to serve his time in office without heading to prison?…we have one expectation of the new republican governor elect of Illinois and that is for him not to wind up behind bars in a state that seems to set the standard for corruption in politics?…you can read the story about the two veterans who are taking on corruption in their hometown in Illinois on the following link?



  1. Veterans Day, November 11, 2014

    Big thanks to the veterans for the our liberties that you had protected at our countries time of need!

  2. Meter Replacements:

    I understand that the THREAT to shut off the water (which Mounts called an ‘incentive’) if the ratepayer didn’t fix the pipes at their own expense has been suspended. The cowards Mounts and Duckworth “weren’t available” to go before Council last night.

    What troubles me . . . is with the shutoff threat on hold, and the matter temporarily defused, Duckworth (in C&P) said Homeowners who already received the letter and can’t afford to pay for pipes should go to CAPE or some other aid group for funds.

    WHY should ratepayers have to go out and grovel to public assistance agencies to help out the City’s magnificent Smart City initiative ? The City is the opposite of Smart if they think sending citizens to public aid agencies to beg for money to fix pipes is the answer !~ Doesn’t Evansville, by recent estimates, have 47 % of its citizens in financial stress ? My goodness, this was NEVER GOING TO WORK !

    WHO is in charge of this FUBAR ? Ratepayers: tell them HELL NO. If they want to install their prized meters, knock your socks off, City: the expense is 100% on you, City.

    • In Mr. Mounts defense, in modern corporate language “incentive” is usually a threat.

    • Looks like the aptly named Mounts is going to be taking what little actual heat attaches to this latest embarrassment. It was just him and Winnecke and a camera, with our little accidental mayor looking on saying he didn’t like the ‘tone’ of the letters. No problem, if the city is as flush as The Poop alleges, ho ho ho, paying for repairs won’t be a problem.

      You’d almost think the Chancellor would chime in on this since it happened shortly before that great educator was elevated to the high chair at … Ivy Tech. Probably the same folks vetted the contract as do it now. The Billin’ Gang.

      • Yes indeed! No matter what ill befalls Evansville and its citizens, Billin’ Ted and his gang find the silver lining in the cloud and stick it in their pockets. Of course, they’ll be making some generous contributions to re-elect the Bumbler-MINO (Mayor In Name Only). Gotta grease the wheels!

        • Me too, IE, but it is typical that Hizzoner would be worried about appearances first. It’s the hallmark of a true, practicing phony.

  3. At first glance, I thought it was odd that CCO felt the need to pay a compliment to the Mayor for doing the minimum that we expect of elected officials by backpedalling on a PR fiasco committed by one of his underlings, less than a year out from the City election. Then I realized that this is the first time LW has shown one whit of concern for regular people. I guess he thinks its time to kiss up to the rubes so he can keep taking care of the “beautiful people.”

  4. Thanks for the story on the guys in Illinois. Is anybody else inspired to emulate them here in River City?

    • I agree their work is terrific. It is great to see someone besides Erin Bracovich (sp?) expose and beat the dirty guys.

      My question is: WHERE did they find an attorney who was willing to run the risk of being ostracized by the rest of the legal system and businesses by representing them, and WHERE do they get their funding?

      Evansville is such a morass of “partnerships” that it is difficult, if not impossible, to find anyone willing to stick his/her neck out. They are great at patting you on the back and giving “high-fives”, “good jobs” and “atta-boys”, but you won’t see them stepping up to the line or sticking out their necks one iota.

  5. I watched the city council meeting last night hoping to hear from Mounts or Duckworth and neither showed. Friend said the letter sent out was signed by Duckworth. I think heads should roll and Duckhead should be first. But then they would probably put Marsha Abell in his place.

    • You may be on to something! She would be more of the same, but at least she isn’t taking up space on the School Board.

      • Someone, specifically Winnie the Pooh, should download the Attorney General’s Guide to Dual Office Holding and actually read and understand it. Ducks is clearly in violation of the cited Indiana Constitutional provision.

        Rusty Lloyd was faced with the same situation with Ducky. He gave Ducks the choice between the EVSC position and a certain city position. Ducky resigned from the EVSC board.

        Winnie why not give Ducks the same opportunity?

        • I was wondering about that. Are you sure that law hasn’t changed? Wouldn’t that apply to Al Lindsey???

        • Does the position constitute an office or employment? The dual office prohibition does
          not prohibit a person from maintaining an office while also serving as an employee of a
          governmental entity. An employee is one who is “in the service of another under any contract of
          hire, express or implied, oral or written, where the employer has the power or right to control and
          direct the employee in the material detail of how the work is to be performed.” Common Council
          of Peru v. Peru Daily Tribune, Ind., 440 N.E.2d 726, 729 (Ind. Ct. App. 1982) (citations

          • So, the way I understand that, they are employees of a government entity and also hold an office, so it is legal.

          • Here’s the facts. The Atty. Gen.’s opinion is just that, an opinion. It’s not a law. The opinion includes specific elected and appointed offices which the atty. gen. designates as lucrative positions the holding of which constitutes dual office holding, in his opinion. School board and county highway superintendent were two positions in the atty. gen.’s list. I don’t know if the waterworks position is included. Apparently, Russ Lloyd saw city garage superintendent on the list. I don’t remember seeing that, but I haven’t seen the list in over 5 years.

