Exclusive Mayoral eDebate on Community Observer! Winnecke vs. Davis


Evansville Community Observer has arranged for an early “eDebate” between mayoral candidates Lloyd Winnecke and Rick Davis! This is the first of a potential series that allows readers to get a stronger understanding of our candidates stances on pressing local issues.

Each candidate was given the same questions, and their answers will be posted in our exclusive “eDebate” page format. Answers will be 100% unedited and presented as fairly as possible.

Check in Monday morning for this brand new series, and to read the answers of our two current prominent mayoral candidates. If our readership responds well, we will hold more eDebates for other elected positions this season!


  1. Winnecke is just more of the same. While he may be “a nice guy,” we need more than “a nice guy” to clean up the tremendous mess Weinzapfel has created.

    Homestead Tax Credit – – – – no, we won’t forget your part in that, Mr. Winnecke.

    We need someone who will put 110% into making this community ALL it can be. That’s why you need to PICK RICK!

    • Democrats have a lot of nerve… acting like Winnecke’s part in the homestead tax credit theft, is a knee jerk – automatic “Dem” vote.

      Let the man answer the question, before you pass judgement. Or at least, CONTRIBUTE, one positive reason to “PICK RICK!” Johnny boy is “contributing” 110%. The Booze Crew, tipped, 20%! Durham put in a %!

      Have you knee jerk “Dem” votes learned nothing…?

  2. In response to Eville Taxpayer. Just keep drinking the Kool Aid. Winnecke has been in on every move Weinzapfel and his cronies have made. Rick Davis is the only voice of change. First an attorney running the city and if you get your way next a banker. What a breathe of fresh air that will be.

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