EVSC Schools to Celebrate Veteran’s Day


Many EVSC schools will host special events this week in honor of Veteran’s Day, including Helfrich Park STEM Academy and the Randall T. Shepard Academy for Law and Social Justice.


Helfrich Park STEM Academy to Host Assembly

Monday, Nov. 10

1:45 p.m.

2603 W. Maryland St. 


Helfrich Park STEM Academy will celebrate Veteran’s Day today with a special reception for local veterans beginning at 1:15 p.m. Then, at 1:45 p.m., the school will host an assembly that will include presentations, speeches from veterans, music and a tunnel for the veterans exiting the program. In addition, the student body will be wearing red, white and blue for a patriotic seating arrangement.


Randall T. Shepard Academy to Skype with Staff Sergeant in Afghanistan

Wednesday, Nov. 12

8:30 a.m.

Harrison High School, 211 Fielding Rd. 


Students in Andrea Smith’s class in the Randall T. Shepard Academy for Law & Social Justice will have the opportunity to Skype with Staff Sergeant Jason Ory who is currently serving in Afghanistan. The Skype session came as a result of a care package the class sent to Staff Sergeant Ory. After receiving the care package, Staff Sergeant Ory asked for the opportunity to Skype with the class to personally thank them.


The class sent the care package after studying about World War I and some of the things people did on the home front. As a result of their studies, students decided they wanted to do something for our troops serving overseas today.