      • Its what they got on’um, and who will actually fade by default if one takes the spill. “Everybody knows that.”
        Even seen from afar, its all the same bent. Its the standing difference between science and survival politics. Usually as seen in the above, along with all the various locations and regions sported. The onus lives if the shadow remains after the light.

        Umbra praeterit lumine manet. nos lumen illustrat, sed umbra manet. Aliquem deligeret.

  6. Well what a cluster ???, this water meter issue has become. If the City wishes to upgrade the water meters in an effort to be more efficient and save time and money, the Water Dept Budget can should absorb any expense and recoup costs by elimination of some jobs, cost efficiencies that will save money etc. Why put the burden of any expense on Homeowners in which their present meter system is working??
    Any costs should be absorbed by the department, not the Homeowner. That is just common sense, something that none of our elected or appointed politicians have. The old saying is” you get what you vote for” is accurate. OH WELL!!

  7. On this day that we honor the military veterans who have served our country, the Courier and Press has chosen to run an article about how the Mau-Mau (Millenial Activists United) are preparing to wage protests and violence against the police, highway patrol, and National Guard when no indictment is returned against Officer Darrin Wilson of Ferguson, MO for acting in self-defense when attacked by thug Mike Brown. The leaders of this Mau-Mau group have stated that the police and highway patrol should be “addressing systematic problems faced by minority communities, not reactionary policing techniques”. Yep, I suppose more welfare and entitlement programs and less attention to violence and drugs and criminal activity will always benefit the inner-city pukes. Afterall, it’s worked so well in Chicago and Detroit……

    • Man, take that back, its unbecoming of an American. We all serve Dutch, take another look, please.

      • Is this becoming of an American?

        Ellen: Just quit trying to excuse your shortcomings of understanding. You old bag, your lost, deal with it. Leave us out we’re not interested in the least. Clear enough bag?

        You, and your ilk, never address issues but rather disparage anyone with an opinion contrary to yours. You would all do better by elevating the level or your arguments instead of raising your level of acrimony. That, however, would be deviating from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, the liberal bible.

          • Nothing’s too clear to her. Too much baggage. Likes to take cheap shots at people here, especially those she perceives as liberals. Thin-skinned, can’t stand the reciprocation. Never touched Alinsky’s book, afraid it will burn her. Got a parking ticket on her shopping cart yesterday, tries to stay one step ahead of the Schnuck’s patrol. It’s the bag thing. Something was eerily familiar about her, quick trip to my library and the riddle was solved.

            Ignore the common one if possible, he’s a long time troll from the CP. Hates science and (from a good source) thinks he can make himself literally invisible — really. He once famously tried to end an exchange about the age of the earth by saying the laws of the universe don’t apply to him, and meant it. He’s a real piece of work, best ignored.

            Great article about Mr. Overton.

          • The article about Mr. Overton made my day, I’ve known so many like him.
            By this time of day ,with all the incoming data reviews, and analysis , all that with global time zone timing, personally I grow weary with the ridiculous politically defined regulars on that CCO blog site. ie; The stupid political (bags)

            The local failure in the normal scientific approaches to the real problems our people there face daily is disturbing sometimes.
            One thing I might add, just completed a text conversation with one of our consortiums young international colleagues. They are on the approach to attempted landing of a probe on a comet hauling through the solar system almost 50,000 mph. Great focus that one, the haters probably wouldn’t admire her intelligence though. Some might afford the opinion that that was advantaged by a regionally biased or less than white skin tone.
            She’s actually never been to, or resided in the United States that I’m aware of.
            Darn world, how dare’ em sport someone’s education without our countries debates of such nonsense.


        • Ellen: pay no mind to Professor Irwin Corey, V. He was very funny on Johnny Carson. Not so much here.

          • Common- sense from such a low intelligence Jerk. “Give us a break”. Shoot, your probably just another stupid assed local SW Indiana real estate troll.
            I drew more American breath at birth due to my heritage than either of you two “political golden shovel sand bagger’s will have drawn by your last!”
            What’s a matter loser, can’t find your coat again? Our group also told your bents weeks ago, the elemental balances observed in global climatology is going to sport the polar incursions upon you, again. Enjoy, that while the price of heating fuel is still somewhat manageable. But, but, wait.
            Your old butt shot worn out infrastructures balance hasn’t changed one iota. The planet just kicked it up another notch. So, whine as you must jerk. 😛

    • Might add anyone, media, or otherwise should step back and cease torqueing that screw.

      You’ll never get the thing loose again, repair, vs replace ergonomics for the whole unit, more time more cost.

      • Thanks for proving my point @5:14 with your 6:25 rant.
        BTW- would your “group” include SABIC?

        • You have no point with the exception of your head. Like Tom the Ghost always points out daily, you don’t know shit, if you did and you sported it you’d just further incriminate yourself, jerk. SD/SU.

          • That guy is not quite right and that’s being charitable. He pretty much single handedly made the CP boards not worth commenting on a few years ago until they banned him. He’ll pick at you with his pointy headed stupidity until you respond. Saying you’ve proved his point is just about all he’s got and he uses it regularly.

  8. Thanks Bandana, for the warning about V. And for adding your knowledge and intelligence to the conversation.

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