Central Media Specialist Receives November Cause for Applause Award


Recognizing employees who go above and beyond normal job duties is what the EVSC’s Cause for Applause award is all about, and this month’s recipient – Carol Burns, media specialist at Central High School – does exactly that every day.
As a media specialist, Burns is responsible for a number of items, including ensuring the library is stocked with the latest resources; however, Burns doesn’t stop there. According to teacher Janit Market, Burns is always reading and gathering the newest and trendiest novels available to help entice students to read more. If a student cannot find a specific book, Burns will do everything in her power to obtain a copy. According to Market, Burns even created a Pinterest site for students in the Medical Professions Academy that included topics related to the medical field. Burns also meets one-on-one with students to acquaint them with the library and help them find different forms of media and show them how to access databases. In addition, Burns is always available to help with school plays, school programs and a host of other school related events.
“Carol is helpful in so many ways and always goes the extra mile. She helps the Medical Professions Academy find special resources, she teaches AP and honors classes how to use databases, she works long hours for school plays, programs, and many other events outside of the school day,” said Debra Forrest, teacher at Central. “Carol is an unsung hero who deserves recognition!”
Burns has worked in the EVSC for 25 years.
Anyone can nominate an employee of the EVSC for the award. Deadline for nominations is the third Friday of each month. Go to http://www.evscschools.com/community/nominate-evsc-employees-exemplary-work for the nomination form. Paper forms are available at the schools for those without access to the Internet.